6a充电线和5a的区别_6A Unit 6 Holidays( The first period )

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-04 网络整理 晴天


1.能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词children’s day , new year ‘s day , people, watch the moon, eat moon cakes
2.能听懂、会说、会读单词和词组spring festival, mid-autumn festival , relative , delicious , popular , eat a lot of delicious food , visit their relatives and friends ,  play with lanterns
3.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型when ‘s …? it’s in …what do people usually do at /on …? they …
教学重点:aim 1,2,3
1.能听懂、会说、会读单词和词组spring festival, mid-autumn festival , relative , delicious , popular , eat a lot of delicious food , visit their relatives and friends , play with lanterns
2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型when ‘s …? it’s in …what do people usually do at /on …? they …
一、free talk :
1.what day is it today ?
what date is it today ?
what date was it yesterday?
what did you do yesterday?
2.when’s your birthday ?
what do you usually do on your birthday?
s1: i usually have a birthday party .
s2: i usually eat a birthday cake .
s3: i usually go shopping .
t: what do you usually do on your birthday? (用手势表示你们)
ss : we have birthday parties , eat  birthday cakes, go shopping and …… .
3.(课件示日期)t: look, what date is it ? speak out quickly.
s :学生快速说出日期。
t: they’re all holidays . do you like holidays ?
s: yes ,we do .
t: today we ‘ll learn unit 6  holidays .
in this class , let’s learn some holidays in china .
二、presentation :
1. children ’s day
t: do you know some holidays in china ? you can say it in chinese .
ss: (说说中国的节日。)
t: in these holidays , what ’s your favourite holiday ?
learn the word  “  favourite ”
ss: children ’ s  day !
课件示:learn “ children ’ s  day ”
t : when’s children’s day ?
s1 : it’s the 1st of june .
t: yes , it’s in june .
what do you usually do on children ‘s day ?
s1: i play games .
s2: i watch cartoons .
s3: i eat a lot of food .
what do children usually do on children ’s day ?
they usually sing and dance . (如果学生回答不上教师可引导他们看图)
课件示:sing and dance
learn the phrase .
2. new year’s day
t: do you want to know my favourite holiday ?
ss: yes .
 t: look and listen .(课件示歌曲 :happy new year )
听后回答:what holiday is it ? (it’s new year ’s day )
课件:ear dear hear near year
“ear”  pronounce ?
spell the word “year ” .
read the phrases : new year , happy new year , new year ‘s day , on new year ’s day
t: when ‘s new year ‘s day ? (板书)
s: it’s on the 1st of january .
t: yes , it’s in january . (板书)123
it’s the forst day of a year . what do you usually do on new year’s day ? (板书)
ss : 自由回答
t:过渡到pepole (板书上贴上people )
what do people usually do on new year ‘s day ?
s1: they have a party .
s2 : they go to parks .
板书:they have parties .
read the sentences ,ask and answer in pairs. (课件)
3. spring festival
t: what holiday comes after new year’s day ?
learn “come after ”  (随后而来)可举例让学生理解。如:friday comes after thursday.
帮助学生回答:spring festival (learn this phrase .)
t: spring festival is chinese new year . all chinese people like the holiday very much .
spring festival is a popular holiday in china . (课件)
learn “ popular” (多数人喜爱的,流行的 )“two butterflies” is a popular song now .
when’s spring festival ?
s1: it’s in january . .
t: yes .spring festival is in january this year . but sometimes it’s in february . so we can say “it’s in january or february . ” (板书)
what do people usually do at spring festival ?
ss: they usually go shopping , have parties ……
若有学生回答了they usually eat a lot of food .教师就可顺势说:i think the food is very nice , very delicious .引出 eat a lot of delicious food
若没有这样的回答,教师可启发 do you usually ……?what else do you usually do at ……?引出 eat a lot of  delicious  food ,visit their relatives (课件)
practice : (课件)
when’s _______? it’s in ______. what do people usually do at _________? they ________.
4. mid- autumn festival
t: now i want to introduce another traditional holiday in china .
(描述)on that day , the moon is very bright and beautiful . people like watching the moon at night . they also like eating moon cakes and playing with lanterns . 边描述边课件示中秋圆月,配舒缓音乐
guess , what ‘s the holiday ?
ss : 中秋节
t: great ! it’s  mid- autumn festival .
ss : learn “mid- autumn festival ”
t: when ‘s mid- autumn festival ?
s1: it’s in september or october .
t: what do people usually do at mid- autumn festival ?
s2: they usually ……
课件示: watch the moon , eat moon cakes , play with lanterns
read these phrases .
practice : (课件)
when’s ……? it’s in ……. what do people usually do at ……? they ……
三、consolidation :
1.read the holidays . children ’ s  day , new year ’s day , spring festival, mid- autumn festival
2.read the sentences and write down the names of holidays . (课件)
read the sentences
do the exercise .
let’s check .
t: now we know n four chinese holidays . what else do you know ?
ss : (可能答)national day , teachers’ day , may day ,  women ‘s day123
t:oh , you know a lot . i’m very happy . let’s do this exercise . “ match the holidays ”
ss : do the exercise  and check it .
4.my favourite holiday .
t: in these holidays , my favourite holiday is new year’s day . ……. (课件示范)
ss : talk about  your favourite holiday
四、homework :
1.copy the words , phrases and sentences .
2.  write down your favourite holiday and practice the dialogue .
3.  surf the internet and try to find something about holidays in foreign countries .
when ‘s new year ‘s day ?  it’s in january .
spring festival in january or february
what do people usually do on new year’s day ?  they have parties .
 at spring festival   vislt their relatives
eat a lot of delicious food123


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