【unit】Unit 1 How tall are you?

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-02 网络整理 晴天


教学内容:b. let’s read   match and say  c let’s check
1、能听懂、会说并能认读单词,短语: squid, lobster, shark., seal, sperm whale, killerwhaleeachupto20cm long 以及句子can dive into the deep cold water. can jum pout of water.
step 1 warm up
1. let’s chant:
mike is taller than lee.  lee is taller than sue.
sue is taller than amy.  how taller are you?
amy is smaller than sue. sue is smaller than lee.
lee is smaller than mike. are you smaller than me?
2. free talk:
how tall are you? how about you? who is shorter?
how old are you? zhangpeng is 3 years younger than you? how old is he?
how heavy are you/
how long are your pants?/…
3. let’s sing
how about your pets?
let ss introduce their pets: i have a dog. it’s very strong. it is 33 kg. its tail is 45cm long.
step 2 presentation
!. my pets are not dogs, cats. look what are they?
squid, lobster, shark, sperm whale, killer whale, seals.
1) repeat
2) guessing game
2. show things of sperm whales, then ask:
how long is this animal?   how heavy is it?
how many teeth does it have?
what does it like to eat?     what can it do?
it’s a big animal. it lives in the sea. what is it?   ( sperm whale )
3. show the thins of killer whales:
look at that one,  how long is this animal?   how heavy is it?
how many teeth does it have?
what does it like to eat?     what can it do?
it’s a big animal. it lives in the sea, too. what is it?   ( killer whale )
4. compare these two whales :
which whale is longer in its length?
which has more teeth?
which is bigger in its size?
5. fill in the blanks. p9 and check
step 3 practise
1. match the pictures
2. ask and answer:
how big is sarah’s fish?

is mike’s fish smaller than amy’s? /…
3. look and write
step 4 consolidation
1. workbook
2. make the introductions to a short article.
unit 1 b let’s read
                      (    ) is (    ) than (     ).
killer whale
sperm whale
                      (     ) are (    ) than (     ).12



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