《牛津小学英语》5B Unit 2 教材分析简稿_《牛津小学英语》5A Unit8第二课时 Part A

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-03 网络整理 晴天


1、能正确地听说读写词语children, hill, show, fish
2、能正确地听说读词语camping site, a tin of ,camping trip, tent, pot, stove, blanket, telescope, towel, tin-opener.
3、能正确地听说读写句型what do you / they have? i/ we/ you/ they have… what does she /he have? she /he has…
4、能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语 look, …and… are  coming. great!
2、板书准备:写好课题 unit 8
step1. warming up
1. greetings
t: good morning, boys and girls.
s: good morning, miss yin.
t: how are you?
s: fine, think you. and you?
t: i’m very well.
2. free talk
t: i like masks. do you like masks?
s: yes, i do.
t: what masks do you like? i like m masks.
s: i like…
t: i like flowers. what do you like?
s: i like…
step2. presentation
1. t: do you like pumpkin lanterns?
s: yes, we do.
t: i like pumpkin lanterns, too. i like having camping trips. do you like having camping trips? look, they’re having a camping trip. (出示挂图)
teach: a camping trip
(贴课题 a camping trip)
t: boys and girls, do you like having camping trips?
s: yes, we do.
t: this class let’s have a camping trip.
s: it’s great.
t: but, what do we need for a camping trip? let me see. we need a towel and a blanket. (复习a towel  a blanket)
t: what else do we need?
s:we need …(复习a pot  a stove)
2. t:i have a towel, do you have a towel?
s: no, i don’t.
t: what do you have?
s: i have…
t: show your … to me, please.
s: ok.
teach: show … to …
t: i have a pencil. what do you have?
s: i have a …
t: show your … to me, please.
s: ok. here you are.
t: i have an english book, what do you have?
s: i have a …
t: show your … to me, please.
s: all right.
t: what else do we need? think over. oh, we need something to eat. we need some fruit.
teach: some fruit
3.t: look, i have a tin of fish. (出示实物) i’m very hungry. but i can’t open it. i need a tin-opener.
teach: a tin of fish
t: do you have a tin-opener?
s: no, i don’t.

4.t: who can ask me?
s: miss yin, miss yin, what do you have?
t: i have a box of chocolates.
teach: a a box of chocolates
5.t: what do you have?
s: i have …
t: show your … to me, please.
s: ok. / all right.
t: does he/ she have a…
s:yes, he/she does.
t: what does she /he have?
s:she /he has…
teach: what does she /he have? she /he has…
6.work in pairs.
ask two students.
t: what do you have?12
s: i have…(问2组)
t: (问全班) boys and girls. what does she /he have?
ss: she /he has…
make a model
work in pairs, four in a group.
step4. watch the vidio
step5. homework
copy the new words and sentences.
《牛津小学英语》5a unit8第二课时 part a 来自。 12


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