3a游戏_3A《Unit 8 Let’s go to the park》 教学设计

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-19 网络整理 晴天


(1)fun with english (《牛津小学英语》)是由译林出版社和牛津大学出版社出版的专供以小学三年级为起点学习英语的学校使用。本套教材注重对学生的口语训练及学习兴趣的培养。书中的内容多与学生熟悉的日常生活有关。
(2)本课的教学内容是《unit 8 let’s go to the park 》a  learn to say 。主要学习单词park, cinema, zoo, bike ,bus, plane,及句型let’s go to ….all right./ok.let’s go ./good. but how? by bike. by plane. by bus.同时并让学生能将所学的内容与生活联系起来,真正的运用到生活中去。
(1).knowledge:能熟练地在情景中运用句型let’s go to ….all right./ok.let’s go ./good.but how?by bike.by plane.by bus.掌握单词park, cinema, zoo, bike ,bus, plane的音、形、义。
(2).feelings: make the ss glad to invite each other .raise the pupils’ interest to learn english.
(3). skills:引导学生积极参与游戏、唱歌、对话,表演等丰富多才彩的活动,养成动脑、动手、动口的好习惯。让学生成为学习的主体,主动学习,教会学生学会学习。
(1)单词park, cinema, zoo, bike ,bus, plane, 的音、形、义。
(2)句型let’s go to ….all right./ok. let’s go ./good. but how? by bike. by plane. by bus.
4.教学难点:cinema的读音及能自如应用let’s go to ….这一句型并能灵活地应答。
step 1:motivation
1、t: hello,boys and girls, let’s sing a song “hello,how are you”together
2、(过渡)good morning,everyone. nice to meet you. how are you? today we will have four teams. i have four pictures.(四张交通工具图) which one do you like best? oh,you are car team.(you are in car team. car car 领读两遍,贴)。同法bus team/bike team/plane team.
 (过渡)let"s have a match.try your best,do your best,let’s wait which team is the best,ok?
step 2:presentation
1、teach: zoo
 the way:  t:hello,what’s this?(复习动物)  s: a tiger/cat...
t:there are many animals. where are they?they are in the zoo.
  teach “zoo”(指图片带生读)
  (1)t:(this is a zoo, this is a big zoo, this is a nice zoo)
  (2) chant :zoo,zoo,go to the zoo.
2、teach: let"s go to the zoo
(过渡)t:there are many animals in the zoo.i want to watch them,would you like to go with me?
t: good morning,***,let’s go to the zoo.(做动作邀请2生)
s1: ok!/all right.
(teacher invites two students,and then show the sentence to them.)
teach: “let’s go to the zoo”
(1)教let"s (2)小组--整体读(let"s go to the zoo)
(3) t---ss (t: hi,***, let"s go to the zoo.  ss: ok./all right)
(4) practice in pairs
3、teach: park
 (过渡) look, the animals are in the zoo. but where’s the zoo.i t’s in the park.
  teach: “park”
  (1) 静听   (2)跟读(贴板书)
(3) t: hi,boys and girls, let’s go to the park.
ss: all right. / ok.
(this time, invite me)
ss:hi,boys and girls, let’s go to the park.
t: good , let’s go.
4. teach: let’s go.(板书)
a: hi,***,let’s go to the park.
b: ok!/all right. let’s go.
5、teach:  but how? bike  by bike
(过渡)this park is gaojing park(高静公园),what else park do you know in liyang?
   fenghuang park(凤凰公园),wuting park(五亭园), cangyu park(沧屿园)   these are very beautiful please. can you invite your classmates to visit them ? who can?
s1: hi, let’s go to gaojing park.
ss: good, let’s go.(2组)
  (过渡): invite miss xie to visit wuting park
ss: hi, miss xie, let’s go to gaojing park.
t: good, but how? (cai)板书
(1)teach“but how?” (做动作)
(过渡):listen carefully, what is it? you can use chinese.
 (2)teach  “ bike”“by bike”(教师用手势表示) (板书)123
drill: 师生---生师---同桌
6、teach “cinema”
 the way: (由上操练时奖电影票引出)
   here’s a ticket for cinema, you can go to the cinema.
 7、teach “bus” “by bus”“car” “by car”
the way:(过渡)liyang is a nice city. here are some pictures .
(2)suppose i’m a visitor. can you invite me to visit them?
 s1: let’s go to tianmu lake.
 t: good, but how?
s: by bike.
t: oh, it’s too far, i don’t have a bike. shall we by bus or by car, ok?
 teach: “bus” “by bus”“car” “by car”
(3)drill in pairs.(图片)
8、teach: plane, by plane, great
the way(过渡)now, this time, let’s have a rest. in china ,there are many beautiful places. look, how nice! would you like to go with me?
  t: let’s go to beijing, ok?
 ss: good, but how?
t: you can also use “great” it’s very exciting to beijing.
  (板书) great teach: great
  t: oh, beijing is too far. we can by plane.
teach: “by plane”
drill: (1) t—ss; ss--t
(2)look at the places,make a dialogue in groups.
(3)act it out
step 3: practice
1、play a game
2、lean part a
(1)today we have leaned unit 8.(揭示课题)
  look at the picture ,you can discuss with your partners, find out where do they want to go and how do they go there?
(2)read after the tape/by themselves.
(3)read in roles,act.
 step 4:consolidation
(过渡) now, close your books, today you’re so good. i gave you many tickets. look, i have a ticket too. it is for beijing wangfujing. i want to invite one go with me.who can go with me?
a: hi,***!how are you?
b: fine, thank you, and you?
a: i’m fine, too. ***let’s go to beijing,ok?
b: great, but how?
a: by …
 wow, beijing ,how nice!
 let’s go to wangfujing,ok?
b: good, but how?
a: by…
b: oh, go home now.
a: ok,let’s go!
 show them a modle,get the ss to have a competition in groups.123


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