
小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-27 网络整理 晴天


本单元的日常交际用语主要是围绕“征询意见”编排的,what about …? 是表示“……怎么样?”的意思,用于征求别人意见。 “what about”一般都是在一定的情景下才使用这个句子,如果离开了交际情景而直接说what about …?就会显得唐突。教材分别提供了“饿—买热狗”和“渴—买饮料”两个场景供教师教学日常交际用语。
本单元单词教学部分增加了a hot dog ,a sandwich, a pie ,some bread ,some rice ,soft drinks ,a bar of chocolate ,a carton of milk教材这样编排便于学生根据情景把单词与对话结合起来操练。
能正确地听、说、读、写字母oo, pp ,qq.
能听懂、会说以下饮料和食品类单词a hot dog ,a sandwich ,a pie ,some bread ,some rice ,soft drinks ,a bar of chocolate ,a carton of milk ,
能听懂、会说日常交际用语i’m hungry /thirsty .what would you like ? what about … sounds good, /no ,i’d like ……thank you/thanks .并能熟练运用日常交际用语进行问答。
能理解并正确运用a bar of ,a carton of以及some.
会唱歌曲hot cross buns!
其中教学重点同教学要求,教学难点同教学要求4:能理解并正确运用a bar of ,a carton of 以及some.
采用活动途径,倡导体验参与 ,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功。
    4. 教具准备:
5.课时安排: 共四课时。
第一课时:a1-2  b食品类单词。
第二课时:a3-4  b饮料类单词。
第三课时  c d
第四课时:e wb

the first period
teaching contents:
1.a 1-2 : i’m hungry .what would you like ? i’d like … sounds good .
2.b单词:a hot dog ,a sandwich ,a pie ,some rice ,some bread
teaching aims:
enable the ss to understand and say : a hot dog ,a sandwich ,a pie ,some bread ,some rice .
encourage the ss to have good cooperation with one another and use the communicative sentences : i’m hungry .what would you like ? i’d like …sounds good .
teaching steps :
step1 free talk .
talk with kitty . 学生与售货员小猫kitty交谈。
free talk .
t&ss:  what a nice …!can i have a look ? a hamburger /…? (yes ,please ./no ,thank you .)
在此过程中,引导学生用sounds good  回答。
learn to say : sounds good.
揭题:unit 8 i’m hungry .
ss learn to say : i’m hungry .(边说边做饥饿状)
step 2 presentation (1)
let’s go to the supermarkets .去超市前必须说出一种食品或饮料或水果的名称。
e.g t: what would you like ?
   s: a hamburger/…, please .
kitty : here you are .
  s:  thank you .
在此过程中,提示学生用i’d like说话。
what would you like ?
i’d like a cake ,please .
here you are .
thank you .
a.read  after the t
b.ask and answer (t&ss)
c.group work .
d.pair work .(借助学生课前制作的食品图片,进行替换练习。)
e.check .小组连锁操练: s1—s2—s3—s4
chant : what, what, what would you like ?
      i’d ,i’d ,i’d like a cake .
      here ,here ,here you are .
      thank you ,thank you ,thank you very much .
step 3 presentation (2)
draw and guess .  画食物图,由此进入新单词的学习。
learn to say : a hot dog ,a sandwich ,a pie ,some bread .some rice .
sing together
do a survey .
group work .
ss以what would you like ?发问,进行统计。
step 2 homework .
read after the recorder .
step 5 goodbye .
unit 8 i’m hungry
what would you like ?
i’d like a cake .图1—图2—图3—图4—图5。
here you are .
thank you.

teaching contents :
a3-4 : what about ?
b饮料类及食品类单词:a carton of milk ,soft drinks ,a bar of chocolate .
to understand : a bar of ,a carton of ,some.
the ss can understand and say the communion parlance : what about …?
teaching steps:
sing a song : “hot cross buns .”
listen and do .
kitty : i’m tall /fat /…/hungry .引出并教学“i’m thirsty.” (边说边作口渴状)
questions :
a. if you’re hungry ,what would you like ?
ss发散思维,说出想要吃的东西。(learn :a bar of chocolate )
b.if you are thirsty ,what would you like ?教学 a carton of milk ,soft drinks.
step 2 presentation .
t&ss practice :
e.g t: what would you like ?
   s: i’d like a cup of tea .
   t: here you are .what about some milk?
   s:yes ,please .
learn to say : what about ?
listen to the tape and imitate .
read the dialogue .
act .
step 3 task .
任务: 点菜。
语言技能: listening and speaking .
语言知识:事物名称和交际用语what would you like ? what about …? i’d like…
    step 4 goodbye .

the third period
teaching contents :
c look and say .
d look ,read and write .
teaching aims :
the ss can understand what they have learnt .
the ss can read and write “oo, pp, qq.”
teaching steps :
step1 warm up
greetings .
listen and do .
sing a song “hot cross buns .”
smell and guess .
    step 2 review .
1. 快看快说。
    (1) 师贴图片,一边贴,学生一边说单词。123
    (2) 快指快说。
(3) 摘图片,说单词。
    活动规则:老师手拿一摞图片,走到学生中间,学生和老师一起问:what would you like ? i’d like…有一名学生回答:并从教师手中得到一张图片。
step 3 presentation
listen to the tape ( a learn to say )
try to act .
look at the pictures .(c look and say )
discuss :what are they saying?
pair work .
check ,
step 4 look ,read and write .
复习字母: aa至nn.(在游戏找“邻居”中复习。)
读单词:book ,pie ,quilt .
step 5 work :
copy the letters : oo ,pp, qq .

the fourth period
   teaching contents :
e  fun house & workbook .
teaching aims :
enable the ss to understand and use the communicative words .
encourage the ss to have good cooperation with one another .
teaching steps :
step1 warm up
sing the songs .
free talk .
listen and do : let’s fly /jump /run /walk /eat /drink/write/read /…/i’m hungry /i’m thirsty ./……
step 2 presentation .
1.play a game : draw and guess .
a.things for school .
b.things in a room.
c.food and drink .
2.read the words three times .
step3 fun house .
listen and judge .
learn and do .
let’s cook some rice .
wash some rice .
pour some water .
turn on the cooker .
have a rest : sing and dance …hot cross buns !
step4 play a game: 下棋。
   step 5 do the workbook .
phonetic symbol :
hot dog /hrt/ /drg/  a sandwich/5sanwidv/    pie/pai/               bread /bred/         rice /rais/               bar /bb:/  
carton /5kb:t[n/    chocolate/5tfrk[lit/       sounds /saundz/123


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