牛津小学英语3A|牛津小学英语3A Unit 8 Let’s go to the park 教学设计

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-19 网络整理 晴天


教学内容:牛津小学英语3a unit8 part b c.
1、能听懂、会说句子let’s go to …. but how?  by….
3、能听懂、会说常见交通工具a bike,a bus, a car,a plane和表示地点的单词a zoo, a park , a cinema,a supermarket,the great wall .
教学重点: 教学目的1、3
教学难点: 教学目的1、2
教具准备: 多媒体课件
step 1 warming up
1、greetings :
good morning/afternoon. how are you? …
2、are you happy today?  now, let’s sing, together. ok? hi, nancy!
3、t: i can say a rhyme . can you say with me?
叮铃铃,闹钟响。get up, get up快起床。
背上书包 go to school。
go home ,go home快回家。
go to bed, go to bed去睡觉 (做动作)
(设计意图:歌谣为了复习短语go to school/go to bed,引出新学短语go to the zoo/park/cinema,并能活跃一下课堂气氛。)
step 2 presentation
1、学习动物园 zoo
t: what? s: elephant /monkey/tiger---
t: where are they? they are in the zoo.(出示动物园图片)
t: 领读单词zoo,学生个别读,开火车拼读zoo zoo z-o-o zoo
t: zoo,  zoo 是动物园, 动物园,动物园是zoo,  zoo,  zoo,  let’s go to the zoo.   小组操练go to the zoo
chant: zoo zoo, go to the zoo.
t: let’s go to the zoo. ok?  ss: ok. 
2、同法 learn : “a cinema,a supermarket, the great wall, a park
3、t: do you like to go to the park? s: yes.
t: look, this is a park. you can invite your classmates to go to the park.
t---s1   s1—s2 train work
邀请老师去ss: let’s go to ----.
t: good. but how? 操练 but how?
4、 play a game :look and guess :what am i saying? (师不出声说单词,生根据口形猜单词。)
5、 learn : by bike/bus/car/plane
1)t: look at this picture ,what is this ? (bike).
引出交通工具 “bike”、 “by bike ”( read and do ) 
let’s say it: bike, bike 叮、叮、叮, by, by, by bike.
(边说边做表示骑车的动作,帮助学生理解“by bike”。)
2)bus, bus,嘟、嘟、嘟by, by ,by bus. let’s go to the park by bus.
3) 同法教授by car/plane.
4) play a game : act and guess (师做动作,生猜)
step 3 consolidation
导游活动: 学生轮流扮演司机,学生一队跟在后面作搭车,开着去动物园、公园、电影院,超市,长城,边走边说:
s1:(转动转盘) let’s go to …
ss:but how?
s1: by …
step4 have a rest:
enjoy the abc song.
step5 homework
1. listen to the tape.
2. make a similar dialogue with your classmates.
unit 8 let’s go to the park.
图1 a zoo                 
let’s go to the     图2 a cinema           
图3  a supermarket      
图4  the great wall         
图5   a park
but how?    
                         图6 bike
by                      图7 bus
图8 car
图9 plane12


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