3b今晚开奖开什么号|3B Unit 2 Yes or no(The third period)

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-27 网络整理 晴天


1. 能听懂,会说单词: computer, camera, radio, key, clock, watch;
2. 熟读课文,表演课文;
3. 能听得懂,会说日常交际用语: is this/ that a...? 及其答句: yes, it is. /no, it isn’t。 can i have a look? 及其答句:sure, here you are. what a nice…!
3. 利用交际用语表演对话。
教师: 多媒体课件、课文磁带、练习册;
学生: 带一些文具。
step 1   warm up
2.free talk
t: is that/ this a…?   s: yes, it is. / no, it isn’t.            
t: is that your pencil case?   sa: yes, it is.
t: can i have a look?   sa: sure. here you are.
step 2   revision
box 1, (将图片做出被腐蚀的效果)
t:guess. what are these?
      t:excuse me ...,is this/ that a ...?
      s: yes, it is./ no, it isn’t. it’s a….
box 2, (出示图片的一部分)
t: do you want have a look ?
      s: can i have a look?
      t: sure. here you are.
      t:excuse me ...,is this/ that a ...?
      s: yes, it is./ no, it isn’t. it’s a….
box3, (图片快速出现)
t: do you want have a look ?
      s: can i have a look?
      t: sure. here you are.
      t:excuse me ...,is this/ that a ...?
      s: yes, it is./ no, it isn’t. it’s a….
do the excise: look and match
      (1) t: read this words by yourself
      (2) do the excise
      (3) check the answer
(1). ask some question: who are they?
                      where are they?
                      what are they talking?
 (2). 出示课文图片
   t: look at these pictures, first let’s read it.
   t: try to recite the text. act the dialogue with body language.
step 3 presentation
出示句型:a: excuse me…. is this/ that your…?
          b: yes, it is./ no, it isn’t. it’s a….
          a: can i have a look?
          b: sure, here you are.
          a: thank you. what a nice….
(1)t: look, this is gao shan’s desk,. they’re have so many things on the desk.
  let’s talk about it.
(2)practice in pairs.
(1)t: look, this is gao shan’s bed,. they’re have so many things on the bed.
  let’s talk about whit these things.
(2)pactice in pairs.
(1)t: look, this is gao shan’s sitting room,. they’re have so many things.  let’s talk about whit these things.
(2)practice in pairs.
(1)t: now, boys and girls, open your pencil box. let’s talk about whit them.
(2)practice in pairs.
(3)act it out.
step 4  homework
 1.动手画一画你自己的卧室,并用英语向同学    介绍一下。
2.复述unit 2 的a部分。12


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