沪教版牛津英语5a教案_英文版牛津英语5A教案——Unit 8(2) A camping trip

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-04 网络整理 晴天


8. learn the 4 skill phrases: tent, has, does.
9. learn the 3 skill phrases: match, blanket.
10. command the sentence structure:
   what does he/ she have ?    he/ she has …
   what do they have?       they have…
1.  command the 4 skill words: tent, has, does.
2. command the sentence structure:
what does he/ she have ?    he/ she has …
          what do they have?       they have…
  use the verb phrases correctly.
command the words and the sentence structure.
teaching aids:  pictures, tape and tape-recorder, projects.
1.write on the blackboard “unit 8 a camping trip"
2. the projects.
writing on the blackboard:
      unit 8 a camping trip
what does he/ she have ?    he/ she has …
what do they have?       they have…
          tent       has         does
summary of this lesson:
本课学习动词have/has的用法以及句型what does he/she have? what do they have? , 让学生看图分层操练,大多数学生都能熟练掌握。但教师还应在以后的教学中复习have/has的用法,让学生真正掌握。
out line teacher’s activities students’ activities
step 1
speaking english 4. sing a song: what do you have?
5. free talk:
1)what’s this? where is it?
2)who is the boy with …?what is he doing?
3)look, what are they?
(telephone, tin-opener, pot, stove, pillow, towel)
4)can you spell the word “pot” “towel” ?
5)what would you like?
6. look and say:
4. check.
s1: it’s …
s2: he’s… he’s…
s3: they are …
4)yes, i can.…
5) i’d like…
ss: look and say: you have ……and i have…
we have…and they have…
step 2
some new words 1.t: (实物出示)look, what do i have? i have some matches.
teach the word “match” “some matches”
present the words “ blanket” “tent” with the pictures.
ss: learn to say the word “match” “some matches”
ss: learn to say the new words  “ blanket” “tent”
ss: (part b of page 62)
1. read after the tape.
2. listen and point.
look and read.
step 3 learn the sentence structure.  a:
1.t (让一学生出示自己的东西): what do you have? (几个)
3.t: what does he have?
t: what does she have?
4.play a game: guessing game
t: make a model:
what do they have?
they have…
t: check.
1. s1:i have…
s2:i have…
2.ss: ask and answer in pairs:12
what do you have?
i have…
ss: ask and answer one by one.
3. ss: ask and answer (part 1,part 2 in page 64):
what does he have?
he has…
what does she have?
she has …
4.ss: play guessing game:
 what does he/she have?  he/she has…
5.ss: ask and answer (part 3, part 4 in page 64):
what do they have?
they have…
step 4
class work t: give some class work to ss. ss: do the class work.
step 7 home work. give the home work to the students. ss: copy 4 skill words and sentences.12


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