【4bunit1 storytime上课视频】4BUnit10Reviewandcheck教学设计

小学四年级英语教案 2021-05-22 网络整理 晴天


分课时教学设计授课日期                        累计课时课    题unit10 review and check教学内容part a-d●教学目标1.ss can do the exercise correctly. 2.ss can use the daily exercise fluently●教学重难点1.ss can do the exercise correctly. 2.ss can use the daily exercise fluently.●教学具准备●作业与训练课内finish part a-d  课外1. o the exercise on the wb2. review 情况反馈good●板书设计●教学过程step 1 warming-up1.greetingt: good morning/ afternoon, boys and girls!ss: good morning/ afternoon, miss chen! 2.free talk复习前几个单元所学习的主要的句型1、what’s this?2、what are these/those?3、who’s that boy/girl?4、who’s that…with…?5、who’s that…in…?6、is….your…?7、where’s …?8、where are…?9、what’s in…?step2.presentation 1 what ‘s in the classroom? there’s ….there are …2、看图片,用there be 结构造句there are three/some books.there is a football.there is a blackboard.there are lots of soft drinks.there are lots of planes.there are lots of doctors and nurses.3、where is it ? where are they?小组比赛,看哪组想到的答案多.4、check the answer.1、 work in pairs .  设置买东西为目的,两两对话.what would you like ? i’d like …how about you ?…,please.anything else?  ,,,.please./no, thank you .how much are they? they’re …2、以小组为单位表演买物场景.比一比,谁的精彩.3、看图片,迅速完成填空.校对后齐读.4、work in pairs  设置家庭用餐场景,两两对话.come and have lunch/dinner.i can’t use chopsticks .you can use a spoon.where’s my spoon? its in the …there’s no spoon in the …5、finish the exercise quickly.6、finish part d . ss ask and answer with their classmates.eg: what’s in the picture?   there’s a…?   where is it?   it’s in/on/near…  what’s in the picture?  there are some…?  where are they?  they are in/ on/ near…step3 practice根据中文完成对话.1.can you see any apples in the picture?_______, _______ _________.(我能的.)where are the apples?                         ________ _______ ________ __________ _________.(在包里)2. how many knives and forks are there on the plate?  there’re _______ _______(两把小刀) and ______ ________.(四把叉子)3.can you use the knife and the fork?_______, _______ _________.(我不会)●教学后记123由于是复习课,我在学生熟练掌握的基础上,鼓励他们多拓展,在语境中表演对话。对于学习积极性高基础好的学生,还要求他们把四个场景串成一个简单的小故事,让他们在一定的语境中表演。本单元是复习单元,通过游戏、竞赛来巩固6-9单元所学的单词和句型,学生很感兴趣,但学生的练习范围只局限于书本的题目,综合运用知识的能力较差。教师还是要有意识的、有步骤地机械操练于交际性操练结合起来,引导学生把所学地知识运用道日常生活和学习中去,从而切实提高学生运用语言地能力。

分课时教学设计授课日期                        累计课时课    题unit 9 review and check教学内容exercise●教学目标1.ss can do the exercise correctly 2.ss can use the daily exercise fluently●教学重难点1.ss can do the exercise correctly. 2.ss can use the daily exercise fluently●教学具准备●作业与训练课内do the exercise  课外do some exercisereview unit1-10情况反馈good●板书设计

●教学过程step1 a listen and choose1a  2c  3d  4c  5d  6bb listen and numbera 3  b8 c2 d1 e5  f6  g7 h4c listen,find and circlewww.xkb1.com1b  2a  3a  4a  5a  6ad look and writegirl:what’s in picture 2?boy:there’s a picturegirl:where is it?boy:it’s on the desk.boy: what’s in picture 3?girl:there are two telephones.boy:where are they?girl:they are near the tv.boy: what’s in picture 4?girl:there ‘s a hamburger.boy:where is it?girl:it’s in the box.boy: what’s in picture 5?girl:there are some sweetsboy:where are they?girl:they are in the bowl.e look,find and completeli hua,there’s a new library in our school.it is big and bright.there are lots of english books in it.i like the library very much.let’s go and  have a look.where is it,zhao dong?it’s near the playground.and the playground is over there.shall we go there now?no,it’s late,it’s not open now.step2 exercise词组互译:1、在瓶子里               2、吃些米饭                   3、爬树                  4、穿着黄色毛衣的妇女             5、许多饼干                 6、in class                   1237、在一个飞机场          8、医生和护士_______________连词成句1、go, i , the, supermarket, to, bike, by(.)                                           2.  like, two, i and, would, hamburgers, a, pie. (.)                                                       3. is, two ,forks a, knife, the, in, cupboard, there (.)                                                         4.       my ,is ,i,  father, my ,mother, there ,and in ,family, my (.)                                                              5.helen , are ,in ,i ,and ,the ,library(.)                                              根据中文完成对话.1.i’d  like                         .(我想要一些面包)。 2.what’s that on your desk?            a book.(有一本书)3.what’s on your desk?             some books.(有一些书)●教学后记



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