[牛津小学英语]牛津小学英语 6A Unit5 On the farm(说课稿)

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-02 网络整理 晴天


今天我说课的内容是牛津小学英语6a unit5 on the farm的第一课时,主要学习cook, water, pick, taste, else, did, last及其中动词的过去式,以及句型what did you do last weekend? what (else) did you do?并能在一定的情景中熟练运用。
为了突破本堂课的重、难点,根据小学生好奇、好胜、好动、模仿力强、表现欲旺盛等生理和心理特点,我主要采取了以任务型教学模式为主,以活动,合作为主线,遵循“听说领先,读写跟上”的原则,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作、游戏感悟等多法并用的方式组织教学。彻底改变传统的“授— 受”的单一教学模式,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。
(1)能正确地听、说、读、写cook, water, pick, taste, else, did, last
(2)能听、说、读、写句型 what (else) did you do? i…, 并能在真实情景中加以运用
(1) 能听懂let’s do中的指令并做出相应动作.,如water the flower
(2) 能区分农场的动物, 培养学生灵活运用所学知识进行交流的能力.
1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词cook, water, pick, taste, else, did, last
2、能听、说、读、写句型 what (else) did you do? i…, 并能在真实情景中加以运用
1、句型 what (else) did you do? 的读音及其运用
2、 能正确运用动词的过去式,并掌握动词过去式的变化及读音
step 1、 warm up
1、  sing a song: old macdonald had a farm
2、  say a chant
t: boys and girls, let’s say a chant, ok?
t: open, open, open the door. (教师在一个学生面前做动作)
t: follow me, please. (教师和他/她一起做)
t: clean, clean, clean the desk, (教师在两个学生面前做动作)
t: follow me, please. (教师和他们一起做)
t: play, play, play the violin. (教师做动作)
t: boys, follow me.  (教师和男生一起做动作)
t: listen, listen, listen to the music. (教师做动作)
t: girls, follow me.  (教师和女生一起做动作)
t:now follow me together. (学生跟老师一起边说边做)
3、  free talk
step 2、 presentation and practice
1、教授 last
t: what day do you like best?
s1: i like friday.
s2: i like sunday, miss zhang, and you?
t: oh, i like weekend best. last weekend, i was very happy. (教师手指着last weekend, 强调说这句话)123
教读 last, last weekend, 可以引申到last monday, last tuesday…
2、教授 cook, cooked food
t:(戴好yang ling头饰) oh, i can’t find mum, where’s she?
ss: look, she’s in the kitchen.(同步展示课件)
t:thank you. wo, it smells delicious, i’m hungry. what is she doing now? (教师做流口水状) let me see. oh, she’s cooking the food. are you hungy?
ss: yes.
t: ok, now let’s cook the food together.
逐步出示单词卡片cook, cooked food
3、  授句型 what did you do last weekend?
(1)t: at the beginning of our class, i said i was very happy last weekend. do you want to know? you may ask me  “what did you do last weekend?”
出示句型卡片what did you do last weekend?
(2) practice
ss: miss zhang, what did you do last weekend?
t: i watched vcd. it was called “ the king lion”. it was very interesting.(教师展示狮子王vcd)
ss: miss zhang, what did you do last weekend?
t: i cooked food.
4、教授 water, watered flowers
(1)    s1: what did you do last weekend?
t: i watered the flower. (课件展示)
出示单词卡片water, watered flowers
5、教授what else did you do last weekend?
t: i was very happy last weekend. do you want to know more? you can ask me like this “what else did you do?” (口型暗示)
引导学生说出what else did you do?
6、教授 pick, picked oranges
taste, tasted the fruit
the similar method
step3 have a rest
1、  play a game: listen and act, look and say
2、  say a chant:  did, did, what did you do last weekend?
cook, cook, i cooked food
did, did, what did you do last weekend?
water, water, i watered the flower
did, did, what did you do last weekend?
pick, pick, i picked oranges
did, did, what did you do last weekend?
taste, taste, i tasted the fruit
step4 consolidation
1、sum-up: 今天我们学习了怎样用英语表达发生在过去的事情---一般过去时, 这时动词的形式就要发生变化,既用它的过去式形式.
l 规则动词的过去式词尾变化:
(1)一般情况下加ed,如played, milked.
  i milked cows yesterday.
l 规则动词的词尾读音:
(1)在浊辅音和元音后读/ d /,如lived.123
(2)在清辅音后读/t /, 如liked, helped.
(3)在/ t/,/ d /音后读/ id /,如tasted.
2、  do a survey
a: what did you do last weekend?
b: i …


miss zhang




cooked food




watered flowers




picked oranges





tasted the fruit




cleaned the bedroom




played the violin





played basketball




watched tv





(调查活动能充分调动学生运用所学英语与他人交流的积极性和主动性,不但活跃了课堂气氛, 也使得课堂教学达到了学以致用的目的。)

step4 homework
1、  write down your report
2、  preview “read and say” of unit5, try to recite by yourselves
3、  make a similar dialogue of part c
                            unit 5 on the farm
a: what did you do last weekend?
b: i......单词卡片
a: what else did you do?
b: i.......单词卡片



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