[牛津小学英语6a课本]牛津小学英语6A Unit 1 Public Signs

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-02 网络整理 晴天


牛津小学英语6a unit 1 public signs the second period teaching contents: 《义务教育课程标准实验教科书.牛津小学英语》6a第一单元第二教时(a)teaching aims 1  words and phrases: cousin, always, must, questions, stay away from,on the birds’ cage , make noise2 structures:what does it/this/that mean? it means you/we must/should/shouldn’t…3  enable students to communicate with each other and encourage them to have good cooperation with another.important and difficult points:1. 能熟练掌握对话2.  能运用所学句型进行扩展性的情景会话。teaching aids:1.some pictures about signs    2. ppt    3. tape-recorder ,cassetteteaching proceduresstep one : lead-in1.       free talk:  t: hello, xx ,what day is it today?             s: it’s monday today.             t:what do you usually do on saturday?             s: i usually go shopping / read books/play computer games…  well, i usually go to the park. in the park, i can see many public signs.2.       review the public signs that we have learnt. 3.       let’s listen and sing a song together  <<the signs in the park>> step  two: presentationa.      today ,i bring some public signs . look at them and say :what do they mean?(show the pictures about no littering, no parking and no eating or drinking)ask ss:where can we see them?  what does it mean?now we know :there’re a lot of signs in our life. they mean different things.(ppt显示句型以及句意)b.     next , i will introduce two new friends . they’re ben and his cousin,jack.(ppt展示两人图片). they’re interested in public signs. first, jack wants to tell you something. (ppt播放jack自我介绍)hello ,everyboday, my name’s jack. i’m four years old .i’m ben’s cousin. today, we go to park and see some public signs there.and i always have a lot of questions.  teach new words: cousin, always ,questionsask students introduce themselves to jack .just like: hello,jack , my name’s….i’m…years old.  i have a cousin,xx. i like…c.     t:we have known that ben and jack are in the park. jack is asking ben some questions about signs. let’s go and see “how many public signs are there in the park?” “what are they?”  12(watch the cartoon)d.     now let’s listen to the tape again. and find out “where are three public signs” and “what do they mean?” use the sentence like this:the sign on the wall means “danger”  t: ok,it means “danger” . well, boys and girls ,“can i go in?”s: no ,you can’t .t:yes, you’re right. and we must stay away from the building.(ppt呈现must , stay away from must ,can, should 为情态动词,后接动词原形教师引导学生说:the sign on the grass means “keep off the grass”. we shouldn’t walk on the grassthe sign on the birds’ cage means “be quiet” . we shouldn’t make noise.(ppt 呈现鸟笼的图片以及显示make noise 的中文含义)now , we know a lot about public signs in the park. let’s review it together.step four : practice 1)play the game: throw the ball" to see if the students can say the sentences well. the teacher throws the toy ball to a student. when the student catches it, he or she must say one  public sign “the sign…means…,we shouldn’t…” and then throws the ball to another student.2) ask the students to listen to the dialogue once more, then ask them to repeat after the tape, first individually and then in pairs. step five  consolidation1)  there’re three situations:in the library , in the hospital, in the building . students choose one place to make up a dialogue about public signs. (work in pairs)     the following patterns may help you:there’s a public sign/are a lot of signs here.yes, what does it mean?it means…  can i…?no, you can’t . you should/must /shouldn’t…i see. thank you.not at all2) finish the exercise of the book on page7homework:1.     listen and read the dialogue 2.     design some public signs and put them in right places教后反思:本课的教学设计思路是以各种公共标志为主线贯穿始终,联系生活实际,设计了一系列丰富而又有现实意义的教学环节。在教案设计中我主要突出激发学生的学习动机和兴趣为宗旨,从小学生的角度考虑问题。六年级的学生已经有独立思考的能力,尽量在课堂上开发她们的自主学习、合作交流、合作探究的能力,培养创新能力。本节课我是从以下几方面来开展教学: (一)鼓励积极探究,本课围绕公园里的三个标志以及他们所代表的涵义展开对话,让学生围绕“what do they mean?”通过寻找本问题的答案,适当穿插讲解新授单词和短语。学生积极能动地参与教学活动,积极主动地进行学习认识和学习实践活动。让学生通过自己的理解、感悟、揣摩、纠正等反复练习中逐渐感知语言知识。(二)巧妙设置活动任务,为提高学生学习效率,我通过唱歌,做游戏等活动展开引人入胜。小学生的英语课堂,若只是机械操练,就显得呆板无味。为积极调动他们的兴趣和热情,适当的竞争性的游戏会让他们更有动力。不过这节课由于时间限制,在游戏环节略显薄弱,没有让学生运用语言点充分发挥。(三)关注学生的生活经验,他们的任何学习所得都必须通过与社会生活现实进行比照。公共标志在我们生活中无处不在,学生要学会做有心人,善于观察和发现周围的一切。在本课的巩固环节中,我设置了医院,图书馆以及建筑楼等情境。让学生两人一组选择其中的一种,并运用所学语言进行模拟交际,促进了知识向能力的转化。我们在英语教学中应尽可能创设真实的教学情境,给学生提供一个贴近生活现实的语言氛围能最大化的激起学生学习语言、运用语言的兴趣与愿望。12


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