unit|Unit 2 My days of the week

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-02 网络整理 晴天


the first period
(let’s learn/let’s play/let’s sing)
1 teaching objectives
a)  to learn the new words:
monday /tuesday /wednesday /thursday / friday
b) to understand the sentence structures: what day is it today? what do you have on monday?
    c) to use the sentence pattern.
2 teaching key points and difficult points:
the new words and new sentence structures
3 teaching aids:
wall map, pictures, word cards, tape recorder
4 teaching procedures:
step 1 warm up
1) greetings
2) free talk: today we are going to learn a new unit. what are we going to talk about in unit 2? can you guess? ok, let’s listen to a chant. have you got it? yes today’s topic is “my days of the week”.
3) what classes do you have / like? what time is it?
4) what time is it? it’s 8: 45, it‘s time for english class or chinese class? ss: english class. t: ok, let me see. we have english class at 8:45.
step 2 presentation
     1 let’s learn
       a) t shows a picture of “let’s learn”. it’s a time schedule. let’s have a look. it’s 8:00. it’s time for chinese. it’s 8:50. it’s time for english. what day is it? teach them the new word “monday”, and the sentence: we have…on mondays. then teach other words through word cards, at the same time teacher asks them some questions: what day is it today? what day do you like? what do you have on…? t encourages students to find the common place of these words.
       c) listen to the tape and read after it.
       d) let’s play: low voice and high voice;
i say chinese and students say english.
     guessing game: look! miss hu has a turn plate, can you guess what day is it?
2 practice
a) t—s practice.
  t: what day is it today?
  s: it’s …
  t: what do you have on …?
   s: we have…
b)  s—s practice
students act their dialogue out.
c) t teaches them to write these words.
3 homework
designing on the blackboard:

what day is it today?         monday    tuesday
it’s …                      wednesday thursday
what do we have on mondays?     friday
we have…


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