5a景区|5A Unit7 After school (Part BC)

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-03 网络整理 晴天


一.教学内容:《牛津小学英语》牛津小学英语5aunit7 after school (part bc) 第一课时
1). 掌握单词、词组newspaper, picture book, magazine, chess, card, yo-yo,play with…
2). 学习现在进行时的一般疑问句:
     are you ____ing?yes, i am. / no, i’m not.
     is he/she ____ing?    yes, he/she is. / no, he/she isn’t.
     are they ____ing?     yes, they are. / no they aren’t.
3). 归纳现在进行时的一般疑问句、否定句、特殊疑问句的基本用法。
2. 技能目标:
1). 能正确运用现在进行时一般疑问句进行问答。
2). 能根据提供的情景,熟练运用现在进行时相关句型进行操练。
3. 情感目标:
1) 通过本单元的学习,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。
2) 通过分层练习,激发了学生的攀比心理,提高学生答题的积极性。
1). 掌握单词、词组newspaper, picture book, magazine, chess, card, yo-yo,play with…
   2). 正确运用现在进行时的一般疑问句及其应答。
step1 warming up and review
1. free talk
2.sing a song “what are you doing?”
(设计意图:通过free talk和唱英文歌what are you doing? 既复习了现在进行时,又自然过渡到下一个新授环节。)
step 2 presentation
1. 由歌曲引入句型 is he…?/ is she…?
1)t: according to the song, what is nancy doing? is she watching tv?
ss: answer.
2) t: what is mike doing? is he reading?
  ss: answer.
3) guessing game:
a.t: what is liutao doing? you can say: is he…?
s: guess.
b. t: what is yang ling doing? you can say: is she…?
s: guess.
2. 教学句型 are they..?  play cards
t: show another picture, ask: what are they doing?
 ss: guess.
 t: lead to the phrase: play cards
(设计意图:这个环节主要通过“猜一猜”的游戏,让学生根据提示,充分运用一般疑问句is he/she…?are they..? 来参与游戏,由此引出新授句型和词汇,学生学得轻松自然。)
3.  教学play chess /play with a yo-yo
 1). 呈现图片替换练习play__________
 2) . show the picture and teach “play chess”
3). ask the ss to do pair work with the structure “are they…? yes/no”
4). t: (呈现部分狗的图片) what’s the dog doing?
ss: 猜测: is it…?
t: yes/ no. 结合回答呈现词组play with a yo-yo.
 (设计意图:让学生先通过复习play…词组,自然过渡到play chess, play with a yo-yo, 发挥了学生学习的主动性,同时结合趣味性的图片,提高了学生学习英语的积极性)
4. 教学词组read a picture book/ read a newspaper /read a magazine
1)t: i like playing with yo-yos. what else do i like? i like reading picture books. 
 show the picture, present the phrase: read a picture book12
2) 学生看图做替换练习。
3)according to the picture, what is he doing?/what is she doing?
  help the ss answer “ read a newspaper  / read a magazine”
step 3 c work in pairs
1. summarize:
  归纳现在进行时的一般疑问句的用法is he/she….are they…?are you…?
2. show the pictures from part c , ask ss to work in pairs.
step 4. consolidation
3. check the answers.
( 设计意图:运用分组练习,激发了学生的攀比心理,提高了他们的答题积极性)
step. 5 fun time
watch a cartoon.
step6. homework
2.根据看图说话,写一篇小短文“after lunch”

unit 7 after school
     is he/ she _ing?    yes, he/she is.   play cards
    no, he/she isn’t. play chess
     are they _ing?    yes, they are.    play with a yo-yo
    no, they aren’t. read a picture book
    are you  _ing?     yes, i am.read a newspaper
     no, i’m not.   read a magazine

5a unit7 after school (part bc) 来自。 12


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