pepper|PEP 5 Unit2 A Let’s learn

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-01 网络整理 晴天


教案初稿:pep book5 unit2 a let’s learn 一、teaching aims1、能听懂、会说what day is it today? it’s… what do you have on…? we have… i like… 并能在实际情景中应用。2、培养学生热爱学习的美好情感。 二、important points掌握句型:what day is it today? it’s… what do you have on wednesdays? we have english, science, computer and p.e. .  i like wednesdays.要求学能在实际情景中运用。 三、difficult points1、i like wednesdays中的“s”易读漏。2、we have…句型较长,朗读较难流利。 四、teaching process.

step proceduredesign noteswarm-up1、review words t: who can be little teacher? 2、let’s chantmonday, monday, math on monday.tuesday, tuesday, art on tuesday.wednesday, wednesday,computers on wednesday.thursday, thursday, p.e. on thursday.friday, friday, my favorite day! 复习前一课时的单词。     复习旧知的同时活跃课堂气氛,调动学生学习的积极性。presentation/practice                1、missing game课件中呈现前一课时的单词和句子,然后消失,让学生说一说看到什么。从单词过渡到句子。 2、guessing game教师在课件中呈现本班级某一天的课程,然后提问:t: what day is it today?ss: …t: what do you have on…ss: we have …在提问两天后,再出示这个班级一星期的课程,老师再可以这样问:t:can you say like this in pairs?引导学生用“what day is it today?” “what do you have on…”发问。  5、free talkt: i like wednesdays. we have… what do you like?s:…t: why?s: we have…t: who is your …s: …t: what’s he\she like?s: …(把学生说的做成一个chant) 6、let’s chant(通过free talk把学生的话编成一个chant,练习本课时中的一个难点i like wednesdays) 7、t: we have colorful days. let’s see what day does amy like.课件呈现let’s talk中经过处理的图片。问学生amy可能说了什么,mom可能说了什么。然后呈现let’s talk内容。学生跟读录音,学生齐读,学生分角色读  复习单词和句子,准备过渡到新知。      结合学生生活的实际说一说。                    从谈论学生自己的课程联系到自己喜欢哪一天。           从chant自然的过渡到课文内容。                 extension&consolidation      homework1、my favorite dayt: amy likes wednesdays. what about you? you can say like this?it’s ____. we have_____. i like___. we have_____. our __ teacher is______.(学生可以照着这个表格说,也可以用自己的话说) 1、talk about your favorite day with your parents or your friends.2、作业本上面从学习生活入手进入课文,这里又从课文进入生活,联系实际。      123

   教案定稿:pep book5 unit2 a let’s learn 一、teaching aims1、能听懂、会说what day is it today? it’s… what do you have on…? we have… i like… 并能在实际情景中应用。2、培养学生热爱学习的美好情感。 二、important points掌握句型:what day is it today? it’s… what do you have on wednesdays? we have english, science, computer and p.e. .  i like wednesdays.要求学能在实际情景中运用。 三、difficult points1、i like wednesdays中的“s”易读漏。2、we have…句型较长,朗读较难流利。 四、teaching process.

step proceduredesign noteswarm-up1、review words t: who can be little teacher? 2、let’s chantmonday, monday, math on monday.tuesday, tuesday, art on tuesday.wednesday, wednesday,computers on wednesday.thursday, thursday, p.e. on thursday.friday, friday, my favorite day! 复习前一课时的单词。     复习旧知的同时活跃课堂气氛,调动学生学习的积极性。presentation/practice                1、missing game课件中呈现前一课时的单词和句子,然后消失,让学生说一说看到什么。从单词过渡到句子。 2、guessing game教师在课件中呈现本班级某一天的课程,然后提问:t: what day is it today?ss: …t: what do you have on…ss: we have …课件呈现另一天的课程,让学生自己来问一问。 3、free talkt: i like wednesdays. we have… what do you like?s:…t: why?s: we have…t: who is your …s: …t: what’s he\she like?s: …(把学生说的做成一个chant,比如monday, monday. i like mondays. math on monday.  ) 4、let’s chant(学生通过四人小组编chant) 5、t: we have colorful days. let’s see what day amy likes.t: this is amy, and this is amy’s mother. look! amy has a schedule in her hand. guess what are they talking about?呈现let’s talk内容。学生跟读录音,学生齐读,学生分角色读 6、t: amy has english, science, computer and p.e. on wednesdays. can you talk about your classes like this .(呈现课表,让学生联系实际来说一说)复习单词和句子,准备过渡到新知。      结合学生生活的实际说一说。                    从谈论学生自己的课程联系到自己喜欢哪一天。           从chant自然的过渡到课文内容。                 extension&consolidation      homework1、my favorite dayt:  we have five days at school. which is your favorite day? you can say like this:today is ____. we have_____. i like___. we have_____. my____ teacher is______. he\she is__________.(学生可以照着这个表格说,也可以用自己的话说) 1、talk about your favorite day with your parents or your friends. 2、exercise book(作业本)exercise 2 (必做)exercise 3 (选做)上面从学习生活入手进入课文,这里又从课文进入生活,联系实际。      123

 反思:    本节课重点是让学生掌握“what day is it today?”“it"s…” “what do you have on…”“we have…”四个句型。课的设计主要从little teacher, guessing game中让学生自己选择同学问答,学生自编chant,家庭作业等方面来体现这次活动的意图。     在授课的过程中,我确实出现了不少问题。(一)声音过轻。需要在以后的课堂教学中加以改进。(二)前面missing  game 和guessing game 两个环节还不够扎实,可以多操练一下,这样或许能让更多的学生说起来,参与到课堂教学中。(三)拓展部分可以放的更活一些,这样会显得没那么死板。(四)我觉得自己在处理细节上要多加注意123


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