【unit】Unit 3 Family members Period2

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-25 网络整理 晴天


一、teaching contents
a: learn and say
b: look and learn
二、teaching aims
1.能正确地听、说、读、写单词a boy, a girl及a man .
2.能正确会说单词son, daughter和friend.
3.能听懂会说日常交际用语is this your …? this is /he’s / she’s your …, i think.及回答yes, he/she is. no, he/she isn’t.
三、the difficult points
四、teaching aids
1.family photo
五、teaching procedure
step1: free talks
      1. what’s this in english? (手拿一学生的全家福)
      2. talk about the photo.
        this is a boy.
        this is a man.
        this is my…(投影仪)
step2: presentation
1、learn: who’s he/she?
          he/she’s my…
   the way: dialogue
①t: who’s he/she?(指一学生的全家照)
s1: (help) he’s my father/mother.
②read: he’s/she’s …
③work in pairs.
2.         learn: daughter
the way: (show a photo of the teacher)
①t: guess! who’s he?
s: (guess) he’s …, i think. (ask several students)
t: he’s my grandfather.
t:( show nancy’s photo) who is she?
s1: she’s nancy.
t: yes. she’s mr. black’s daughter. (引出daughter)
②read: daughter
3. learn: son
the way: the same way as the above
4 learn: friend
the way: dialogue
①t: nancy is mr black’s daughter.
david is mr black’s son.
yang ling is their friend.
②friend ( 小组/开火车/个别)
5 .learn: is this your…?
the way:ask and answer
         ①t: is xxx your friend,s2?
           s2: yes, he is.
           t: is miss zeng your friend?
           s: yes.
②read: by chant: friend, friend, your friend,
                is this your friend?
③ask and answer
t:(手拿学生照片) is this your brother?
b: yes, he is.
        ⑤work in 2 and check
6. learn: this is your…, i think
the way:
①t: this is your sister, i think. (拿一学生的照片)
          s: yes/no.
       ②read: this is your …, i think.
③guessing game:投影几位学生把自己带的照片,请其他学生上去指着猜是谁。12
        a: this is your brother, i think.
        b: no, he isn’t. it’s me.
        t: she is your aunt, i think.
 s: yes, she is.
7. learn:  he/she is your …, i think.
          yes, he / she is.
          no, he/she isn’t.
   the way: 承上
step3: listening.
1. listen to the tape
2. read together
step4: practice.
1. what’s missing?
2. guessing games
学生将家长小时候的照片拿出,几人一组,用学的句型进行猜人物游戏:who is he/she?
he/she is your xxx, i think.
yes, he/she is.
no, he/she isn’t.
step5: homework.
1、 听录音朗读对话与单词。
2、 根据课文内容自编小对话,下节课表演。
bb design:   unit3 family members
       a: is this/that your…?
         this is/that’s your…, i think.
         he’s/she’s your…, i think.
       b: yes, he/she is.
          no, he/she isn’t.
unit 3 family members period2 来自。 12


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