【pepper】pep Book6 unit 2 My Favourite Season 表格式教案

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-01 网络整理 晴天


单元课题unit2 my favourite season单元教学 目标1.       can ask and answer about seasons, e.g. what’s your favourite season? which season do you like best? why? …2.       can ask and answer about weather, e.g. what’s the weather like in…? it’s…3.       can sing the song “what’s your favourite season” 教具pictures, word cards, tape, tape recorder, computer, vcd, ect.课堂活动设计1.       competitive match among groups.2.       make use of chants.3.       make use of songs.4.       game: musical ball.5.       write short compositions.创新与实践点1.       make full use of chants and songs.2.       practice writing abilities.课时数6 第  一     课     时教学内容与重难点 1.          teaching content: part a let’s chant, let’s learn, let’s sing.2.          teaching key point: spring, summer, fall, winter, and “what’s your favourite season?”3.          teaching difficult point: spring  教 学 过 程教法学法 1.       warm up.1)       greetings.2)       free talk about weather.t: what’s the weather like in…?s: it’s…2.       review:students work in groups to find out all the words about weather.3.       presentation1)       let’s enjoy a chant.2)       present the topic and new words.4.       practice.1)       listen to the number and respond with the relating words of four seasons.2)       pair-worka: what’s your favourite season?b: …5.       extension: let’s find out.draw a picture and talk about the seasons.6.       sum up.7.       home wok: recite the new words and sentence structures.oral english      review   chant   tpr.  pair-work   task-based activity sum up  板书设计unit 2 my favourite seasonspring        what’s your favourite season?summer fallwinter   第  二     课     时教学内容与重难点 1.           teaching content: part a let’s try, let’s talk, make a survey and good to know.2.           teaching key point: which season do you like best? … play with…3. teaching difficult point: play with…教 学 过 程 教法学法1.       organizations.1)       greetings.2)       let’s sing a song “what’s your favourite season?”3)       cultural background: good to know.2.       reviewstudents guess what season it is according to descriptions.3.       practice.make a survey to find out the group’s favourite activities.namespringsummerfallwinter…√   … √  …   √…  √ 4.       let’s try.5.       let’s talk1)       listen and repeat.2)       pair work.3)       make a new dialogue in pairs.6.       pronunciation.7.       sum up.8.       homework: finish activity book. oral english sing    guessing  make surveys       listen  pair-practice 板书设计  which season do you like best? …play with…  第  三     课     时教学内容与重难点 1.     content: part a read and write, let’s play, activity book.2.     key points: (1). which…do you like best? i like …best. (2). i wear…in spring/summer…教 学 过 程教法1.  warming-up exercises 1). greeting. 2). free talk about the weather.2.  revision.game: play the music whilst passing the ball. when music stops, the two ball keepers ask and answer: which season do you like best? i like…best.3.  let’s play (activity book).one describes a season, whist the others guess what season it is.4.  read and write. 1). present:ps: which season do you like best?t: i like…best. the sky is blue. the leaves are coulourful. … 2). self-reading by students. 3). answer the questions. 4). pair reading 5). extensive reading: activity book on page 11.5. pronunciation.6.summary.7. homework.: 1). calligraph the seven key words and the paragraph of read and write. 2). recite the key content of part a.学法△              warming up.△              free talk. .△              revising  △              game.  △              reading.         板书设计which…do you like best? i like …best.   i wear…in spring/summer…  第  四     课     时教学内容与重难点 1.     content: part b let’s learn, group work, task time.2.     key and difficult points: fly kites; make a snowman, plant trees, and swim. “what would you like to do?  i’d like to…”教 学 过 程教法学法1.     warning-up activities. 1). listen and do and say aloud.let’s go shopping/visit grandparents/go hiking/play the piano/wash our face. 2). sing a song “i can help”.2.     revision: what can you do?  t: what can you do?  p1: i can…what can you do?  p2: i can…what can you do?  p3: …3.     presentation1). t: i like summer best. do you know why?ps: …t: yes. i can swim. 2). summing reading the new expressions.4.     game:   ps: what can you do?  p1: (choose one picture) i can…  ps: yes/no, …5.     ps: which season do you like best?p1: i like…best. i can …6.     group work.1). t: it’ summer. it’s hot. what would you like to do?2). make a survey.7.     task time.8.     summary.9.     homework.△              preparing   △              revising      △              listening     △              playing games.   △survey板书设计  第  五     课     时教学内容与重难点 1.     content: part b let’s try, let’s talk, let’s find out and let’s check.2.     key points: “what’s your favourite season? …” “why do you like… because…”3.     difficult points: “why do you like… because…” 教 学 过 程教法学法1.       warm-up: listen and let’s chant.2.       revision: ask and answer in a chain as followed. -what’s your favourite season? –my favourite season is…3.       matching game.ps: what’s your favourite season?p1: spring/…ps: why do you like spring?p1: because i can … (he chooses one picture and show it to the class).ps: …4.       pair work: let’s find out5.       activity book: make a survey.6.       listening exercises: let’s try7.       let’s talk. 1). listen to the tape. 2). role reading. 3). creating a new dialogue.8. let’s check.9. summary and homework.warm-upreview   game        pair worksurveylisteningdialogue  板书设计what’s your favourite season?…why do you like spring?because i can …  第  六     课     时教学内容与重难点 1.          content: part b read and write, let’s find out, story time.2.          key points:     why do you like spring?because i can … 教 学 过 程教法学法 1.     warm-up: let’s sing2.     revision: musical ball game.a: which season do you like best?b: …a: why do you like…b: because…3.     let’s find out.find out the best time to visit harbin, qingdao, hangzhou and sanya.4.     read and write. 1). read and answer the questions by students, 2). read after the tape. 3). group work: to adapt the passage into a short dialogue in-group of four.5.     story time.6. summary.singreview     pair-work     group-work story  板书设计why do you like spring?because i can … 单元教学后记1.       group cooperation is confirmed again to be very useful in arousing student’s enthusiasm or go-aheadism to learn.2.       making survey is a nice method for students to communicate with each other in learning languages.


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