
小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-25 网络整理 晴天


教学目标:1、学生能熟练掌握clock key computer 这三个单词。
2、学生能熟练运用一般疑问句is this /that …?并能进行肯定和否定的回答
yes,it is . no, it isn’t.
3、能正确地使用感叹句 what a nice…对物品进行赞美。
4、能正确地使用礼貌用语may i come in.come in,please.
教学重点:1、单词:clock key computer
2、能运用is this /that ?yes,it is . no, it isn’t.进行问答。
教学难点:is this /that …?yes,it is .no, it isn’t. 及单词的正确读音。
教学过程:1、free talk and revision
t: hello everyone! how are you?
s: fine, thank you . and you?
t: i’m fine ,too.
t: i’m very happy today.
t: excuse me, what’s this in the box?
s: it’s a …
2、 presentation and practice
a (一名学生稍晚进教室教师课前指导学生完成)
s:may i come in?
t: come in , please. sit down, please.
s : thank you.
s:may i come in?
t: come in , please. (教师引导学生应答)
教师创设情境让学生在情境中明确may i come in? come in,please.的意思。在此基础上,教师与学生表演对话
t:xx ,come here. 教师与学生耳语后,该生走出教室敲门进来。
s:may i come in?
t:教师引导学生集体应答 come in ,please.
t: 领读句子: may i come in? come in, please.
a: may i come in?
b: come in, please.
b 教师拿出准备好的物品询问学生并引导学生进行一般疑问句的应答。
t: touch this. is this a pear? yes or no?
s: yes.
t: yes, it is. (教师帮助学生完整回答)
(出示句型is this a pear?yes, it is.并领读)
再让学生触摸物品运用句型is this a… yes, it is.
t: (让学生通过闻一闻,尝一尝的形式,进行问答):is this a banana?
s: no.
t: you are right. no, it isn’t. (教师帮助学生回答no, itisn’t.)
(出示句型no, it isn’t.并进行领读
t: is this a crayon?
s: no, it isn’t.
(出示并领读句型 is this/that a…?)
c look and guess
s: is this a …? t: yes, it is. no, it isn’t.
s: is this a toy cat? t: yes , it is. look at my toy cat.
s: how nice.
t: thank you.
now boys and girls, show me your beautiful presents
s: look at my….
t: how nice. / what a nice ….
(出示并领读句型what a nice…)
t: there are many beautiful things in my schoolba
touch this. is this a …?
s: no, it isn’t. t: yes, it’s a clock.
t: look at my clock. s: what a nice clock.
(出示并领读单词 clock)
t: touch thi
s: 钥匙. t: it’s a key.12
(出示并领读单词 key)
t: is this a key?
s: no, it isn’t. it’s a telephone.
t: is this a tv?
s: no, it isn’t.
t: it’s a computer. (出示并领读单词 computer )
d 集体游戏
教师拿出一个大盒子,里面有许多图片.一位同学上台 从里面拿出一张,另一学生背朝学生进行猜测:is this…? 下面学生进行应答。背朝学生的学生猜对了就可得到该图片,教师总结活动结果。
3 consilidation 1、 出示课文挂图,学生听录音看图回答问题
is this a dog? what is it ?
2、 听录音跟读课文
3、 分角色朗读
4、 同桌表演对话
5、 戴头饰上台表演对话
家庭作业: 1、和父母用is this/that…?yes,it is. no, it


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