unit_Unit 4 Review and check 第四课时

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-02 网络整理 晴天


step1.do some practice
  (    )1.  a. read        b. bread       c. sweater     
(    )2.  a. bear         b. dear      c. hear      
(    )3.  a. hobby       b. over       c. doctor    
(    )4.  a. from        b. month     c. orange     
(    )5.  a. duty        b. june       c. thursday  
(    )6.  a. grass        b. cage      c. skate     
(    )7.  a. short        b. october    c. sports   
(    )8.  a. sign        b. cousin      c. public    
(    )9.  a. moment     b. phone      c. stop    
(    )10. a. computer     b. umbrella    c. butterfly  
      b. 英汉互译。
1. public signs                            2. 一卷胶卷                    
3. a piece of paper                         4. 远离                    
5. go home together                        6. 刚才                     123
7. blow out the candles                     8. 一副耳机                   
9. walk on the grass                       10. 十月六号                    
11. pick up                              12. 在一月份                    
13. take off                              14. 鸟笼                           
15.a pear tree                            16. 作为一个生日礼物        
1. take off (反义词组)                  2. japan (形容词)          
3. i’d (完整形式)                      4. should (否定形式)          
5. run (现在分词)                      6. they (宾格)          
7.twelve(序数词)__________         8. thirtieth(基数词)          
9. like (第三人称单数形式)             10. is (过去式)  
      d. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 123
1. do you like         (take) photos?
2. it means “no        ” (smoke).
3. look, wang bing is         (surf) the internet.
4. there         (be) a basketball under the chair.
5. what         (do) this sign mean?
6. you         (can) make noise in the library.
7. do you have         (some)         (hobby)?
  yes, i like         (collect)         (stamp).
8. i’d like        ____ (talk) about the map of england.
9. your cd walkman         (be) on the ground just now.
10. a pair of glasses         (be) behind the diary now. 123


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