3a大作是什么意思|3A Unit 8教学案例

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-19 网络整理 晴天


1、能熟练运用let’t go to 这个句型表达自己的意愿
2、能听懂、会说常见交通工具:car  ,bike  bus  plane 
3、能听懂、会说常用地点词:zoo  park  cinema   supermarket  the great wall
step1 warming up
t:good morning /afternoon,boys and girls.
glad to see you? how are you?
2. free talk
t: hello ,how are you?
s: fine,thank you.and you?
t:i’m fine,too.let’s sing the song〈〈hello,how are you?>>
3 review the words
t:hello,what’s this?
s:oh! school (出示学校图片)
t:now, goto school.please.
s:all right.see you.
t: school,school,lets goto school.
ss: school,school,let’s go to shool.
t: go home,now.
s:all right.home,home,go home.
step 2  presentation and practice.
1 play a game:look and guess.
t:look ,what’s this?
ss: it’s a zoo.
2. learn to say: let’s go to……
ok/ all right/good/great/
1)t:today is a bright day.i will take you to some places.
t:is this a park? yes or no?
s: yes.
t:yes,it’s a park.
t:this is hong mei  park
ss:hong mei  park.
t:hong mei  park is very beautiful.i want to go there.
would you like to go with me?
t: let’s go to hong mei  park, all right?
ss:all right.
(using the body language)
2)read after the t. let’s ……
3)practice and check.
  t-s  s-s work in pairs.
4) sing and dance (let’s go to……)
(t:takes out the picture. ss:look,sing and dance)
3.have a rest
play a game:“listen and do”
e:g(t:show me your sweater. ss:do it)
4.learn to say “but how by……”
t:(出示动物园图片)let’s go to  the zoo.
t:great !but how?(手势)(出示自行车、公共汽车,让学生选择交通工具)
t:by bike or by bus?
(using the body language)
s:by bus.
1) read after the t:but how?
2) practice and check
t-s   s-s  working pairs
(the t takes out the  picture, the s look ,sing and dance)
step3 magic circle
s1:let’s go to the park
s2:great .but how?
s1:by bike.

这节3aunit 8 的课主要是要教会学生学会说地点的词和交通工具。如果只是枯燥的教授,学生象小和尚念经,不容易记住,而且这些词都比较难,学生很容易就忘记。为了让学生把所学的东西牢记在心里,我设计了许多情景,用了许多图片,还用游戏的方式让孩子们在玩的同时来进行学习,让他们在做中学,在玩中学,让他们在自己亲身的经历中使用这些词,培养了英语语感,使孩子们在课后也想到要使用英语和其他小朋友进行交流。

3a unit 8教学案例 来自。 12


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