【6a充电线和5a的区别】6A Unit 1 Public signs

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-07 网络整理 晴天


 1、四会单词:danger, grass, keep off, quiet, touch
 2、能流利地朗读公共标志的单词(版块b) :no smoking  no littering, no parking, do not touch, danger, no eating or drinking,  keep off the grass ,be quiet。
3、能听懂并理解句型:what does this sign mean? 
 it means ……
    some word- cards   some pictures   small blackboard
step 1. warming up
2、free talk
  what day is today?
  what subject do you like ?
  how many english lessons do you have in a week?
  what are we doing now?
step 3. review the public signs.
1. today we’ll learn a new lesson :  unit 1 public signs
 (write on the blackboard.).
2、take out the small blackboard ,i give you some places.
   hospital  classroom  sidewalk  school  reading room
(then show some pictures of public signs.)
 2.t: what does this sign mean?  s: it  means  ‘no smoking ’.
   it means you shouldn’t smoke.
 (the same way to review the other public signs)
3、ask the students to put the public signs on the correct  places.
step 4. teaching the other public signs. 
1、t: let’s go to the park.
ss: ok.
t: look , there are some buildings in the park. near the park , there are two public signs there. let’s go and see. what does this sign mean ?
it means ‘danger’.
(teach  danger .)
it means we must  stay away from it.
(teach  must  \  stay away from )
2、the same way to teach “do not  touch”、“keep off the grass”、“be quiet”
  keep off the grass.   it means we shouldn’t walk on the grass.
  be quiet.  it means we shouldn’t make noise.
  do not touch.   it means we shouldn’t touch it.
 step 5  practice
  1、practice   a:  what does this sign mean ?
b:  it means …
3、play the game 
step 6. homework
1、copy the words of public signs.
2、review the public signs.
 step 7 teaching design :       
       unit 1  public signs
  danger! it means you must stay away from it.
  keep off the grass   it means you shouldn’t walk on the grass.
  be quiet it means you shouldn’t make noise.
  do not touch       it means you shouldn’t touch it.12
step 8  teaching  thinkings
    本节课以词组和句形为重点,课堂上我通过去游公园为线,发现public signs,并开展教学,让学生在情景中认识标志,并熟练朗读。课堂上以多种形式进行操练,让每一位学生都能会说会认,最后通过游戏,玩卡片的形式结束课堂。学生乐说,爱说,积极性挺高。英语表达达到了预先的效果,但是对于这些标志的中文含义,有些学生还不是那么明确,导致作业上的翻译各种各样。这一点,下节课还有待于加强和训练。12


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