牛津小学英语6a课本|牛津小学英语6A Unit 6 第二教时

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-07 网络整理 晴天


牛津小学英语6a unit 6 第二教时
1.   能正确地听、说、读、写词汇new year’s day,christmas,people,had,went。
能正确地听、说、读词汇 spring festival, mid-autumn festival, relative, didn’t, delicious, favourite, dress up 。
2.   能正确地听、说、读、写句型what do people usually do at…?they…did you…? yes, i did. no, i didn’t. when’s…?it’s…
3. 能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语和三会句型christmas is coming. my favourite holiday is halloween. what’s your favourite holiday?
4. 能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。
5. 能运用本课所学语言谈论自己最喜欢的节日。
a. 单词、句型卡片,挂图。
b. 设计并制作多媒体教学课件。准备多媒体教学的设施。
step 1 free talk
t: what day is it today?
  what day was it yesterday?
s: it’s …
t:what day was it three days ago?
s: it’s …
t: saturday and sunday are the weekends. do you like weekends?
 what do you usually do at the weekends?
s: i / we…
t: did you …?
s: yes, i/we did. / no, i / we didn’t.
t: saturday and sunday are the weekends. and they are the holidays. do you know any names of holidays?(引出holidays, 朗读并揭示课题)
s: (学生随意回答)
t: ok. let’ look what holiday it is(show cai and present national day)
t: what did you do last national day?
ss: i …and what did you do last national day?
t: i read an english book about holidays.
step 2 leading-in
t: please look at the book and learn the holidays.用课件出示四个节日spring festival, mid-autumn festival,new year’s day,halloween .
t: what holiday is it?
ss: it’s spring festival.
t: what do people usually do at spring festival?
ss: they usually visit relatives and friends, and eat lots of delicious food.(以此方式引出词组visit relatives and friends等的教学。)
the same way to teach “dress up in costumes ,have a big lunch, watch the moon, play with lanterns)
work in pairs to practise the sentences “when’s ….
   what do people usually do …?
   did you….?
step 3 presentation and practice
1.a.:  in these holidays i like halloween, i like new year’s day. but my favourite holiday is halloween. what is your favourite holiday?(板书句型)
s:  …
t: my favourite holiday is mid-autumn festival.
my favourite holiday is…(板书句型)
t: what’s your favourite color is green. what’s your favorite color?12
my favourite animal is dog. what’s your favourite animal?
my favourite cartoon is “中华小子”. what’s your favourite cartoon?
用以上句子来拓展favourite 的教学.
what holiday comes after halloween? (板书句型what holiday comes after...?)
s:  christmas.
t: when is christmas? (板书句型when is...?)
s: it’s on the 25th of december.
t: what holiday comes after christmas?
s: new year’s day and spring festival.
2. 呈现课文
t: look! mr green and his students are talking about holidays. let’s listen.(播放引言)
 a. t: what date is it?
  s: it’s the 18th of december.
t: so christmas is coming.are they excitied?
  s: yes.the teachers and the students are getting very excited.
t: what are they talking about today?
  s: mr green is talking to his students about holidays.
b. now let’s listen to their dialogue. when you listen please do the exercise “listen and choose”
check the answers
  c. please do the exercise ‘listen and finish”
t: very good. let’s listen and repeat.
step 4 listen , read and say
1. 听对话全文,学习课文。
2. 学生跟读对话。
3. 学生分角色朗读对话。
4. 学生完成本课连线题,教师给予反馈既适当评价。
step 5 consolidation
t: now, let’s do an exercise of “listen and answer”(课件展示一篇短文”  在短文中练习过去时的用法,并学习用英语思维来思考问题)
 step 6 homework
1.listen to the tape and read the text.
2.copy the new words.
3.以“my favourite holiday”为题,自己准备一段有关节日的介绍。

unit 6 holidays
what’s your favourite holiday?   my favourite holiday is …
when’s …?    it’s in / on …
what do people usually do? they’re…
what did…do? …
did you …last…?    yes, i did. / no, i didn’t.



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