【unit】Unit 2 Ben’s birthday

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-07 网络整理 晴天


教学目标:1、能听懂、会说、会读单词和词组 japanese cartoons, present.
          2、能听懂、会读和会写句型 when’s your birthday? my birthday’s on …
           what would you like as a birthday present? i’d like…
    教学重点:能听懂、会说、会读单词和词组 japanese cartoons, present.
教学难点:能听懂、会读、会写和灵活运用句型 when’s your birthday? my birthday’s on …what would you like as a birthday present? i’d like…
教学准备:tape recorder pictures pp
step 1: warm up.
1.free talk:
t: hi, boys and girls. look, what sign is it on the screen?
s: it’s “kfc”.
t: yes. today i’m a waitress in kfc.(屏幕出示kfc店堂和服务员,并注明waitress及中文。) welcome to kfc. nice to meet you. (摇手和学生打招呼)
s: nice to meet you too.
t: do you like singing ?
s: yes, we do.
t: ok. let’s sing a song “the signs in the park.”(屏幕出现这首歌的歌词)
s: sing the song.
t: today, i’ll have many questions for you. if you can answer well, you’ll get a star. if you get the most stars, you can get a present. try your best. ok?
s: ok.
出示新授:present 礼物
read after the teacher.
step 2: revision.
1.revision of words and phrases:
t: now, let’s begin our questions. translate the following months and dates into english.(教师说中文,学生翻译,翻译对的同学得一颗贴画)
一月  一月一日           二月  二月二日           三月  三月三日
四月  四月四日           五月  五月五日           六月  六月六日
七月  七月十二日         八月  八月二十日         九月  九月二十一日
十月  十月二十五日    十一月 十一月二十八日     十二月   十二月三十日
s: answer the questions.
t: ok. you all do good jobs. now let’s look at the screen and read these translation together. pay attention to the spelling and pronunciation of these words.(屏幕出现上一环节的月份和日期的中英文对照)
s: read these words together.
2.revision of sentence skills:
t: ok. so much for the revision. i forget the date of today. who can tell me?
s: it’s the nineteenth of september.
t: thank you. oh, my father’s birthday is coming soon. do you want to know the date of my father’s birthday? 123
s: yes, i do.
t: ok, but you must ask me a question. what is it?
s: when is your father’s birthday?
t: his birthday is on the twenty-first of september. and when’s your birthday?(多问几个学生,寻找一个生日与今天日期相近的学生)
t:(找到以后)oh, her birthday is coming soon too. shall we sing the song “happy birthday to you” to her?
s: yes.
t: let’s sing it together.
ss: sing the song.(边唱边拍掌)
3.t: my father likes watching football matches. so i’ll give him a vcd of football matches as a birthday present. 
出示新授as a birthday present
read after the teacher.
t: what would you like as a birthday present?(多问几个学生来操练这个句型)
s: i’d like…as a birthday present.
4.t: very well. let’s look at the screen. here we have the dialogue that we made just now. read after me and pay attention to the meaning of each sentence.(屏幕出现对话内容)
s: read the dialogue after the teacher.
a: when’s your birthday?
b: my birthday’s on …
a: what would you like as birthday present?
b: i’d like…
step3. do a survey.
1.t: excellent. you are all good students. do you like to go to the kfc?
s: yes, we do.
t: good. i want to have birthday parties for you. so i must know your birthday date and the present you would like to have. would you like to help me finish this table.(屏幕出示表格) look, one student ask another three students the birthday date and the present he or she would like to have. and then choose one of your answers to fill in the blanks. remember you must use the dialogue we said just now. are you ready?
s: yes, we are.
t: go!
2.s: do the survey.
t: (五分钟后)ok, stop. i’ll ask some students to tell us your answers.
s: say one of his survey.
t: (问被调查的这个学生)is he/she right?
s: yes/no.(调查正确的学生给星)
step4. read a passage.
1.t: ok, thank you boys and girls. you’re well done. now let’s come back to our books. you know ben’s birthday is coming. he’ll have a birthday party. jim will come with some presents. listen to the tape, and answer the questions.
q1: what would ben like as a birthday present?
q2: anything else?
ss listen to  the tape and answer the questions.
books open, listen again.
t: now work in pairs to discuss the chinese meaning of each sentence. and finish the exercise below the passage.
s: discuss and finish the exercise.
t: check the answers.
2.ask answer and write.
ss look at the pictures and discuss in groups.
3.act out their dialogues.
4. write down their dialogues.(注意书写格式。)
step5. homework.
板书设计 123
unit2  ben’s birthday
what date is it today?                            it’s…
when’s your birthday?                            my birthday is on…
what would you like as a birthday present?        i’d like…123


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