[6b4t]6B Unit 3 Asking the way 知识点

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-06 网络整理 晴天



1.      way 路线 2. get到达 3. along 沿着 街,4. street街道 5. take乘坐,搭乘(交通工具) 6.stop停车站 7. road路,道路 8. history历史 9. museum博物馆 10. crossing十字路口 11.miss没找到 12. kilometre千米 13. no.【number的缩写,用于数字前】……号 14.told(tell的过去式)15. bookshop书店 16. steal偷(过去式为stole)17. shout呼喊,喊叫 18. thief贼 19. came(come的过去式) 20. hotel旅馆;旅社 21. place地方,地点



1. history museum 历史博物馆     2. shopping centre 购物中心

3. middle school 中学 4. primary school【英国】小学 /elementary school【美国】小学

5. post office 邮局     6. train station 火车站

7. get on 上车 get off 下车    8. turn left 向左转 turn right 向右转

9.    come from = be from 来自于   10. live in nanjing 居住在南京

11. get there 到达那里   get to 抵达   12. go along this street 沿着这条街走

13. at the third crossing 在第三个十字路口  14.  on your left 在你的左边 

15. how far 多远      16. a long walk 一段长的路程  

17. take bus no.5 乘坐五路公交车    18. how many stops 多少停车站 

19. every five minutes 每五分钟     20. on zhongshan road 在中山路上  

21. in front of 在……前      22. at the second stop 在第二站

23. bank of china 中国银行  24. last sunday afternoon 上个星期天下午

25. run out of the shop 从商店里跑出来   26. a map of the town 一张小镇地图



1.     he wants to visit the history museum,but he doesn’t know the way.


2.    he is asking yang ling how to get there.


3.    excuse me,can you tell me the way to the history museum,please?


4.    let me see. 让我想想。

5.    go along this street,and then turn right at the third crossing.


6.    you can’t miss it. 你不会找不到它的。

7.    how far is it from here? 它离这儿有多远?

how far is your school from your house? 你的学校到距离你家有多远?

8.    it’s about a kilometre away. 大约一公里。

9.    that’s a long walk. 那是一段长的路程。

10.  well,to get there faster,you can take bus no.5.


11.   there’s a bus every five minutes. 每五分钟有一辆公交车。12

12.  you can take bus no.9 in front of the history museum and get off at the third stop.


13.  you’re welcome. / that’s all right. / that’s ok. 没什么。不用谢。

14.  how can i get to the shopping centre? 我怎样能到达购物中心?

15.  stop thief! 捉贼!

16.  i followed him along the street,but he ran faster than me.


17.  soon he stopped the thief and i got my purse back.


18.  get the mouse on my blouse out of the house.




/ au /   blouse   house   mouse  out

shout   about   mouth  




当我们来到一个陌生的地方时,问路恐怕是避免不了的,问路通常包括四个方面的内容:(a)引起话题:excuse me … (b) 询问路在何方:where is …? (c) 指路:go long … (d) 表达谢意:thank you.


a 引起话题

  excuse me,where is …?

b 询问路在何方

  can you tell me the way to …?

  how can i get to …?

  would you tell me the way to …?

  is there a … near here?

  which is the way to …?

  would you please show me the way to …?

  could you tell me how to get to …?

  how far is it?

c 指路

  go along / down the street.

  turn right / left at the … crossing.

  take the … turning on the right / left.

  it’s about … metres away.

  it’s about … minutes’ walk from here.

  it’s near / beside / between …

  you can take bus no. …

d 表达谢意

  thank you very much.

  thanks a lot.

  many thanks.

6b unit 3 asking the way 知识点 来自。 12


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