【6a充电线和5a的区别】6A Unit 5 On the farm

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-02 网络整理 晴天


step1. greetings and warming up:
1. t: hello, boys and girls!
 s: hello, miss guo!
 t: how are you today?
 s: fine, thank you. and you?
 t: i’m fine, too.
2. t: today, there are so many teachers in our classroom. i’m very excited. how about you, boys and girls?
 s: me, too!
 t: so let’s enjoy a funny song《old macdonald》.
 s: ok!.
3. daily report.
a student gives a daily report.
t: do you want to know more about her weekends? you can ask her.
  ( 其他同学可以使用已经学过的句型问她周末通常去哪里,干什么等等。生生之间的问答,既仅巩固了旧知,又便于下面新课教学的自然过渡。)
step2. presentation
1. t: on sundays, i usually stay at home and have a good rest. but this sunday, i was very busy. i did many things.(板书:did many things)
can you say some phrases with “did”?
s: yes!(学生用did 说词组:did housework, did my homework, did some sports, did exercise等)
t: good! i did many things on sunday. i cleaned the house.(板书cleaned)
s: say some phrases.(学生用cleaned说词组:cleaned the bedroom/ cleaned the windows/ cleaned the door等)
t: i played computer games.(板书played)
s: say some phrases.( 学生用played说词组:played basketball/ played the violin/ played the guitar等)
t: i washed clothes.(板书washed)
s: say some phrases.( 学生用washed说词组:washed my face/ washed the socks等)
t: i listened to music.(板书listened)
s: say some phrases(学生用listened说词组:listened to the radio/ listened to me等)
2. t: boys and girls, i did many things on sunday. what did you do on sunday?(板书:what did you do…?)
s: i played football/ danced/ watched tv…
学生分组操练新句型( what did you do…? i…)
t: anything else? what else did you do?
s: i…
再次操练(what did you do…? i… what else did you do? i…)
3. (多媒体课件呈现mike头像)
t: who’s that boy ?
s: he’s mike.
t: say something to mike, ok?
t: hi, mike!
m: hi, miss guo! (课件里声音)
t: children,what did mike do last week? do you want to know? ask him together!
s: mike, what did you do last week? ( 学生问屏幕上的mike)
m: i visited a farm. i did many things on the farm.
t: oh, wonderful! he visited a farm last week. let’s go to the farm and have a look what we can do on the farm.
t: what can we do?
s: we can cook food/ water flowers/ collect eggs.(板书新授词组:cook food/water trees/ collect eggs)
t: look! what’s the name of this animal? (指向图中奶牛)
s: cow.
t: what can we get from the cow?
s: we can get milk from the cow.
t: yes, but first we should milk the cow. this word has two meanings. do you understand?(板书milk cows)12
t: what are these? (指向图中胡萝卜)
s: they are carrots.
t: which animal likes eating carrots?
s: rabbits.
t: good! do you like them?
s: yes.
t: we must pull up carrots first.(板书pull up carrots)
t: what else can we do on the farm?
s: we can pick oranges. (板书pick oranges)
t: then we can taste oranges.(板书taste oranges)
 would you like to taste oranges?
s: yes!
t: is it nice?
s: yes!
t: do you like it? do you like me?
s: yes.
(学生taste oranges 快乐体验中,牢记了这个词组。)
t: now let’s read the phrases together.
listen and do the actions.(教师说词组,学生做相应的动作。然后个别学生说词组,其余学生做动作)
t: mike visited the farm last week. what did he do? do you know?
s: no, we don’t.
t: but we can guess. maybe he…
4. (多媒体课件呈现分成三类的词组)
1) watered trees,  pulled up carrots
2) milked cows, picked oranges, cooked food
3) collected eggs, tasted oranges
(学生听老师读并辨清发音区别, 再跟读)
step3. consolidation
t: now mike is telling gao shan about what he did last week. we know the result now. look at the pictures. practise with a partner.(多媒体课件呈现c部分图,学生分组操练并展示)
step4. an assignment
t: we know what mike did last week. but what did your friends do? please do a survey and finish the table. you may ask three of your friends or the teachers in our classroom.1. what did you do last week?
2. what else did you do?
(调查表格这一具体任务,让学生使用新学句型去交际。调查结果的反馈可以采用不同的形式。既可以直接让调查人汇报他的几位朋友上周做了什么,教师也可以问: what did … do last week? who knows? 那么调查这位同学的就可以回答了。)
step5. homework
i. listen to the tape of part b.
ii. copy the new words four times and recite them12


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