[小学英语五年级下册第一单元教案]小学英语pep第五册第一单元教案Unit 1 My New Teachers

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-01 网络整理 晴天


teaching objectives of the whole unit:
1 ability objectives
(1)learn how to describe teacher’s appearance and character, eg: we have a new english teacher. he’s tall and strong. he is very funny.
(2)finish ”let’s try”.
(3)sing the song “my new teacher”.
2 knowledge objectives
(1)   understand the dialogue in read and write.
(2)   learn the new words and sentences in let’s learn and read and write.
3 emotion, tactics, culture objectives
(1)   emotion manner: foster the students’ ability to study on their own.
(2)   study tactics: foster the students’ manner and method to cooperate with each other when studying.
(3)   culture: find out the difference of calling names between china and the western country.

unit one  my new teachers教学内容let’s start main scene a let’s learn let’s find out c let’s sing课时1教学目标1 ss can understand the sentences: who’s your new teacher? what’s he like?2 learn the new words: old short thin tall strong3 finish let’s find out.4 ss can sing the song my new teacher.  重、难点1 all the words in let’s learn.2 the difficult point is let’s start.t can draw the new dialogue through let’s start.  1 teaching pictures and new word cards2 figure picture3 the photos of the teachers and school4 the radio and tape 1 warm-up(1) broadcast let’s start. let the ss guess the topic of this unit.  learn to sing the song my new teacher.t: hi, everyone. nice to see you again. what grade are you in now?ss: we’re in grade 5.t: do you like your new english books?ss: yes!t: what are we going to talk about in unit 1? guess! what’s the topic of unit 1?(2)  practice the oral english.broadcast the let’s chant, let’s sing, let’s do that the ss had already learned.  2 preview review the words: strong tall short thin3 presentation let’s start and let’s learn(1)   present the teaching picture of let’s learn. the t describe the picture and let the ss guess who is the new t.(2)   present the hanging picture of let’s learnt: they are sarah’s teachers (describe these teachers). get the ss review the words: strong tall short thin. and then present the new words: young kind old funny(3)   read the new words.(4)   listen to the radio and read the words after the radio.teach the students how to write the wordsfinish let’s find out.sing the song my new teacher.4 consolidation and extension(1)   do the work book: a let’s learn(2)   read let’s learn to your friends and parents.sing the songblackboard writing:unit 1 my new teachersyoung funny tall strong       who’s your art teacher/?kind old short thin           mr hu.                          what’s he like?   he’s short and thin.                   12345教学后记  


unit 1  my new teachers教学内容a let’s try let’s talk c good to know课时2教学目标1 ss can understand and say: who’s your math teacher? mr zhao. what’s he like? he’s thin and short. he’s very kind. and ss can replace the key words to make new sentences and use the sentence in true situation.2 do let’s try3 get to know the difference that how to call names between china and the western country.  重、难点1 the new sentence: who’s your math teacher? mr zhao. what’s he like? he’s thin and short. he’s very kind.2 let’s try  1 the hanging pictures2 the figure pictures3 some photos and pictures of the teachers4 radio and tape  1 warn-up(1)   sing the song my new teacher(2)   practice oral english2 previewreplace the key words in the sentence and review the new words that they learned last period.3 presentationlet’s try broadcast let’s try, get the ss finish the exercise. get the students listen to the voice of their familiar teachers and guess who they are.learn the dialogue in let’s talk.let’s talk(1)   present the figure pictures. let the ss remember them quickly. and then get ss to recall which subject they teach.(2)   listen to the radio and read after the tape. get the ss to replace the key words and make sentences. we can do the group works.(3)   let the ss make figure cards and describe the figures using the sentences: who’s this man\woman? what’s he\she like?good to knowlet the ss find out the differences of calling names between china and the western countries.4 consolidation and extension(1)   do a let’s talk in work book.(2)   listen to the dialogue in let’s talk and read them to your friends and parents.(3)  describe some photos with your partner.blackboard writing:unit 1 my new teacherswho’s your math teacher?mr zhao.what’s he like?he’s thin and short . he’s very kind. 教学后记  


unit 1 my new teachers     教学内容a read and write pair work c pronunciation课时3教学目标1 understand the dialogues and use the dialogues in the situation.2 learn the sentences: who’s your english teacher? mr carter. what’s he like? he’s tall and strong.3 understand the pronunciation rules of the letters ”ea, ee, br”.  重、难点1 learn the sentences and use them in the situation.2 pronunciation.  1 the teaching pictures2 the figure pictures3 some photos4 radio and tapes5 word cards and figure cards12345 warn-up(1)   show out different teachers’ pictures and let the ss guess who they are.(2)   practice the oral english.2 previewspell the words using the word cards3 presentationread and write(1)   tell a story: zhang peng has three new teachers this term. let’s go and have a look! who are they?(2)   read the dialogue in pairs and find out the difficult points(3)   raise some questions and let the ss answer the questions and fill in the blanks(4)   teach the ss how to write the sentences. pair workdescribe the figures using the word cards.pronunciation(1)   guide the ss to find out the pronunciation rules of the letters “ea, ee”.(2)   listen to the tape and read the rhyme.4        consolidation and extension(1)   do work book: read and write.(2)  listen to the tape of read and write, pronunciation.blackboard writing:        unit 1 my new teacherswho’s that man?he’s our math teacher.what’s he like?he’s tall and strong. .教学后记 


unit 1 my new teachers    教学内容let’s chant and b let’s learn let’s chant c story time课时4教学目标1 can listen and say two rhymes.2 learn the words: kind, funny, young, smart, active. can listen and say the words: strict, principal. university. student.3 get to know the story of a new pe teacher.  重、难点1 the new words in let’s learn.2 the pronunciation of the words: university, principal, strict.  1 the teaching pictures2 the figure pictures3 some photos4 word cards and figure cards 1 warm-up(1)   sing the song and guide the ss to replace the words.(2)   practice the oral english.2 previewlet’s chantbroadcast the rhyme in let’s chant and get the ss to be familiar with the content and rhythm.3 presentationlet’s learn(1)   show out the photo of our principal: “ who’s this lady?” ss: “…”t: she’s our principal.’ present the new word: principal. and then describe: she’s strict. guide the ss to learn the new words.show out some photos of the teachers and let the ss guess who they are, and then describe the character.pay attention to the pronunciation of the word: university, strict.(2)   read the words after the tape and learn to write.b let’s chant(1)    broadcast the rhyme and let the students understand the content. read the rhyme for the ss several times.(2)    listen to the radio and read the rhyme.story time: listen to the radio and watch the vcd. try to play a role.4 consolidation and extension(1)   do work book: b let’s learn.(2)   listen to the tape : let’s learn. read to your friends and parents.(3)   read the rhyme to your friends and parents.blackboard writing: unit 1 my new teacherskind principal university young strict smart active funny 12345教学后记  


unit 1 my new teachers    教学内容b let’s chant let’s talk group work c let’s check课时5教学目标1 can listen and say : “ who’s that lady? she’s our principal. is she strict? yes, she is.\ no, she isn’t.2 finish let’s check  重、难点1 the sentence: who’s that young lady? she’s our principal. is she strict? yes, she is. is she active? no, she isn’t. she’s quiet.2 the interrogative: “is he\she…?”  1 the teaching pictures2 the figure pictures3 some photos of the teachers4 radio and tape 1 warm-up(1)   replace the key words in the rhyme and read it in front of the class.(2)   practice the oral english.2 previewreview the sentence: “ who’s your principal? miss lin. is she young? no, she’s old. she’s very kind.”  replace the key words and make sentences using the photos and pictures. go over the words we learned in the first period.3 presentationlet’s talk(1)   watch the vcd and at the same time describe our principal. and then learn the dialogue. teach the new words: strict, active, quiet.(2)   show out the teaching pictures and describe one figure. let the ss guess who he is. the figures’ characters are: smart, kind, and funny.(3)   listen to the radio and read the dialogue. practice the sentence: is he\she…? yes, he\she is. no, he\she isn’t.(4)   play a game: who is my friends?group workwhen the ss grasp the sentences:’’ eg, she’s our teacher. she’s kind. who’s she? guess.”, let the ss use “ is she young? is she pretty?” to get more information about the teachers. let’s guess who is the teacher.let’s trylisten to the radio and finish the exercise in let’s try.let’s checklisten to the tape and give the right order.4 consolidation and extension(1)   do the work book’s exercise of b let’s talk.(2)   listen to the tape of let’s talk.(3)   describe a teacher’s character.  blackboard writing: unit 1 my new teacherswho’s that young lady?she’s our principal.is she strict?yes, she is.is she active?no, she isn’t. she’s quiet.      教学后记  


unit 1 my new teachers    教学内容b read and write talk and draw c task time课时6教学目标1 learn the sentences: i have a new teacher. her class is so much fun. really? what’s she like? she’s young and pretty. she’s a university students.2 can listen, speak, read, and write the key sentences.3 can describe the figure’s character.12345  重、难点1 the key sentences: is she quiet? no, she isn’t. she’s very active.is she strict? yes, she is, but she’s very kind.2 task time  1 the teaching pictures2 the figure pictures3 some photos of the teachers4 radio and tape5 the word cards and figure cards1 warm-up(1)   role play (2)   daily english: a: who’s this man?b: he’s our new math teacher.c: is he strict?a: yes, he is.2 previewgo over the new words using the word cards. let the students have a competition of spelling words.  3 presentationread and write(1)    show out the pictures and ask the students to describe the teacher in the picture.(2)    let the students read the dialogue, and find out the words and sentences they don’t understand.(3)    read after the tape and then finish filling the blanks. (4)    write the sentences in the exercise books.talk and drawpractice the dialogue when drawing.task time4 consolidation and extension(1)   finish the exercise of read and write in work book.(2)   listen to the tape of read and write.(3)   design more cards to send for your teachers.        教学后记   



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