
小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-03 网络整理 晴天


1.在一月: in january (在某月要用介词in)
   在7月12号: on the twelfth of july(在某日要用介词on)
2.几月几日表达法:6月1号:  the first of june (the 1st of june)(june 8)
3.星期几询问法: what day is it today? it’s monday.
 (monday tuesday wednesday thursday  friday  saturday  sunday)
日期询问: what date is it today?  it’s the third of august. 
4.i’d like=i would like= i want………  我要。。。。(东西)
i’d like to = i would like to = i want to…….我要……(做某事)
do you want…?= would you like …?
i’d like some flowers. →
do you want to….?= would you like to…?
5.when 什么时候  == what time
                   what time do you go to school?
              ==== when do you go to school?
                when can we watch it? 我们什么时候能看?
6.what would you like as a birthday present? i’d like ………
牛津小学英语6a第二单元知识点整理及要求(二) 来自。


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