[5a景区]5A Unit6 第二课时

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-03 网络整理 晴天


第一部分  简要提示
一、年级:5年级                          二、单元:unit6
三、课题:doing housework                 四、课型:新授课
1. 掌握单词、词组stand, sit, sleep, jump, run, walk, wash clothes
2. 巩固掌握句型what are you doing? i’m ____ing.
进一步学习句型what is he/she doing? he’s/she’s ____ing.
               what are you/they doing? we’re/ they’re ____ing.
七、重点难点:1. v-ing的正确发音及拼写规则;
              2. 现在进行时的正确运用。
第二部分  教学过程
t: hello, boys and girls. nice to see you again. 很高兴再次与你们见面。today, we’ll go on to learn unit6 doing housework. 上节课,我们一起学习了南希和苏海之间的通话,你还记得吗?now, let’s watch the cartoon again and review. 现在让我们再来看一遍动画,回顾一下吧。请你在看的同时,模仿南希和苏海的语气,为人物配配音。ok?let’s begin. 此处至ppt
(播放金太阳u6 a)
well done, boys and girls. 同学们说得都很棒!
now, let’s do some exercise. 此处至ppt
fill in the blanks according to the text. (ppt①出示)
请你根据课文内容来填空,注意单词的正确形式哦。填好以后,请你先和同桌讨论一下,看看完成的如何。ready? go!  (小组活动2分钟)
it is sunday morning. su hai and su yang are at home. they are d______ h________. su hai is s________ the floor and su yang is c________ the windows. nancy is d______ m______ h________. she calls su hai for help. su hai will help her this afternoon.
t: now, let’s check the answers. 现在就请你来核对核对答案吧!此处至ppt
t: 同学们,你都做对了吗?看来,你们对课文都掌握得不错哦!下面,让我们来学习本单元的词汇和句子。此处至ppt
(本步骤设计说明:本课在巩固掌握句型what are you doing? i’m ____ing.的基础上,还将进一步学习句型what is he/she doing? he’s/she’s ____ing.等。因此在本部分,教师安排“根据课文内容填空”这一练习,既对课文内容进行了温故,又对即将学习的新句型作了铺垫。)
1. t: look, who’s he? (出示jim)
t: he’s jim. 你想知道jim正在干什么吗?you can ask him ‘what are you doing, jim?’
t: now, let’s ask jim together. 现在,让我们一起来问问jim吧。此处至ppt
  what are you doing, jim?
t: listen! jim says ‘i’m standing. i’m standing.’ 请大家看好我的口形认真模仿。1234
t: 出示单词stand,带读,教
t: what is jim doing now? let’s ask him again. 让我们再来问问jim吧。此处至ppt
  what are you doing, jim?
t: listen! jim says ‘i’m sitting. i’m stitting.’ 请大家看好我的口形认真模仿。
t: 出示单词sit,带读,教
t: is jim sitting now?  jim现在还坐着吗?let’s have a look.
t: what is jim doing now? look, he’s sleeping. he’s sleeping. 请大家看好我的口形认真模仿。
  t: 出示单词sleep,带读,教
  t: now, look at jim. 此处至ppt
猜猜看jim现在在干什么呢?oh, he’s running. running. 请大家看好我的口形认真模仿。
  t: 出示单词run,带读,教   now follow me. 请跟我做。 i’m running.
    此处至ppt  t: is jim running now? no, he’ walking. he’s walking. follow me.
t: 出示单词walk,带读,教   now follow me. i’m walking.
此处至ppt   t: now what is jim doing? is he running? is he walking? oh, he’s jumping. follow me.
    t: 出示单词jump,带读,教   now follow me. 请跟我做。 i’m jumping.
t: 下面,connie要考考你的眼力了。此处至ppt
t: what is jim doing now? (稍停) oh, he’s sweeping the floor. 你猜对了吗? follow me, sweep the floor
t: is jim sweeping the floor now? no, he’s cleaning the windows. 你猜对了吗?follow me, clean the windows
t: now, look at jim. is he sweeping the floor? is he cleaning the windows? look! he’s washing clothes. he’s washing clothes. 请大家看好我的口形认真模仿。
t: 出示单词wash clothes,带读,教 wash,  clothes,  wash clothes, he’s washing clothes. 现在你能回答我的问题了吗?此处至ppt
t: what is jim doing now?
  good! he’s washing clothes.
2. t: 今天,我们学习了很多表示动作的单词和词组,你都记住了吗?now, let’s review them one by one. 请同学们看着图片,跟读单词。此处至ppt
3. t: good! now let’s have a chant. 请同学们先跟我读。
  good! 现在让我们打着节拍,再来读一读吧。ready? go!
  t: 下面,请同学们一起来说一说,做一做。先来看看我们是如何做的吧。(t与几位学生共同示范表演)
4. 怎么样?你一定也已经跃跃欲试了吧。赶快和同伴们一起表演一下吧。此处至ppt (chant)
5. t: wonderful! boys and girls, 回想一下上节课我们学的知识,当我们要表达正在发生的动作时,动词有什么变化呢?此处至ppt
t: 同学们,通过刚才的学习,我们知道了吉姆正在做什么。下面,让我们来看看这些同学又在做什么呢?此处至ppt (chant)
   oh, they are making telephone calls. 他们正在打电话。他们在说些什么呢?让我们来谈论一下吧,你可以用上这些句子:
   what are you doing?
   i’m/we’re …
t:请同学们注意了,what are you doing? 不仅可以表示你正在干什么,还可以表示你们正在干什么,所以它的回答可以有两种:
what are you doing?
i’m reading a storybook.
follow me. 请跟我读。
t: 剩下的三幅图,就请你和同桌来操练一下吧。let’s begin.
t: finished? 完成了吗?now let’s check the answer. 此处至ppt 
t: 怎么样,你说对了吗?now, let’s play an interesting game. 现在让我们来轻松一下,做一个有趣的游戏,这个游戏的名字叫作:听一听,猜一猜。
t: look, who’s he? he’s mike. what is mike doing? 迈克正在干什么,你们想知道吗?you can ask me, ‘what is he doing?’ (带读句子,教)
t: listen! (播放声音)
t: what is he doing? yes, he’s walking. (带读句子,教)
t: now, look at nancy? 南希正在干什么呢?你可以这样来问我:‘what is she doing?’ (带读句子,教)
t: now let’s listen. what is she doing?
t: yes, she’s singing. 你猜对了吗?
t: then, look at david. what is david doing? 你能来问问我吗?
  good! we can ask, ‘what is he doing?’
  now listen! oh, he’s running. are you right?
t: the last one. who’s she?
  yes, she’s miss li. 请你来问问我miss li在干什么。
  right! what is she doing?
  listen! oh, she’s cooking.
(本步骤设计说明:本部分不仅需要教会学生几个动作的单词,更需要教师引导学生掌握v-ing的正确发音及拼写规则,进而掌握现在进行时的各种表达,这样可以为后面cd部分打下基础。通过talent show,让学生在尽情展示自我才能的同时,积极地操练了现在进行时,fun time环节的游戏,更是在轻松愉悦的课堂氛围中,使第三人称形式的现在进行时学习水到渠成。)
1. t: 怎么样?这个游戏有趣吗?接下来,让我们看看这些同学分别在哪儿,他们又在做些什么呢?请同学们打开书,翻到第48页。let’s talk about the pictures.
  a: where is liu tao?
  b: he’s in the bedroom.
  a: what is he doing?
  b: he’s sleeping.
   t: 电视机前的同学们,你们也能像这样来说说这些图片吗?你可以使用的句子是:此处至ppt
t: finished? good! now let’s check the answers. 下面让我们来校对一下,看看你们说得如何。此处至ppt
picture2:  a: where’s david?
         b: he’s in the library.
         a: what is he doing?
         b: he’s reading books.
picture3:  a: where’s su hai?
         b: she’s in the sitting-room.
         a: what is she doing?
         b: she’s watching tv.
picture4:  a: where’s mike?
         b: he’s in the playground.
         a: what is he doing?
         b: he’s running.

t: 同学们,你们一定都说对了吧。本节课中,我们一起学习了许多表示动作的词汇,下面让我们来复习一下,请看着图片,快速说出单词或词组。are you ready? let’s begin. 此处至ppt

第三部分:说 明



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