【book5unit1单词表】Book5 Unit2 My Days of the Week

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-02 网络整理 晴天


part b let’s learn &let’s chant  
一、 warming up  
1. free talk.  
t: hello! i’m miss shu. nice to meet you!   
hey, what’s your name?   
what colour do you like?   
which animal do you like?   
who’s your english teacher? what’s he/she like? is she pretty? 
 is he cool? do you like him/her? who’s your english teacher now? what’s she like? is she pretty? (t: oh, yeah,! thank you! i’m so happy. haha~拿出笑脸牌子,引出小游戏。)   
2. little game “oh yeah! & oh my god!”   
t: if i show the happy face, you say “oh yeah!” ,and if i show the sad face ,you say “oh my god!”  
出示两个道具:happy face & unhappy face.    
教师进行说明,当举起笑脸牌子时大家欢呼并说“oh yeah!”  
当举起哭脸时大家表示不快乐垂头单手顶额说“oh my god!”  
go to kfc,  have p.e. class,smell the onions, play computer games….today is tuesday.       
3. review.  
today is tuesday. and what do you have on tuesdays?    
and tomorrow is…? what do you have on wednesdays?   
what’s the next day? what do you have on thursdays?  
and next is? what do you have on fridays?    
二、 presentation  
1. 教学saturday,sunday   
t: we learned monday to friday, let’s read , i say today is monday, you say tomorrow is tuesday. ok? today is monday, …today is tuesday, …today is friday, …引出saturday.出示saturday卡片并跟读,翻出s,读saturdays.   
卡片跟读完继续:today is saturday, tomorrow is…引出sunday. 出示sunday卡片并跟读。操练同上。  
saturday and sunday, we can call it “weekend”(weekend带过)  
   2. 引出句型i often….  
      t: i’m happy on saturdays and sundays.(边作出oh yeah!姿势) “what do i do on saturdays and sundays?” guess!   
        教师介绍了以后出示句型i often….   跟读句型并贴于黑板  
2. 教学watch tv, read books, do homework.  
2.1. 教学watch tv, read books.  
t: i’m very happy(边作出oh yeah!姿势) on saturdays and sundays.. and what about my friends bill and jim? let’s go and see.  
i"m bill. on saturdays, i often listen to music, watch cartoons and read story books.
on sundays, i often watch tv, play computer games and play football.
the weekend(周末) is sweet for me!  
t: is bill happy or not happy on saturdays and sundays?    
学生回答oh, yeah!  
   because he can watch tv and read books.      123
(边出示bill图片watch tv and read books图片)  
拿出词组并进行跟读,拼读,书空。        完毕后贴于黑板  
教师示范i often read english books. what about you?  (2-3个)      
2.2.教学do homework.  
  t: bill is so happy, and what about jim?
  jim先不出示图片 (齐读)  
i"m jim. on saturdays, i often go to chinese lesson, do chinese homework.
on sundays, i often go to english lesson and math lesson.
then i do english homework and math homework.
oh, my god! i really want a happy weekend!  
t: is jim happy or not happy on saturdays and sundays?    
生答oh, my god!  
   because he must always do homework. (边出示jim图片和do homework图片) 
拿出词组do homework并进行跟读,拼读,书空.完毕后贴于黑板  
教师示范:i often do english homework.   
3. 教学句型what do you do on saturdays?   
当教师示范:i often do english homework.时顺带句型  
what about you? what do you do on saturdays?   
(问2-3个学生后出示句型) 跟读句型,并把句型贴于黑板。  
示范:跟个别学生作对话. (2-3个后要求学生问老师引出句型i’m happy/not happy.)  
     s: what do you do on saturdays/sundays?   
     t: i often ….  
       i’m happy/not happy.  
(说完可以做“oh, yeah! ” or “oh, my god!”动作)   
3.2. 跟读黑板上的句型.(跟读,师生/生生/男生女生问答。)  
3.3. pair work  
三、 practice  
1. 听录音,跟读.  
2. 改编chant.   (课件中出示chant内容)  
3. listen, read and choose.  
   listen, read and choose.  
1. i"m not happy on the weekends. on saturdays, i often drive the car and listen to the radio. on sundays, i often drive the car, too.
oh,i want to have a good sleep!    (driver)  
2. i have happy weekends. on saturdays, i often feed the hens, and milk the cows. on sundays, i often shear the sheep and hold the lambs. i love the animals on my farm. (farmer)   
3. i have happy weekends. on saturdays, i often play football and play computer games.on sundays, i often play baseball and listen to music.  (sports player)   
4. i"m not happy on the weekends. on saturdays, i often sweep the floor
and clean the windows.on sundays, i often wash the clothes and water
the flowers, oh, no! i want a happy weekend! (mom)    
四、 consolidation   
  t: you know, my friend jim has a not happy weekend. he really wants a happy weekend. can you design one for him?   123
1. read and write: i want a happy weekend.  
i want a happy weekend.  
on saturdays, i often              and             .  
on sundays, i often               and             .  
wow, the weekend is sweet for me!   
2. 展示学生的书写,并给予笑脸奖励. (时间来不及就在座朗读.)  
3. homework: make a new chant by yourself.   
             finish the workbook on p.19.  
4. 结束语.  
t: i’m very happy today because now i’m standing here and teaching you english. and wish you happy every day! bye!123


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