
小学四年级英语教案 2021-05-14 网络整理 晴天


unit8 mocky is late 第一课时
一、教学目标:知识目标:1、能够听、说、认读本课时的单词和句型:late, hurry, early, slow, broken, fix, fixed, what’s the time? mocky is late.
2、能够正确说做it’s time for dinner. we are early. my watch is broken.
1、重点:学生能够正确听说、认读late, hurry, early, slow, broken, fix, fixed,
what’s the time? mocky is late.
2、难点:学生能够在生活中熟练运用这些短语:(mocky) is late. we are early/ late. it’s time for dinner. my watch is broken.
t: good morning, boys and girls.          ss: good morning, miss ouyang.
t: glad to meet you. i love you.           ss: me too.
t: thank you.
step2.warm up (play a game)
告诉学生今天lulu and mocky go to visit uncle booky. 让学生仔细听课文录音,然后回答黑板上的问题。*what day is it today?
*in this story, what day is it today?
3、 教师首先对课文的整体进行描述再动作引入late, hurry, early, slow并让学生找出反义词。
4、通过实物robot呈现broken,然后引出fix, fixed,让学生区别fix, fixed。(teacher show the robot and ask: what’s this? elicit, it’s a robot. teacher says, oh! my robot is broken. who can help me! who can fix it?  it’s fixed.)
完成课文以后,教师再提出问题what’s wrong with mocky’s watch?然后请学生自己提问,全班认真听。提问的学生抽取一名学生做答。
play a game (touching game)
one day, lulu and mocky go to visit their friend uncle booky.
lulu:          hurry, mocky! it’s time to visit uncle booky!
mocky:        don’t worry! it’s 2:00 o’clock. we are early.
lulu:          we are late! mocky.12345678910
mocky:        oh! look, there is a supermarket. i want some hot dogs, hamburgers, apples, bananas…
               where is lulu?
in uncle booky’s house.
uncle booky:       lulu, where is mocky?
lulu:              i don’t know.
uncle booky:       ok, we are eating now.
mocky:            i have no money. mocky! i’m very late!
uncle booky:       you are late, mocky.
mocky:            my food! oh, my goodness!
step6 omework:
ask the children to tell the story to their families
unit8 mocky is late!
                 what day is it today?
                 it’s monday./ tuesday./ wednesday./ thursday./ friday./
                            saturday./ sunday.

unit8 第二课时
一、教学目标: 知识: 1.巩固复习句型:what time is it? it’s time to…/its’ time for…      学习单time, hurry, late, early, one/two… o’clock
               能力: 1. 小组表演培养学生的交际能力和表演能力;
                      2. 听力练习培养学生的听力。
               情感: 1.利用歌曲培养学生的学习兴趣;
二、教学重、难点: what time is it?  it’s 4 o’clock.
                 it’s time for school.  it’s time to have lunch.
三、教学准备: 教师准备:教学卡片  多媒体课件  教材  磁带12345678910
四、教学用时: 一课时
i.review. (5) 
1. what time is it?
2. what do you do at two o’clock?
ii. words to learn  (15)
1.have the students look at the top of this page. have them look at the clocks. have them try to   read the time themselves.
2. have the students look at the screen. have them read the words after the recorder.
3. have the students read the words.
4. play the bingo game to remember the words.
iii. listen to this.  (8)
1. have the students look at the pictures. and have them talk about the pictures.
2. play the tape and have the students check the correct answer.
3. check the answer.
4. plat the tape again. and have the students repeat the sentences.
iv. let’s sing. (12)
1. play the song. when it is finished, ask the students what words they have heard.
2. have the students watch and listen to the song.
3. play the song again and have the students try to follow the song.
4. sing the song in groups.
5. sing the song together.
v. set homework
1. sing the song to your family.
2. copy the words on page.
what time is it? 
it’s 4 o’clock.
it’s time for school. 
it’s time to have lunch.
unit 8 mocky is late  第三课时
1. 知识目标:
1)词汇:掌握时间的几种表达方法 it’s …o’clock. / it’s … fifteen. / it’s … thirty. / it’s … forty-five.
2)句型:掌握what time is it?/ it’s one o’clock./ it’s two fifteen./ it’s three thirty./ it’s four forty-five./  it’s time to …
2. 能力目标:
3. 情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助学生树立学好英语的信心,增强学生的参与意识,引导学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,并在成功中体会英语学习中的乐趣。
重点:三个句型: what time is it? / it’s one o’clock. it’s two fifteen. it’s three thirty. it’s four forty-five./  it’s time to …
三、教学准备:教师准备:录音机, 教学卡片,自制时钟,课件
step one   warming up
   1. free talk
t:class begins. good morning, boys and girls.
s:  good morning lucy.
t:  sit down, please.12345678910
2. review
1) what time is it?   it’s … o’clock/...fifteen/…thirty/…forty-five.
t: what’s this?(拿出自制时钟)     s: it’s a clock..
t: now let’s count the numbers.
(带领学生用一只手拨动时针转圈,同时count from 1 to 12)。
t: now look at the clock, who can tell me what time is it?
s: it’s two o’clock.
exercise: (幻灯片展示不同时间点的钟表,同学两人一组问答时间,巩固所学句型)
   2) go to school/ have english class/ visit grandma/
play with friends/ go home/ watch tv/ eat dinner
t: look at the first picture, what does he do? tell me the key words.
s: (go to school)
t: good. next…
step two   lead in
 t: who can tell me what time is it now?     s: it’s twelve o’clock.
t: ok, at 12:00, what do you do every day? please think it over.   s: ( have lunch)
t: ok, it’s time to have lunch, right?   s: yes.
t: look at this time, what time is it now?   s: it’s 4 o’clock.
t: at 4:00, what do you do?     s: go home.
t: yes, so clever, it’s time to go home.
(引出新句型 it’s time to …,并且用刚复习过的词组来做造句练习)
step three  learn the dialogue
   t: ok, now it’s time to learn the dialogue, open your book and turn to p18
1. read the dialogue following the tape
2. read in groups
3. practice with the given phrases
4. present the students’ dialogues
spoken exercise:
(according to the pictures on the screen, make the dialogue with the following sentences)
what time is it?   it’s …o’clock/...fifteen/…thirty/…forty-five.   it’s time to …
extra knowledge:
t: look at my clock, please
at 12:00 o’clock, it’s time to have lunch.
  at 8:00 o’clock, it’s time for class.
it’s time to have lunch.    it’s time for class.
it’s time to +动词              it’s time for +名词
choose to or for:
1.  it’s time        supper. we have yummy food.
  a. to    b. for
2.  it’s time        play computer games.
  a. to   b. for
3.  it’s time        have chinese class.
  a. for   b. to
4.  it’s 8:00 now. it’s time          math class.12345678910
  a. for   b. to
step four   listen and match
   1. say sth about each picture
   2. guess what time do they do the things
   2. listen for the first time
   3. listen again one by one sentence
   4. listen and read the sentences and check the answers
step five   homework   完成练习 p19
step six   conclusion
 say   “goodbye! ”
t: (看挂钟)  ok, it’s…  it’s time to stop our class. goodbye, boys and girls!
ss:goodbye, lucy!
unit8  mocky is late
what time is it?              it’s time to have lunch.
                it’s …o’clock.               it’s time for class.
…thirty.                 it’s time to +动词
…forty-five.             it’s time for +名词

unit8 第四课时
一、教学目标 1.the students can read the words and recognize the words preliminary.
               2. the students can describe the time in english.
               3. the students can grasp how to pronounce “oy”, “oi”
               4. developing the pupil’s ability of co-operation by group work.
二、教学重、难点:the students can grasp how to pronounce”oy”, “oi”
三、教学准备:教师准备:courseware, audiocassette recorder, new words cards
step1.  warm up:
t: class begins!  morning!  boys and girls!
s: morning ,teacher!
t: sit down, please!
step2. review
1.     review the numbers one through twenty in a class drill.
2.     review the numbers. write the word thirty on the board. say the number aloud and have he children repeat it after you.
3. repeat the procedure for the other numbers.
step 3. read and check
1.     have the children open their books at page 19. show your copy of the page.12345678910
2.     point to the picture on the right. say, “this is lucy.” tell the children that they are going to read about lucy’s busy day.
3.     now point to the picture of the diary. say, “this is lucy’s diary.”
4.     point to the first entry in the diary, “9:15 visit the doctor.” have the children read the words aloud together.
5.     repeat the procedure for the other entries.
6.     now direct the children’s attention to the sentences at the bottom of the page. explain that some of the sentences are true and some are false. all the information the child need is contained in the diary.
7.     point to the first sentence. have the children read the words aloud together.
8.     ask the children if the sentence is true or false. then have the children check (   ) the box next to the correct answer.
9.     repeat the procedure for the other sentences.
step 4. extend
have the children make a new passage like this text.
step 5. sum up
practise the students’ listening
and speaking
ask the children to know the new languages of this unit and at the same time, consolidate the key point for this unit.
consolidate the contents have learned.
作 业设 计must do:
                        1. read the new text 5 times at home.
                        2.    translate the text into chinese.
                        3.    preview page 21,22,23.
choosing do:
                         read a new story by yourself.
                        unit 8    mocky is late
                                    what time is it?     it’s … o’clock. 12345678910
                        it’s time to ….     it’s time for ….

unit8 第五课时
一、教学目标 1.the students can read the words and recognize the words preliminary.
             2. the students can describe the time in english.
             3. the students can grasp how to pronounce “oy”, “oi”
             4. developing the pupil’s ability of co-operation by group work.
三、教学准备:教师准备:courseware, audiocassette recorder, new words cards
step1.  warm up:
t: class begins!  morning!  boys and girls!
s: morning ,teacher!
t: sit down, please!
step2. review
1.     review the numbers one through twenty in a class drill.
2.     review the numbers. write the word thirty on the board. say the number aloud and have the children repeat it after you.
3. repeat the procedure for the other numbers.
step 3. touch, ask, and answer
1.     draw the children’s attention to the pictures at the bottom of page 21. show your copy of the page.
2. point to the peter’s speech bubble. ask, “what is peter saying?” see if the children can read the question without your help. then read the words together.
3. repeat the procedure for wang ling’s answer.
4. divide the class into two groups. one group is peter and the other is wang ling. now have the children repeat the dialogue in a class drill.
5. tell the children that they are going to role-play the situation.
6. put the children into pairs to practice the dialog. encourage them to use their own time and activities.
7. check the activity by asking children to role play in pairs.
step 4. write the time
1.     have the children open their books at page 22. show your copy of the page. draw their attention to the first picture. tell them the two sentences below are about the picture.
2.     point to the first sentence. read it aloud and have the children repeat it after you. repeat for the second sentence.
3.     now explain to the children that they have to write out the second sentence below each picture according to the time in the picture. the first picture is completed as an example.12345678910
4.     have the children look at the time indicated on the clock. ask, “what time is it?” elicit the answer from children and have them write out the time on the ine.
5.     repeat the procedure to finish the other pictures.
in the end, have individual child read out their sentences to check the activity.
step 5. let’s chant
tell the children that we are going to learn a chant.
have the children open their books and look at the pictures at the top of this page.
1.     direct their attention to the pictures on the top of the page. have them describe what happens in the picture. then encourage the children to read the chant by themselves.
2. play the tape straight through. have the children listen. xkb1.com 
3. play the first section, stopping after each sentence.
have the children repeat after the tape. make sure they understand each part.
4.     repeat with the other parts of the chant.
5. now play the tape without stopping this time. have the children say the chant in a class drill following the tape
6.     play the tape without stopping this time. have children say the chant in a class drill following the tape
step 6. extend:have the children make a new chant like this text.
step 7. sum up
practise the students’ listening and speaking
ask the children to know the new languages of this unit and at the same time, consolidate the key point for this unit.
consolidate the contents have learned.
ask the children to know the new languages of this unit and at the same time, consolidate the key point for this unit
作 业设 计must do:
                        1.sing the chant 5 times at home.
                        2.    translate the chant into chinese.
                        3.    preview page 20, 23 .
           choosing do:
                         make a new chant by yourself.
                        unit 8    mocky is late12345678910
                                    what time is it?     it’s … o’clock.
                        it’s time to ….     it’s time for ….

unit8 第六课时
一、教学目标 1.the students can read the words and recognize the words preliminary.
             2. the students can describe the time in english.
             3. the students can grasp how to pronounce “oy”, “oi”
             4. developing the pupil’s ability of co-operation by group work.
三、教学准备:教师准备:courseware, audiocassette recorder, new words cards
step1.  warm up:
       t: class begins! morning!  boys and girls!
       s: morning ,teacher!
       t: sit down, please!
step2. review
     1.  review the numbers one through twenty in a class drill.
     2.  review the numbers. write the word thirty on the board. say the number aloud and have the children repeat it after you.
     3. repeat the procedure for the other numbers.
step 3. self-assessment
1.  have the children open their books at page 25.
    draw their attention to the clocks on top of the page.
    tell them these clocks show different time and you want them to write the time out. point to the first clock, and elicit the time from the children. have the children write the time on the line provided. repeat with the other clocks. you can also choose to have the children finish the task in groups by themselves.
2.  tell the children to look at the diary in the second activity. explain that its tom’s diary. have the children read the diary. point to the diary on the right and tell them they need to write about their own school day on the diary. tell them they only need to write out three sentences. at the end of the activity, call individual child to say what they wrote.12345678910
step 4. reflection
1.  the reflection helps children to look back what they have learned in this unit, and to think about their learning in the future.
2.  draw the children’s attention to the reflection card at the bottom of the page. tell them to think about their own learning and go over all the items individually or in pairs. when all the children finish, have them tell each other about what they have done on their reflection card. practise the students’ listening and speaking
    ask the children to know the new languages of this unit and at the same time, consolidate the key point for this unit.
consolidate the contents have learned.
                        unit 8    mocky is late
                                    what time is it?     it’s … o’clock.
                        it’s time to ….     it’s time for ….



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