3b今晚开奖开什么号_3B Unit 3 Family members(The first period)

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-26 网络整理 晴天


1.能听懂、会说单词 grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, son, daughter, friend及词组 a family photo
2. 能听懂、会说日常交际用语who’s he / she? he’s… she’s…
3. 能正确区别he 和she, 并能熟练运用  
2. 掌握photo的正确发音 
课前准备 全家福照片,图片,挂图,头饰,卡片,小黑板

教学设计 :
一.warming up: 1. say a rhyme: “ it’s his key.” 2. free talk: good morning / afternoon. how are you? what’s this / that in english? is this / that a …? yes, it is. / no, it isn’t.
二.presentation & practice 1. t: look, what’s this in english? (出示一张自己的全家福照片) it’s a family photo.(自问自答) this is my family photo. (指着学生的全家福照片)this is your family photo. teach: a family photo t read it slowly for 3 times. read after the t read it one by one (注意photo的发音) 2. t: see, this is helen’s family tree. (将挂图贴在黑板上) now, i’m helen. (戴上helen的头饰) this is my father. he’s my father. 指着班中的一个男孩说this is … . he’s … 指着更多的男孩,让学生理解he 和he’s 的意思,同时引出 friend he’s … he’s my friend. teach: friend 拿出he 和he’s 的卡片:teach “he & he’s” 同法教学:she & she’s 同桌操练:将自己的同桌介绍给大家。 he’s / she’s … 3. t: look at this picture. he’s my father. she’s my mother. who’s he ? he’s my father’s father. he’s my grandfather. teach: grandfather 以同样的方式新授单词: uncle son ( who’s he? he’s mike. he’s my brother. he’s my father’s son) 新授句型: who’s he? he’s my … 同桌操练who’s he ? he’s … he’s my friend. t: who’s she? she’s my grandmother. teach: grandmother 以同样的方法新授单词: aunt daughter (将头饰拿下,who’s she ? she’s helen. she’s mr green’s daughter.) 新授句型:who’s she? she’s my… 同桌操练 who’s she? she’s … she’s my friend.
三.consolidation: t: i know you’re tired. now let’s have a break. let’s say a chant together. (预先写在小黑板上) grandfather grandfather 爷爷 外公 grandmother grandmother 奶奶 外婆 father father 是父亲 mother mother 是母亲 son son是儿子 daughter daughter 是女儿 伯伯,叔叔和舅舅,英语都是说uncle 姑姑,婶婶和阿姨,英语都是说aunt play a game: t show the picture of “ father”, then ss say “ mother” make dialogues with ss t: this is your family photo. can i have a look? s: sure. here you are. t: who’s he? s: he’s my grandfather. t: who’s she ? s: she’s my grandmother. t: oh, i see. 和另外一个学生对话表演然后,让学生运用全家福对话: s1: look, this is my family photo. s2: can i have a look? s1: sure. here you are. s2: who’s he? s1: he’s my uncle. s2: who’s she? s1: she’s my aunt. s2: oh, i see.12
homework: read the words after the tape make dialogues with partners using the structure “ who’s he/ she? he’s / she’s…”



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