【6a充电线和5a的区别】6A Unit 5 On the farm 全单元教案

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-03 网络整理 晴天


一 教学内容:
1、能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词及短语a holiday, last, early, meet, before, did, taste, pull up, milk, cook
2、能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组:a farm, a carrot, fun, a camp, national day, a film, a cow, pick,wonderful, volleyball, mountain
3、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:did you like the film? it was a funny cartoon. we all like it very much. were there any fruit trees on the farm? there were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees.
4、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型: what (else) did you do…?   we/i like…
5、会诵读歌谣last week
二 教学重点和难点:
1、能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词及短语a holiday, last, early, meet, before, did, taste, pull up, milk, cook
2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型: a farm, a carrot, fun, a camp, national day, a film, a cow, pick,wonderful, volleyball, mountain
四 课前准备: 录音机、磁带、图片、实物
五 课时安排:八课时
  the first period
ⅰ a free  talk:
let ss have a free talk.
the students talk about they like , then practice in pairs.
ⅱ review:
1.ask about the date, day, weather and so on.
2.show some pictures of last unit to the students. try to say as quickly as you can.
3.talk with the ss.
ⅲ new lesson:
1.show the pictures or objects of part b to the ss.
“collect, milk, pick, cook, water, taste, pull up”
2.ask “how to speak in english?”
3.read the words one by one after the t.
4.read the words by themselves one by one.
5.read the words after the tape recorder.
ⅳ consolidation:
1.use the words of part b in to the sentence“what do you do?   i …”
2.try to make a similar sentence like the t did.
e.g. t: what do you do on the farm?
3.say with you partners.
ⅴ homework
1.copy the words on copybook a: taste, pull up, milk, cook
2.read part b after class for 15’
3.recite the words which should be recited.
ⅵ 教后记:
the second period
ⅰ free  talk:
let ss have a free talk.
the students talk about they like, then practice in pairs.
ⅱ review:
1.ask about the date, day, weather and so on.
2.show some pictures of part b to the students. try to say as quickly as you can.
3.talk with the ss.
ⅲ new lesson:
1.show the words to the ss, ask them to make a sentence“what (else) did you do on sunday? i…”
2.show the pictures to the ss, the t ask
3.practice with the ss one by one.
4.write on the blackboard how to ask and answer.
ⅳ consolidation:
1.practice how to use the sentence in the six pictures of p41.
2.write the six pictures on the english book.
3.talk with your partners.
ⅴ homework
1.copy the sentences on copybook a:123
1).what did you do last week?   i watched tv.
2).what else did you do? i visited the zoo.
2.read part b and c after class for 15’
3.recite the words and sentences which should be recited.
ⅵ 教后记:
the third period
ⅰ free  talk:
let ss have a free talk.
the students talk about they like , then practice in pairs.
ⅱ review:
1.ask about the date, day, weather and so on.
2.show some pictures of part b to the students. try to say as quickly as you can.
3.talk with the ss.
ⅲ new lesson:
1.show the pictures to the ss. ask and answer:
2.listen to the tape, fill in the blanks.
3.check the answer.
4.practice how to use the sentence in p42.
5.check the answer on the blackboard.
ⅳ consolidation:
1.talk with the other ss
ⅴ homework
1.make a similar sentence on your copybook b.
2.read part b,c and d after class for 15’
3.recite the words and sentences which should be recited on copybook c.
ⅵ 教后记:
the forth period
ⅰ free  talk:
let ss have a free talk.
the students talk about they like , then practice in pairs.
ⅱ review:
1.ask about the date, day, weather and so on.
2.show some pictures of part b to the students. try to say as quickly as you can.
3.talk with the ss.
4.review the words and sentences by themselves.
5.recite the words and sentences on copybook b
ⅲ new lesson:
1.read p43 part e by themselves
2.translate the sentences one by one.
3.learn the new words: his camping trip, at the camp, walk in the mountains, cook a lot of food, go camping
4.underline the useful expressions
ⅳ consolidation:
ⅴ homework
1.read part b,c, d and e after class for 15’
2.copy the useful expressions of part e on copybook b four times.
3.recite the words and sentences which should be recited on copybook c.
ⅵ 教后记:

the fifth period
ⅰ free  talk:
let ss have a free talk.
the students talk about they like , then practice in pairs.
ⅱ review:
1.ask about the date, day, weather and so on.
2.show some pictures of part b to the students. try to say as quickly as you can.
3.talk with the ss.
4.review the words and sentences by themselves.
5.recite the words and sentences on copybook b
ⅲ new lesson:
1.learn part f
1).look at the form
2).do a survey with your partners.
2.learn part g
1).read the four words: bright, light, right, tonight
2).find out the other words which the letter “igh” pronounced [   ]
3).read the sentence as quick as you can (notice the pronunciation)
3.learn part h
1).listen to the tape recorder
2).read the words of the rhyme
3).read by themselves
4).read after the tape recorder123
ⅳ consolidation:
ⅴ homework
1.read part b,c, d,e,f,g and h after class for 15’
2.recite the words and sentences which should be recited on copybook c.
ⅵ 教后记:
the sixth period
ⅰ free  talk:
let ss have a free talk.
the students talk about they like , then practice in pairs.
ⅱ review:
1.ask about the date, day, weather and so on.
2.show some pictures of part b to the students. try to say as quickly as you can.
3.talk with the ss.
4.review the words and sentences by themselves.
5.recite the words and sentences on copybook b
ⅲ new lesson:
1.read the part a by themselves with the questions:
1).what did nancy do last week?
2).where was helen last week?
2.  answer the questions
3.find out the words which you don’t understand
4.read and translate the dialogue sentence by sentence
5.read the part a after the tape recorder
ⅳ consolidation:
1.read the part a by themselves
2.read the dialogue sentence by sentence
ⅴ homework
1.read unit 5 after class for 15’
2.recite the words and sentences which should be recited on copybook c.
3.finish the writing part of unit 5 in the practice books.
ⅵ 教后记:
the seventh period
ⅰ free  talk:
let ss have a free talk.
the students talk about they like , then practice in pairs.
ⅱ review:
1.ask about the date, day, weather and so on.
2.show some pictures of part b to the students. try to say as quickly as you can.
3.talk with the ss.
4.review the words and sentences by themselves.
5.recite the words and sentences on copybook b
ⅲ new lesson:
1.  chick the answer of practice: listen and number/listen, read and judje/look, think and write/ look and write/ look, read and fill in the form
2.  chick the answer of practice: listen and match/listen, tick and judge/read and translate/ read, choose and write/ look, read and write/ look, read and complete/read and write/ read and judge
ⅳ consolidation:
ⅴ homework
1.read unit 5 after class for 15’
2.recite the words, expressions and sentences which should be recited on copybook c.
ⅵ 教后记:
the eighth period
ⅰ free  talk:
let ss have a free talk.
the students talk about they like , then practice in pairs.
ⅱ review:
1.ask about the date,day,weather and so on.
2.show some pictures of part b to the students.try to say as quickly as you can.
3.talk with the ss.
4.review the words and sentences by themselves.
recite the words and sentences on copybook b
read the whole unit together, notice the pronunciation.
ⅲ homework:
1.read unit 5 after class for 15’
2.recite the words and sentences which should be recited on copybook c.
ⅵ 教后记:



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