【unit7it is raining课件】Unit7 After school第一课时

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-03 网络整理 晴天


a.  知识目标:1.四会掌握词汇newspaper , picture book , play with
            2.四会掌握句型is he/she…? yes, he / she is.
no, he/she isn’t. are they…? yes, they are.
no, they aren’t. they are…
            3.三会掌握词汇read a magazine, play chess,
 play cards, play with a yo-yo.
教学重点: 1.四会掌握词汇newspaper , picture book , play with
           2.四会掌握句型is he/she…? yes, he / she is.
no, he/she isn’t.
一、warming up: look and guess:
a)standing   b)dancing    c)sitting
              singing       writing      running
              cleaning      making      swimming
      washing         skating        getting
  二、presentation1: 词汇
t:boys and girls, there are many interesting things for us to do after class or after school. today we learn unit 7 after school.
         1. t: boys and girls,  what do you like to do after school ?
            s!: i like reading.
            t: do you like reading a storybook?
            s1: yes, i do.
            t: do you like reading a picture book?
            s2: yes, i do.
            学习picture book( 把picture 和picture book 作比较,
复习notebook, copybook,storybook ) ,学习read a picture book/read picture books和reading a picture book./reading picture books.123
            t: i don’t like reading picture books. i like reading newspapers and magazines.
           look, what’s this? is this a picture book?
           ss: no, it isn’t.
           t: it’s a newspaper.
           学习newspaper,(分解学习news 和paper), 然后学read a newspaper, read newspapers /reading a newspapers, reading newspapers.
            t: do your parents like reading newspapers? do they like reading magazines?
            学习magazine和词组read a magazine(注意单词中两个字母a 和字母i的发音。)
            2.这个环节中可以根据学生的回答和第一个环节进行调节,例如学生的回答如果为 like playing football,或basketball.等,那么教师可以围绕play 这个词和学生一边交谈,一边学习play chess,play with a yo-yo,playcards,
3.a game: magic eyes or magic ears.
通过游戏复习magazine,newspaper,picture book, chess, cards, yo-yo
三、presentation2: 句型
1、t:now, guess, what am i doing? (师做看书动作) am i reading a storybook?
s1: no, you aren’t. you are reading a magazine.
t: you are right. i am reading a magazine.
t: this time ,you can do an action and let me guess.指名一位学生做动作。
s1做一个动作,t: are you ….?
s1: yes, i am. no, i am not.(板书are you…? yes, i am. no, i am not.)
t:is he …? 让其他同学回答。(板书 is he…? yes, he, is. no, he isn’t.)
t:are they …? 让其他同学回答。(板书are they …? yes, they are. no, they aren’t.)
2、chant: are you reading a magazine? yes, i am./no, i’m not.
 is he playing chess? yes, he is. no, he isn’t.
  is she reading a picture book? yes, i am. no, i’m not.
 are they playing cards? yes, they are. no, they aren’t.
四、完成书本p55 c work in pairs.
t: now, please open your books and turn to page 55. let’s do exercise c. i’ll give you three minutes to work in pairs.123
keys: 2. a: are they playing cards?
               b: no, they aren’t. they are playingchess.
3.a: are they playing with yo-yos?
                  b: no, they aren’t. they are playing with marbles.
                4. a: is he buying a storybook?
b: no, he’s not. he is buying a picture book.
5. a: is he making a model plane?
                 b: no, he’s not. he is making a model ship.
6. a: is she reading a newspaper?
                b: no, she’s not. she is reading a magazine.
sit_____   read_____ make________ dance________ ski_____sing_______swim_______play_______have____ run_____
     ** 2.连词成句:
   a.reading,is,he,a magazine. _______________________.
   b. playing , aren’t,  they, cards, are, no,  they
__________________________ ? _________________.
***3. 根据问句写答句根据答句写问句:
a--- can you dance?  -----no,_______________.
b. ------______________? ----yes, she is.
c. ----_______________? ----yes, i do.
d. ----are they playing cards? ----no, ____________.
unit7 after school第一课时 来自。 123


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