5a景区_5A Unit8 A camping trip教案

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-03 网络整理 晴天


本课的核心教学内容围绕“野营旅行”展开,通过孩子们在营地相互展示各自所带物品的情景,引出一些日常生活用品的词汇和主要教学句型what do you /they have? i/you/they have… what does he/she have? he/she has…
1. 能听懂、会说、会读和拼写单词a camping trip, a tin, a tin-opener, a telescope, a pot, a stove, a blanket, a towel,
2. 能听懂、会读和会说句型:what do you /they have?  i/we/you/they have…
1. 能掌握四会句型及单词。
2. 能用所学句型及单词讨论自己有的东西及询问别人的东西。
1. 教师准备:野营所需的一些物品、单词卡片、多媒体课件、合适的练习题
2. 学生准备:自己认为野营所需的物品
step 1. warming up
① greetings
② free talk
step 2. presentation and practice
t: if we go for a camping trip, we should prepare some things.
what do we need for a camping trip?
s: we need…
t: as you say, we need some food ,some drink, fruit and other things.
课件呈现句型:i have…see? what do you have?
t: i have an apple. see? what do you have?
s: i have…
例:s1: i have some bread, see? what do you have?
s2: i have some chocolate.
    课件呈现句型: what do they have? they have…
    t: see? what do they have?
 教师引导学生用句型they have…作出回答。
 ss ask and answer in groups of four.
[设计意图:通过学生之间相互展示各自所带物品到询问他人所带的物品,很自然地从句型what do you have?的教授过渡到下一个句型what do they have?]
3.t: we have something to eat and something to drink. but where can we sleep? don’t worry!
look. what do i have?
t: do you have a tent?
s: no.
t: i have many colored tents. what do you want?
s: i want a red / black/ blue/ yellow/ …tent.
t: now, i will test your memory.
指着一位学生问:what does he have? 同时课件呈现句型what dose he/she have? he/ she has…帮助学生回答教师的问题。
s: he/she has…
practice in pairs.
5.t: your tents are all too small. my tent is bigger. 课件呈现一顶大帐篷。12
can you guess what’s in my tent?
s: you have…
t: what’s this? can you read this word, p-o-t/s-t-o-v-e?
课件出现 hot, not帮助学生认读pot.
课件呈现nose, close 帮助学生认读stove.
6.game: magic eyes.
what does he/she have?
he/she has a tent/pot/stove.
step 3 read and say
   课件呈现miss li 和她的学生们一起野营的场面。
t: today miss li and her students are also having a camping trip. they are showing their things to each other. let’s go and see: what are they talking about?
   课件出现miss li和学生们的对话,隐藏部分内容。课件播放录音。
t: now, listen carefully, then answer my questions.
step 4 consolidation.
t: i think miss li and her students are very happy now. let’s go and have a camping trip.
s: great!
课件播放歌曲《what do you have?》
t: look, here’s our camping site. is it nice?
s: yes, it’s nice.
t: now, let’s show our things to each other.
a: i have a… see? what do you have?
b: i have…
a: it’s nice. oh, he/she/…has a…
b: it’s great!
a: what do they have?
b: let’s go and see.
a: they have…
b: great!
t: ok. we have so many things. now, boys and gils, enjoy your camping trip!

unit8 a camping trip
a tent,     what do you/they have?
a telescope,  i/we/they have…
a tin-opener,     what does he/she have?
a pot,    he/she has…
a stove,
a blanket,
a towel.

5a unit8 a camping trip教案 来自。 12


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