【unit】Unit 4 Review and check(Period 4)

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-02 网络整理 晴天


unit 4 review and check(period 4)
teaching aims:
1. revise the words and sentences of unit 1--3
2. part d: do a survey.
3.to cultivate the ss’ interesting in learning english.
teaching emphases and difficulties:
1. revise the words and sentences of unit 1--3
2. part d: do a survey.
teaching preparations:
  cd, tape, recorder,
teaching procedure:
step 1 warm-up
2.sing a song.
step 2 free talk
1.t and ss:
what does this sign mean?
what date is it today?
when’s your birthday?
where was it just now? etc
2.pair work.
3.check out
step 3 dictation
1.dictate the words of unit 1-3.
2.check out.
step 4 do a survey
1. explain the rules of the game.
2. read the questions one by one.
   when’s your birthday?
   it’s on the ……
   how many students have their birthdays in january?
   how many students have their birthdays in june?
   no one.
3. do the survey.
4.check out.
 step 5 practice
1. pair work: get the ss to make their own dialogues.
2. check out.
step 6 summary
make a brief summary of this lesson.
step 7 homework
review unit 1--3.
on the bb
unit 4 review and check
          when’s your birthday?
          it’s on the ……
          how many students have their birthdays in june?
          two/… students.  (no one.)

unit 4 review and check(修改稿)
teaching aims:
1. revise the words and sentences of unit 1--3
2. part d: do a survey.
3.to cultivate the ss’ interesting in learning english.
teaching emphases and difficulties:
1. revise the words and sentences of unit 1--3
2. part d: do a survey.
teaching preparations:
  cd, tape, recorder,
teaching procedure:
step 1 warm-up
2.sing a song.
sing the song “the signs in the park”.
step 2 free talk
1.t and ss:
what does this sign mean? it means “be quiet”, it means we shouldn’t make noise here.
what date is it today? it’s the twelfth of october.
when’s your birthday? my birthday’s on the second of march.
where’s my english book? it’s on the desk.
where was it just now? it was in the desk.
2.pair work.
3.check out
step 3 dictation
1.dictate the words of unit 1-3, add some of the sentences as possible.eg “be quiet” means we shouldn’t make noise here.
the english book was in the desk just now.

2.check out and correct.
step 4 do a survey
1. explain the rules of the game.
2. read the questions one by one.12
   when’s your birthday?
   it’s on the ……
   how many students have their birthdays in january?
   how many students have their birthdays in june?
   no one.
3. do the survey.
4.check out.
s: this is my friend chen yuan. he is twelve years old. his birthday’s on the …of…. he would like a …as his birthday present.
step 5 practice
1. pair work: get the ss to make their own dialogues.
2. check out.
step 6 summary
make a brief summary of this lesson.
step 7 homework
revise unit 1—3 and write at least four sentences to say something about your family members’ birthdays.
on the bb
unit 4 review and check
          when’s your birthday?
          it’s on the ……
          how many students have their birthdays in june?
          two/… students.  (no one.)

本单元是复习单元,建议增加学生从听说过渡到读写的环节,培养学生的综合能力。教案中的听写环节可以加入上一环节 free talk 中的句子内容,让学生在听写之前,先有个听的输入,降低学生的听写难度,缓解学习压力。do a survy 环节建议在学生互相交流,教师检测评价后,增加一个书写环节。引导学生记录一个朋友的信息,诸如:姓名,年龄,生日日期,喜欢礼物,爱好等,形成60字左右的文章,教师择优展示,引导学生阅读获取信息。



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