what's up_What's the matter,Mike? PEP六年级下册教案设计

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-02 网络整理 晴天


  step 1.warm—up
  t:hello,boys and girls!may i introduce myseff?  myfamily nanle is zhang.you coatlcall me miss zhang.
  (2)free talk
  t:what do you do?
  s:i am a student.
  t:what’s  your  father’sjob?
  s:he is a doctor.(教师课前了解学生家长从事的职业,最好引出医生职业)
  step 2.preview
  (1)when we feel cold,we
  should put on a coat.when wefeel sick,we should go and see adoctor.加重音量,放慢语速,讲授新词feel sick。
  (2)the doctor always says:“what’s the matter?  ”whensomeone feels sick,we shouldtake care of him.let’s learnunit 2 what’s the matter?板书课题,讲授what’s themarer?
  [设计思路]利用图片,设置在本课中出现有关生病的单词,初步了解句型what’s thematter with…和新的短语动词。直观形象地把握单词词义。
  step 3.presentation
  t:when i anl a student ihave a dream.1 want to be a
  doctor,a good doctor.now,mydream comes true.展示教学挂图,戴上医生的帽子there are
  many patients.they are waitingfor me.
  let’s learn
  (1)look。this is a thermo-meter.if i have a fever.it will
  tell me.but i don’t have a
  fever.ok,let me begin my job.no.1 what’s the matter?let
  me see.it’s too high.oh,have a
  fever.(用自制的大型温度计,讲授have a fever)
  (2)now,no.2 what’s the
  matter?don’t have a fever,have
  a headache.讲授have a head—ache.(教师痛状)(表情、声音)
  (3)next one.no.3 oh,my
  god.what’s the matter?her leg
  have a fevet
  have a headache
  hurt,hurt,my leg hurts
  let’s chant:listen to thetape and f0u0w the teacher.
(4)my work goes on.letme go on my work.no.4 what’sthe matter?have a fever andher nose hurts.oh。i know.have a cold.(讲授have a cold)
  (5)no.5 it’s your turn.what’s the matter?open yourmouth and say“/a:/”.oh.havea sore throat.(讲授have a sorethroat)
  (6)1’he last one.no.6what’s the matter?oh,have a
  toothache.(讲授have a tooth—ache)and practise them.
  my work is over.i am very
  tired.but i am happy,because
  i help many people.
  step 4.consolidation and
  let’s play a game:a doctor
  and a patient.
  1.listen to the tape.
  2.write these phases two
  unit 2
  what’s the matter,mike?
  have a fever
  have a headache
  have a toothache
  have a sore throat
  have a cold
  1.课堂气氛是通过师生间相互作用和同学间的相互影响而表现出来的一种群体心理状态。张老师在这节课的导人部分较好地体现了这点,warm up活动中语气非常热情,一下子就把师生之间的关系拉近了,形成了良好的开端。此外,张老师夸张的温度计、医生职业帽饰把学生的学习热情很好地调动了起来,而且教师把这种热情带入每个教学环节,使得课堂气氛变得较为轻松。
  2.导人部分新颖自然,易让学生接受。课堂教学的导人,是教师在新的教学内容或活动开始时引导学生进入学习的行为方式。导入是课堂教学的一个有机组成部分,是实际教学的前奏,起着“引子”的作用。例如本课中的导人语when i am
  a student i have a dream.1
  want to be a doctor,a good
  doctor.now,my dream comestrue.很有艺术性,并以医生给病人逐个看病呈现语言点,以此为线索贯穿整个教学环节。


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