
小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-26 网络整理 晴天


本单元的日常交际用语主要是围绕“购物”编排的,教材为学生提供了日常生活中购买服饰的场景,帮助学生理解并掌握购物时常用的英语表达方式。在教学过程中,教师应创设:“购物”的情景,并通过不同的语调,手势引导学生学习。可以把学过的饮料、食品、水果、家具、家电等词汇与“购物”结合,把教室布置成shopping ,“挑选商品”、“购物付帐”,串联起来更符合生活实际。
能正确地听、说、读、写字母rr ,ss ,tt.
能听懂、会说服装类单词a cap ,a hat ,a vest ,a tie ,a belt ,socks ,shoes ,trousers .
能听懂、会说日常交际用语can i help you ? what colour ? how much is it? …yuan ,please .并能熟练回答。
能背诵歌谣a red dress .
教具准备: 图片、实物(服装类、文具类、食品类等)钟面。

教学内容:unit 9 a learn to say
使学生初步听懂、会说日常交际用语can i help you ? what colour ?how much is it ?…yuan ,please .
能听懂、会说服装类单词。a cap ,a vest .
step 1   greetings
step2    review .
what’s the time,please?( 6:00  12:00  4:00  10:00)
game: let’s go to the supermarket .
what’s this in english ?(文具类)
how many …can you see ?家具类并复习20个数词。
what would you like ?(食品类、服装类)
colour it …(服装类)
step 3  presentation .
study the new sentences : can i help you ?what colour ?the red one .
(1) t&ss practice .  t: what would you like ?
                              ss: a dress /coat ,please /i’d like a …please .
(2)  (找2—3名学生配合) t: can i help you ?
                       s: i’d like a coat /…, please.
                          t: what colour ?
                       s:red /…
(3) ss   listen to the tape and repeat .(学习单词cap )
      ss   learn to say : can i help you ?what colour ?
(4) pattern drill
2.study the new sentences : the red one .how much is it ?… yuan,please .
    (1) (上一句型操练完后,t随机抽查,并变换句式)123
      t:can i help you ?   ss: a cap ,please .
      t: what about the red one ?  ss: sounds good /oh ,it’s nice /how pretty .
(2) ss learn to say : the red one .(操练注意颜色变换)。
(3) ss listen to the tape and guess: what are they talking about ?
       ss learn to say : twenty yuan ,please .how much is it ?(根据周围可利用的东西进行询问价格的对话)
step3 break .
sing and dance : a b c song .
listen : rhyme 《a red dress 》
step 5 ending .
unit 9 shopping .
can i help you ?
i’d like a … (图片) /  /
what colour ?
how much is it ?
教学内容:unit 9 b look and learn
能听懂、会说服装类单词a cap ,a hat ,a vest ,a belt ,socks ,shoes ,trousers等。
    2.继续练习日常交际用语,能较熟练地问答:can i help you ? what colour ? how much is it ?等。
step1 : warm up exercises .
plus and minus .
free talk .
who’s he /she ? i can’t find…, where’s …? what would you like?
step 2 review
学生用带来的物品操a部分句型。can i help you?…
step 3 presentation .
1.由step2进入,study the new words : a vest ,a tie ,a hat .
  s: can i help you ?         t: a vest ,please .
  s: what colour ?           t: the red one .
  s: here you are ?           t: how much is it ?
  s: 15 yuan ,please .         t: here you are .
  ss:  learn to say :  a vest ,a tie ,a hat ,a belt , a green vest ,a black tie ,a brown hat .
  ss: pattern drill .
2.study the new words : socks ,shoes ,trousers.
  sa : look at his/her /my    socks /trousers .
  sb: how nice /pretty .
ss learn to say : socks ,shoes ,trousers .
point ,ask and answer . how much are they ?
                   they are …yuan .
step 3 listen to the tape and repeat .
step 4 have a rest .
sing a song : twenty green bottles .
play a game: draw.
draw a red cap .draw a green belt ,…
step 5 ending .
unit 9  shopping .

a vest    a cap    a blet    shoes

a tie     a hat     socks     trousers123

教学内容: unit 9 c look and say   d look ,read and write.
能正确地听、说、读、写字母rr ss和tt .
能熟练地运用日常交际用语can i help you ? what colour ? how much is it ?
step 1 free talk .
step 2 .sing and dance :《a b c song 》《twenty green bottles 》《 hot cross buns 》.
step 3   review the letters and study the new letters
say the letters from “a” to “q” one by one .
read the letters together .
play a game : listen and say the letter before .
listen and say the letter next ……
4.ss learn to say : rr ss tt .
5.look and write .
big r两笔完成small  r一笔完成。
big s small  s一笔完成。
big t small t两笔完成。
step 4 look and say .
listen to the tape .
make a dialogue .(can i help you ?…)
look and say .
step 5 goodbye .
unit 9 shopping

r r    s s    t t
vest [vest]        cap [cap]     belt [belt]
tie  [tai]         hat [ha t ]     socks[srks]
trousers[5trauz[z]  help [help]     can [can ]
colour[5kql[ ]     much[mqtf]    princess[prin5ses]

教学内容: e  fun house及work book .
能背诵歌谣a red dress .
step 1 warm up  exercises .
sing the songs .
say the rhymes: 《it’s his key 》《jack has a clock 》
step 2 say a rhyme :《a red dress 》
listen to the tape .
listen to the tape and repeat .
say the rhyme together .
step 3 listen and number .
look and say .(生根据图中内容自编对话)
listen to the tape .
listen and repeat .
listen and number .
check:  a4   b7   c5   d1
                e8   f3    g2  h6
step 4 play a game.
sa : what would you like ?
sb: a shirt ,please .
sa: what colour ? sb: green  
sa: how much is it ?
sb: …..
step 5 work book
step 6 ending . 123


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