[unit1翻译中文是什么]Unit1 Public signs 第五课时

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-07 网络整理 晴天


《牛津小学英语》(6a)unit1 public signs
第五课时(g listen and repeat & revision)
1 能综合运用句型和短语,并在实际生活中灵活运用.
2 er字母组合的发音与其他字母组合相同或不同的对比
1 课件
2 录音机, 录音磁带
3 课题准备 unit 1 public signs
step1 sing a song  < the signs in the park>
t: good morning ,boys and girls.
ss: good morning ,teacher.
t: what’s the date today?
   what’s the weather like today?
   fine weather ,shall we go outside and take a walk in the park later?
t: now, let’s sing a song first ,ok?
  sing the song < the signs in the park> together
step2 guessing game
t: you’ve did a good job! look at the screen please.
  there are 9 public signs here .can you guess them out?
model 1: maybe it means “no smoking”.
t: bingo!
     where can we see this sign?
  ss: we can see the sign “no smoking” in the park /
 in the office….
read them together
ask some students to read them out.
step3 practice
t: boys and girls, where is it ?guess?
ss: it’s a library.
t: what signs can we see in the library?
ss:we can see….
t: great! you have a big picture each group ,please design the signs for it and then show us .
t: well done! can you change the lyrics of the song?
eg. there are lots of signs in the library.
   this sign means keep quiet.
   we should not talk in the library.
   we should not talk in the library. oh,123
there are lots of signs in the library.
that sign means no smoking.
please smoke outside, smoke outside.
step4 listen and repeat
1.who’s peter?
2.where is peter’s brother?
3.what’s in his hand?
4. does peter’s sister like the toy tiger?
t: yes. i think they all like the toy tiger.
句子呈现: peter’s brother and sister like the toy tiger.
t: can you read it?
peter    brother    sister    tiger
t:what’s the pronunciation of “er”?
read one by one
can you underline the letters which pronounced / ә/?
litter  river  rubber   ruler  supper  together  weather 
answer  under  over   winter   litter  letter  runner  teacher 
number  paper  september  sister summer  super  driver 
tiger  mirror  doctor  colour  picture  again  about 
above  afraid  umbrella  sugar  saturday
t: can you say more? (老师可以视情况而定,让学生充分掌握这个发音,以及不同的字母组合也发这个音,最后对比长短音 / ә/ & / ә:/ )
compare them t or f
her  sister (    )      writer   father(    )
skirt  tiger (    )      mother  turn (    )
birthday  term (    )   nurse   early (    )
step5  exercise
一 听录音,找出句中你所听到的词语
( )1.a.auntb.cousin       c.uncle       d. brother
( )2.a.birdb.girl c.gotd. ball
( )3.a.signb.line c.long       d. lion
( )4.a.guess        b.grassc.class       d. dress
( )5.a.lightb.highc.right       d.quiet
( )6.a.shipb.map c.keep       d. hope
( )7.a.about        b.lot  c.blouse      d. house
( )8.a.singing       b.dancing       c.running    d. smoking123
二 听录音,找出适当的应答
( )1.a.i’m writing a letter.   b.no, i don’t.
c.i’m from america.    d.sure.
( )2.a.he goes to the park.     
b.he’s watching tv with his friend.
c.he likes watermelons.  
d.he gets up at seven every morning.
( )3.a.me too.     
b. yes, i’m very glad to come to your school.
c. i’d like to go to the theatre with my mother. 
  d. he gets up at seven every morning.
( )4.a.they’re over there in the big box.
b. perhaps they’re under the bed.
c. it’s in my mouth.  
d. i can see some grapes on the table.
( )5.a.liu tao has.     
b. liu tao is.
c. liu tao’s ears are big.  
d. look at liu tao. he has a big mouth.
( )6.a.i cleaned my room.      b. i often clean my room.
c.i am cleaning my room.   d. this is my clean room.
 三 听录音,填入所缺单词,完成对话
a: do you  public signs?
b: yes, i do.
a:  a sign    the wall. what does it   ?
b: it means    .
a: i see. we   noise here.
b: yes, you’re right.
四 从下列各组单词中找出一个画线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词
( )1.a.fastb. plane       c. take       d. make
( )2.a.photo       b. oldc. hello       d. stop
( )3.a.head        b. sweater     c. please      d. bread
( )4.a.black       b. cook        c. know       d. think
( )5.a.bag        b. orange       c. girl        d. green
( )6.a.nurse       b. brother      c. sister       d. tiger
step 6  homework
1 make dialogues with your friend use the sentences we’ve learnt this unit and then write down.
2 complete exercise book of unit1.
  unit1 public signs   date
 what does this sign mean?      
it means …  .
/ ә/   peter    brother    sister    tiger123


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