3a大作是什么意思|3A Unit 3 教学方案(第二课时)

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-21 网络整理 晴天


第一部分 简要提示
三、课题:this is my father     
1.能听懂、会说8种水果:bananas, pears, mangoes, pineapples, apples, oranges, watermelons, peaches
2. 能用big, small形容水果。
3. 能听懂、会说、会用:i love ... 来表达自己喜爱的水果。
第二部分 教学过程
t: nice to meet you , boys and girls. i’m miss zhu, this is my friend bobby. ( ppt: this is my… )
t:上节课老师布置了一个任务,你们还记得吗?对啦,老师请大家把自己的全家福带来,向你的同学们介绍一下自己的爸爸妈妈。you can say : this is my father. this is my mother. ( ppt: this is my father. this is my mother. this is my brother / sister. )
t课件出现一个黄色的星) you’re so smart! 这颗五角星是对同学踊跃回答的奖励,do you love it? what colour is it?
t: yes , it’s yellow. look , they’re yellow,they’re all fruit.(课件出现梨、香蕉、芒果和菠萝的一部分)
t: look, what are they?
t: (点击出现完整的梨) they’re pears.
t: look at my mouth, listen carefully. pears , pears, /  /, /  /, pears.
if you can read it , hands up.
now , read after me : pears , pears.
let’s read it one by one. group one , first.
t: yes, they are pears. pears are sweet.梨很甜,i love pears. 我爱吃梨.
t: are they pears?
t(点击出现完整的香蕉)  no, they’re bananas. 教法同上
t: bananas are sweet, i love bananas. do you love bananas? 你们爱吃梨吗?
s1: yes.
t: yes, bananas sweet i love to eat.
t: pears are yellow , bananas are yellow, what fruit are yellow?
t: (点击出现完整的芒果) they’re mangoes.
t: mangoes are sweet. i love mangoes. do you love mangoes?
s1: yes.
t: (点击出现字幕) mangoes, mangoes i love you. mangoes sweet i love to eat. 
please read it together.
t: i love pears. tom loves bananas, linda loves mangoes, bobby, what fruit do you love?你喜欢什么水果呢/
bobby: er… i love pineapples.
t: pineapples? oh, i know, bobby loves pineapples.
t: (点击出现完整的菠萝) they’re pineapples.
t: pineapples are sweet. bobby loves pineapples. do you love pineapples?
s1: yes.
t: (点击出现字幕) pineapples, pineapples i love you. pineapples sweet i love to eat. 
please read it together.
review the 4 words;
t: today we’ve learned some yellow fruit. what are they? 哪位同学能告诉大家我们学的4种黄颜色的水果呢?123
t: (点击出现图片、单词) yes, they’re pears, bananas, mangoes and pineapples,
t: 同学们,下面我们再来学几种水果吧
tppt) they’re red and they’re sweet. what are they?
(ppt形成几个苹果) yes, they’re apples.
t: listen carefully. apples , apples
now , read after me : apples , apples.
let’s read it together.
t:apples are red. apples are sweet. i love apples. do you love apples?
t: who loves apples, please stand up.
t: look, here’s a chant for apples. (点击出现字幕: apples, apples i love you. apples sweet i love to eat.)
t: first, please listen to me and clap your hands. 请同学们一边听,一边跟老师打节奏。
t: apples red, apples small. apples, apples i love you. apples sweet i love to eat.
t: 同学们, 你们学会了吗?下面我们一起来跟着老师的节拍来读一读。
(老师先拍手示范) ready?  go!
t: great! you did a good job! what’s the next fruit?
t:(ppt) listen! they’re orange and small. they’re sweet. what fruit are they?
(ppt形成几个橘子) yes, they’re oranges.
t: listen carefully. oranges , oranges
now , read after me : oranges , oranges.
let’s read it together.
t:oranges are orange. oranges are sweet. i love oranges. do you love oranges?
t: who loves oranges, please stand up.
(点击出现字幕) oranges orange, oranges small.oranges, oranges i love you.oranges sweet i love to eat.
t: it’s your turn now.
(老师先拍手示范)ready?  go!
ss: oranges orange, oranges small. oranges, oranges i love you. oranges sweet i love to eat.
t: apples are red and small. oranges are orange and small. what fruit are green and big?
(ppt形成几个西瓜) yes, they’re watermelons.
t: listen carefully. watermelons , watermelons
now , read after me : watermelons , watermelons.
let’s read it together.
t:watermelons are green. watermelons are sweet. i love watermelons. do you love watermelons?
bobby: yes.
t: who loves watermelons, please stand up.
(点击出现字幕) watermelons, watermelons i love you. watermelons sweet i love to eat.
t: (老师先拍手示范)ready?  go!
t: now i know tom likes apples, cory likes oranges and bobby likes watermelons. what fruit do monkeys like?
(ppt中出现猴子和桃子) yes, monkeys like peaches.
t: listen carefully. peaches , peaches
now , read after me : peaches , peaches.
let’s read it together.
t: monkeys like peaches. do you love peaches?
bobby: yes.
t: ok, let’s read together.
(点击出现字幕) peaches, peaches i love you. peaches sweet i love to eat. 
t: oh, it’s time for rest, let’s sing an english song, fruit song.123
t: 同学们,你们会唱了吗?下面我们一起来唱一唱吧。
(本步骤设计说明:首先,通过颜色引出4种黄色的水果,在学习过程中不断进行…, … i love you. … sweet i love to eat的语言输入,让学生听懂其含义,熟悉其韵律,为后面学说chant作好准备;接着以猜谜的形式,通过教师描述水果的颜色、大小、味道引出另外3种水果,在学习单词的过程中,让学生选择自己喜欢的水果,用改编的chant将教学的相关内容以富有节奏感的歌谣形式串联起来,让学生在松弛、愉悦的情绪中反复操练单词的复数形式,帮助学生练习读音,增强记忆;最后,由学生喜爱的水果联想到猴子爱吃的桃子。本环节的最后一步将留2分钟时间给学生,让他们用歌曲的形式将前4种水果进行改编,即对前半部分的巩固。)
t: now we know some fruit. what are they?
t: yes, they’re … (ppt: 8种水果)
t: now, let’s play a game: magic eyes. 下面我们来做一个游戏,名字叫:魔力眼。看看谁的眼睛最厉害,能看出画面上缺掉的水果。(做4次)
t: what’s missing?  (音频)
(本步骤设计说明:首先让学生通过总结,复现了本课的主要内容:8种水果;接着,设计了游戏magic eyes,目的是为了让学生能将图、音、义结合起来记忆,为他们创设一个轻松、愉快的记忆环境。)
第三部分 说明
本节课的主要任务是学习8种水果的复数形式,因此,整节课就以谈论水果的颜色、大小、味道及个人的喜好为主线串联起这8种水果。整个过程由浅入深、由听到说,以chant贯穿整个教学过程,让学生在松弛、愉悦的情绪中反复操练单词的复数形式,帮助学生练习读音,增强记忆。最后的总结设计了游戏magic eyes,目的是为了让学生能将图、音、义结合起来记忆,为他们创设一个轻松、愉快的记忆环境。123


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