[unit]Unit 2What’s the Matter, Mike? Class (1)

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-02 网络整理 晴天


unit 2  what’s the matter , mike?
teaching objectives:
talk about one’s health and feeling: what’s the matter? how do you feel? how does she /he feel?
i have a headache / toothache / fever/…i  am happy/sad/angry/bored/tired/excited. he /she is excited.
take some medicine. drink some hot water.
1)understand: read. tick and cross.
2)listen, say , read, write.
3)understand: let’s start/let’s find out/let’s sing/let’s chant/group work.
4)pronunciation. /au//k/ /n//h/ /l//s//r/
5)task time. story time. good to know.
affect , strategies, cultural awareness
1)learn to concern the others.
2)learn to cooperate.
to know it is important for the students to have a healthy and happy feeling.
teaching difficult points and important points
1)let’s learn. let’s talk
3)let’s try .
what’s the matter? how do you feel? how does he/she feel? how are you? you look so happy. what’s the matter with you?
time: 6 times.
1,let’s start/ main scene a /let’s learn/ let’s find out/ let’s sing.
2,a let’s try/let’s talk/good to know
3,a  read and write. /pair work  /pronunciation.
4, let’s chant/let’s learn/let’s chant/story time.
5, let’s try/let’s talk/group work/let’s check
6, read and write ./talk and draw/task time.
7. revision .
8. test.

unit 2what’s the matter, mike? class (1)
teaching objectives:
1, listen, say, read, write:  have a cold, have a toothache, have a fever, hurt, have a headache.
2. listen, say, read: have a sore throat,  what’s the matter, mike? i feel sick. i have a fever.
3.let"s chant.
how are you feeling? fine. how are you? i have a headache. i have the flu…
analysis of the teaching
important points:
let’s learn; talk about the people’s health.
difficult points:
spell the 4-skill words. throat.
analysis of the students:
it is difficult for the students to use the new words freely.
teaching aids:
a tape recorder, pictures of the new words,
teaching procedure:
step one warm-up /revision
make the dialogue.
1.hello! every one. nice to meet you again .i miss you very much! what grade are you in?
what do you eat for the breakfast?
when do you do morning exercises?
i usually do morning exercises at 8:30
please look at the picture .
what are they doing?
i go to school by bike.
how do you go to school?
do you go to school on foot /by bike/by bus/by train/by subway/ship/plane?
yes , i do.
 how do you go to school? i go to school on foot. /by plane/ship/bike/bus/subway on foot.  
2.sing a song. my father is a doctor.
what are you? i am a student. what’s your father? he’s … what’s your mother? she is a …123
step two: preview
1. let’s chant. act like a doctor./nurse/…
2. when we want to learn something, we can come to school. when we feel hungry, we can go to kfc. when we feel sick, we can go and see a doctor. we should go and see a doctor when we feel sick.
look! we have some new friends here. who are they? are they happy? where are they? what are they doing? what’s the matter? the robot is tired. the rabbit is sad. the straw man has a headache. the dog has a sore throat.
(teaching intention:  firstly: make the students be interested in english by singing a song, saying a chant. secondly: revise the old knowledge and lay a foundation .) 
step three. presentation
1. let’s chant. i have a headache. i have the flu.
2.introduce. this is a thermometer. if have a fever, it will tell me. i don’t have a fever today. i feel well. but mike doesn’t feel well. he has a fever.
3. what’s the matter with the straw man? he has a headache. does the monkey have a headache, too? read: have a headache.
3. t: the monkey doesn’t have a headache. what’s the matter with him? yes! his leg hurts. read the words. my arm hurts. his ears hurts. her nose hurts. my nose hurts.
4. what’s in the box? yes. here are some sweets. i like eating sweets. so i often have a toothache.
5. i have a sore throat.
6. i don’t feel well. i have a fever. i have a headache. i have a sore throat. my nose hurts. what’s the matter with me? guess.
( teaching intention: presentation of the new lesson.)
7,pay attention to the pronunciation of the students.
read in groups.
8, read after the tape. write the 4-skill words.
9, let’s start./chant.
10,play a game. match the pictures according to the tape recorder.
step three practice
1.give some students some cards. what’s the matter? cold, cold, who has a cold? cold, cold, i have a cold. headache,  headache, who has a headache? headache, headache,  who has a headache?
2,touch the words as quickly as possible.
on foot by bike by bus by train by plane ship by subway
( teaching intention:  firstly: make the students learn the new lesson by heart.) 
step four: consolidation and extension
when the people talk about one’s health, we say the following:
what’s the matter? i have a fever/my leg hurts…
( teaching intention: make the students use the new lesson . secondly: foster the students’ ability to study on their own. assess themselves fairly.)
home work:
listen to the tape 3 times.
talk about the health and feeling.
on the black board:unit two   what’s the matter with you?123
what’s the matter with you?
i have a cold./have a toothache./have a fever/have a headache.
 i have a sore throat.
  my throat sores.
teachers notes:



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