【unit】Unit 2 Ben’s birthday 第二课时

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-07 网络整理 晴天












a listen ,  read and say


1 .能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a birthday, a date, when, as, a present, first, second, march, third , april, fourth,  may, june.

2.能听得懂、会说和会读单词和词组blow out, a candle, a costume, a doorbell, january, february, july, august, september, october, november, december, fifth, sixth, twelfth, twentieth, twenty-first, wait, vcd, aladdin, take off.

3.能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语what date is it today? it’s the 16th of october. my birthday’s coming. would you like to come to my birthday party? would you like a vcd of japanese cartoons, too? let’s wait and see. happy birthday to you!

4.能听得懂、会说、会读、会写句型when’s your birthday? my birthday’s on … what would you like as a birthday preset? i’d like …


6.会诵读歌谣today is my birthday.


1.        词汇:a birthday, a date, when, as, a present, first, second, march, third , april, fourth, may, june.

2.      句型:when’s your birthday? my birthday’s on … what would you like as a birthday preset? i’d like …


1.        生词卡片

2.      录音机,磁带





part 1  free talk and motivation

1.t:goodmorning/afternoon , class

2. review the words

 a read together

 c read it one by one

 d spell it .

3. read the dialogues:

what date is it today? it’s the 16th of october. my birthday’s coming. would you like to come to my birthday party? would you like a vcd of japanese cartoons, too? let’s wait and see. happy birthday to you!




2 ss: a birthday, a date, when, as, a present, first, second, march, third , april, fourth, may, june. ss

3 ss: what date is it today? it’s the 16th of october. my birthday’s coming. would you like to come to my birthday party? would you like a vcd of japanese cartoons, too? let’s wait and see. happy birthday to you!



part2  presentation

1. (show the card) t: when is your birthday?

2. learn the words :

 a read the words blow out, a candle, a costume, a doorbell, january, february, july, august, september, october, november, december, fifth, sixth, twelfth, twentieth, twenty-first, wait,

 b read it one by one

 c spell it

3. listen to the tape and answer my questions:

 a who’s jim?12

 b what do jim and ben often do after school?

 c what’s ben doing today?

 d what are jim and ben talking about?

4. open your books

 a follow the tape

 b follow me

 c read together

 d read it by yourselves .

1 ss: my birthday’s on the…

2 a read the new words

 b read it one by one

 c spell it

3 ss: jim is a new students in ben’s class.

 ss: ben and jim often go home together after school.

 ss: today, ben is visiting jim.

 ss: they are talking about ben’s birthday.

4 ss: read the dialogues

  a read after teacher

  b read together

  c read it one by one ..

  d try to act it


本部分内容主要操练了几个重点句型:“what date is it today? when’s your birthday? what would you like as a birthday present?”的同义句,经过训练,大部分学生能掌握,但还有个别学还要进一步巩固练习。

part 3 consolidation

 1. listen again and read it

 2. please put it into chinese .

 3.  try to act it

 4.  practice :

a: when’s your birthday?

  b:  my birthday’s on …

a: what would you like as a birthday present?

b: i’d like…

1. read the dialogues again

2. speak chinese

3. act it

4. ss :

a: when’s your birthday?

b: my birthday’s on …

a: what would you like as a birthday present?

b:  i’d like…



part 4 assign homework

1. write the sentences twice.

2.  copy the words

finish the homework



unit 2 ben’s birthdayoften go home together     talk about      come soon         have a birthday party      as a birthday present    a vcd of japanese cartoons




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