pep小学英语三年级上册电子课本|PEP小学英语 Book 5 Unit 4 What can you do?

小学五年级英语教案 2022-02-28 网络整理 晴天


听说认读动词词组empty the trash和听说读写cook the meals, water the flowers, sweep the floor, clean the bedroom有关家务劳动的词组,并初步熟悉句型“what can you do? i can …”。
1、动词卡片,chicken, duck, goose, hen的卡通图画
step 1 warm up
guessing game: hello, everyone, nice to meet you! do you know what is my name? please guess according to the following (课件显示资料).
it has five letters. the first letter is in bed, not in bird.
the second letter is in mice, not in rice.
the third one is in ice, not in cake.
 the fourth one is in like, not in bike.
 the fifth one is in you, not in tofu.
so what’s my name? emily.
step 2 presentation and practice
t: i’m emily. i have a happy family. (课件显示家庭照片)
in my home, you can see a sofa and a tv for my family.
in my home, you can see a table and a chair for my family.
in my home, you can see a shelf and a phone for my family.
how about you?
ss introduce their home to me freely.
 2、 呈现、操练clean the bedroom
a. i love my family. i’m very helpful at home.(边说边在黑板上贴出helpful). i can do many things. look, this is rap. (教师拿起抹布)
oh, the desk is dirty, i can clean the desk, clean the desk, ca ca ca, ca ca ca(模仿擦.桌子的声音)
oh, the bed is dirty, i can clean the bed, clean the bed, ca ca ca, ca ca ca……
(用富有节奏感和感染力的拟声词,趣味呈现clean 词组,进行初步操练,吸引学生参与其中。)
b. i’m helpful at home. i can clean the bedroom.(出示卡片领读,指出clean 中的ea发[i:]) can you clean the bedroom? what else can you clean? 把任务交给学生,学生边做动作边说。对于能正确表达的,用“you are helpful.”进行表扬。
3、呈现操练cook the meals
a. i’m helpful. i can clean the bedroom.老师故意手上拿着锅铲做着烧饭的动作,嘴上却说着clean the bedroom, 让学生来纠错。由此引出 i can cook the meals, too.
b.领读词组,教师让学生反复读meal, 引导他们发现meal中的ea也发[i:],并与meat 对比。引导学生替换cook中的字母c成另一单词,如book, look,进行读音归类,加强记忆。1234
c. t: i can cook the meals this way.(做翻锅的动作)can you cook the meals and how? 让学生自由发挥,操练
d. ok, let’s cook the meals together. 学生与老师一起边做动作边说: cook the meals, shua shua shua(拟声词,模仿炒菜的声音)。在学生炒得起劲的时候,老师趁机问cook what? 如一个学生回答potato, 那么师生就一起炒potato,“cook the potatoes, cook the potatoes, shua shua shua”…在学生炒得投入的时候,由老师接过话匣子,报菜名,
t: tofu. 
ss: cook the tofu, shua shua shua.
t: onion.
ss: cook the onions, shua shua shua
t: flowers.
ss: cook the flowers, shua shua shua.
这时候老师停下来问到,can you cook the flowers? i think we should water the flowers. it’s better.
(运用一个mistake自然地过渡到water the flowers)
4、操练water the flowers
a. 学生读卡片,water the flowers
b. 把学生当作flowers进行操练
t: all of you are flowers. let’s water the flowers. first, group 1, 3, 5, 7 water, group 2, 4, 6, 8 are flowers. then change.
5、 呈现操练sweep the floor
a. 教师在与学生一起浇花的时候,不小心打翻了垃圾桶,由此引出sweep the floor。
t: oh, i’m sorry. here is a broom. let me sweep the floor. who can sweep the floor, help me,please.
b.领读,对比sleep, sheep, 加强记忆和提高拼读能力
(由于老师的不小心自然而然地引出sweep the floor.,不留痕迹)
6、呈现、操练empty the trash
a. 由sweep the floor 自然地过渡到empty the trash. 学生试着用已有的知识拼读生词,展示拼读过程
b. 在教室走动的过程中发现废纸(课前准备好的),学生捡起废纸,传递垃圾到垃圾桶, 边传边说trash, then empty the trash.
step 3 practice and consolidation all the cards together
b.  make a chant by ss ?
c.  chant together
go to the bedroom, clean the bedroom,
i can clean the bedroom, ca ca ca. helpful!(欢呼)
go to the kitchen, cook the meals,
i can cook the meals, shua shua shua. helpful!
go to the living room, sweep the floor,
i can sweep the floor, shua shua shua. helpful
go to the garden, water the flowers,
i can water the flowers, hua hua hua. helpful!
empty, empty, empty the trash, i can empty the trash, hua hua hua. helpful!
b.点点豆豆what, what, what can you do ? i can, i can, i can ……全班一起问、点,点到谁谁回答
step 4 extension
tell me your wish: i hope i’m  . i can  ..
如,i hope i’m a bird. i can fly. i hope i’m liu xiang, i can run fast……
2、a story of mother bear
background: it’s a fine day. mother bear is busy at home. chicken lincken, duckey luckey, goosey loosey and henny penny are playing football in the garden.
( t puts on a mother bear’s mark and apron, acts as mother bear.)
m: i’m mother bear. i’m very busy today. i’m cleaning the bedroom. (to the garden)  chicken lincken, can you clean the bedroom?
c:(面露难色) sorry, mother bear. i can’t clean the bedroom.
m: what can you do?
c : i can play football.
m: oh, you’re not helpful.
(mother bear is sweeping the floor.)
m: duckey luckey, can you sweep the floor?
d: (抓抓头)sorry, mother bear. i can’t sweep the floor.
m: what can you do?
d : i can kick football.
m: oh, you’re not helpful.
(mother bear is emptying the trash.)
m: goosey loosey, can you empty the trash?
g: (东张西望)sorry, mother bear. i can’t empty the trash.
m: what can you do?
g : i can play football.
m: oh, you’re not helpful.
(it’s 12 o’clock now. mother bear is cooking the meals. )
m: henny penny, can you cook the meals?
h: (不好意思地笑笑)sorry, mother bear. i can’t cook the meals.
m: what can you do?
h : i can play football.(说着做了一个踢球的动作)
m: oh, you’re not helpful.
(now, dinner is ready.)
m: chicken lincken, duckey luckey, goosey loosey , henny penny, dinner is ready, can you have dinner?
all: yes, mother bear, we can.(异口同声地说)
then how does mother bear do? 把结尾留给学生,让他们说说该不该让他们一起吃丰盛的晚餐。有两种可能,一种,不可以,另一种,可以。补充故事,然后把学生根据观点分成两派,进行角色扮演。
首先,教师通过自身扮演mother bear展示故事内容,教师绘声绘色地表演吸引学生主动参与, 引导学生积极思考、积极猜测故事的下一环节。
其次,选出一位学生扮演mother bear, 四个大组的学生分别扮演chicken lincken, duckey luckey, goosey loosey and henny penny,进行故事表演与回味。
2、情境中运用。以猜测老师的名字——介绍温馨的家——helpful能做各种家务这条主情境贯穿始终,中途穿插许多小情景-打扫房间卫生、拿着铲子炒菜、把学生当作花water the flowers、不小心打翻垃圾桶从而引入sweep the floor, empty the trash情景等,最后又在mother bear的大故事情境中结束。1234


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