
小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-07 网络整理 晴天


牛津小学英语 6a 第一单元知识点整理及要求  









1. no smoking 禁止吸烟   2. no littering禁止扔杂物     3. no parking禁止停车   

4. no cycling禁止骑自行车 5.no eating or drinking 禁止吃喝   6 danger   危险       

7.be quiet保持安静      8. do not touch不要摸   9.keep off the grass禁止践踏     









9. climb trees爬树           

10. ride bikes骑自行车      

11. take photos拍照片
12. go to the park去公园     

13. go home回家           

14. have an ice cream吃一个冰激凌
15. have dinner吃饭         

16. watch tv看电视         

17. read one’s books读书
18. pick up捡起             

19. go to bed睡觉          

20. a lot of \ a lot大量的;许多
21. public signs公共标志      

22. on the wall在墙上      

23. stay away from…远离……
24. on the grass 在草地上    

25. the bird’s cage鸟笼      

26. make noise发出噪音
27. take a walk散步         

28. come up to sb. 走近某人    

29. look around环顾四周
30. play computer games玩电脑游戏       31. a ten-yuan note 一张十元的钞票           

32 four years old  四岁        

33 try again 再试一次  

34 walk on the grass在草地上走      

35 walk to the note 走到纸币跟前  

36 ask some questions 问一些问题  

37 different things   不同的意思  

38 say to mr. smith 对史密斯先生说  

39 fine ¥10  罚款10 元  

40 on the internet  在网上  


41 play the game with your friends 和你的朋友玩这个游戏   

42 point to a sign on the grass  指着草地上的一个标志         

43 know a lot about public signs 对标志了解很多(知道有关很多标志的事)  

44 the sign on the bird’s cage在鸟笼上的标志  

45. learn more about public signs 学更多有关公共标志的知识

  牛津小学英语 6a 第一单元知识点整理及要求(二)  








1)what does this/that sign mean?  it means ‘danger’.  


2)can i …?     no, you can’t. you should … now.  


they mean different things 它们表示不同的意思。  


can’t you see the sign over there, sir? 先生,你难道没看见那边的标牌吗?  









1. always  总是   always > usually > often > sometimes  


2. 情态动词:在英文中主要用来表示说话人的看法,态度等,有以下特点:  

   本身都有一定意义; 不能单独作谓语;在句中不受任何人称,数的变化的影响,目前我们学过的这些情态动词后跟的动词一般都是动词原形  

(1)       can  (否定 cannot=can’t)   能  

(2)  may  (否定 may not) 可以  

(3)  must  必须 (语气强于should)  (must not=mustn’t 绝不能,不可以,)  

(4)       should  应该,义务  ( 否定 should not=shouldn’t)  




在一般现在时中,行为动词与he, she, it等第三人称单数的搭配时须在行为动词后加s或es,  

如:it means ‘danger  



does this sign mean “no smoking”?  


第三人称单数的特殊疑问句是在一般疑问句的基础上,再于句首加上特殊疑问词, 如:  

            what does this/that sign mean?  

牛津小学英语 6a 第一单元语法复习(改错)  

1、what does this sign means? it means ‘no smoking’._______  

2、there are a lot of sign in the park. _______  

3、can i go to there? yes, you can. _______  

4、it means you shouldn’t ‘no smoking’. _______  

5、‘no smoking’ mean you shouldn’t smoke. _______  

6、what do the signs mean? they means ‘no smoking’.and ‘no photos’. _______  

7、‘no photos’ means we should take photos. _______  

8、my brother mike always have many questions. _______  

9、he taking photos in the park. _______  

10、he must goes to school now. _______  

11、the sign on the birds’ cage are interesting. _______  

12、‘be quiet’ means we should make noise here. _______  

13、what do your brother usually do? he takes photos. _______  

14、there are some tea in the cup . _______  

15、there is no one near. _______  

16、he walks to the note and pick it up . _______  

17、a boy comes up to i . _______  

18、give he an orange ,please. _______  

19、we shouldn’t keep quiet  in class. _______  

20、now i know a lot of things on public signs.  _______


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