5a景区|5A Unit 8 Remember the words with the help of the objects

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-03 网络整理 晴天


learn the new words and the new sentence structure.
1.t: hello! i’ll have a camping trip. i have many things in my bag. what’s in my bag? guess!
  s: …
2.t: let me show you my things.
look! i have…
teach the new words:telescope, tin-opener, pot, stove. watches,  blanket,  pillow, towel.
step3  practice: listen and number.
t say the new words and the students match the numbers.
half students say the new words and half students match the numbers.
step4  an activity: shopping games.
its aim:emphasis the 8 new words that the students have just learnt。
a: what would you like…?
b: i’d like….
a: what about…?
ss practise in pairs. ask some pairs to act theirs out.
step5  learn the drills:
ask individual student to answer the questions. to weaker students, the teacher can help them to answer the questions. e.g.
t: what do you have?
s:i have…
further questions:
t: what do you have?
s1: i have a …(some …)
what does he /she have?
s2: he/she has…
ss: he/she has…
5a unit 8 remember the words with the help of the objects 来自。


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