
小学四年级英语教案 2021-05-18 网络整理 晴天


unit 7

aim and demands:

1.     四会单词:chips, biscuits, sweets, noodles

2.     复习单词:pies, sandwiches, hamburgers, juice, milk, chocolate

3.     新增句子:how about you?

             something to drink?

一、free talk

t: good morning, class.

ss: good morning, miss liang.

t: today i’m very happy, because today is my birthday. welcome to my birthday party. can you sing a song for me?

ss: happy birthday to you. (sing)

t: thank you.

  look, i prepared so many food for my party. now, lets look at what’s in it, ok?

ss: ok.

t: (打开第一个)oh, what are these?

s1: some sandwiches.

t: yes, some sandwiches.

  sandwiches. (show a picture)

s1: sandwiches. (let ss read this word one by one)

  the same way to teach : pies, hamburgers, chocolate

t: ok. let’s go on. oh, what are theses?

  it’s a new word. now, listen carefully, sweets, sweets, (show a picture)

   hands up

s1: sweets.  t: very good.

s2: sweets.

s3: sweets.


t: wonderful. who can spell this word?

s1: sweets, sweets

t: very good. s-w-e-e-t-s, sweets.

ss: s-w-e-e-t-s, sweets. (贴在黑板上)

  the same way to teach : chips, biscuits, noodles


t: and at last. let’s look at what’s this?

a bottle of juice, and a … of milk.

(show two pictures)  juice

choose some ss to read

milk, milk

choose some ss to read

t: ok. let’s read those words again.

  sandwiches, pies, hamburgers, chocolates,

  sweets, chips, biscuits, noodles, juice, milk

wow, so many food. s1, what would you like?

s1: i’d like …

t: s2, what would you like?

s2: i’d like … , please.

t: ok. here you are.

s2: thank you.

t: how about you, s3? (拿字条)

s3: … , please.

t: ok. here you are.

  now, boys and girls, please read after me.

  how about you?

ss: how about you?

t: how about you?

ss: how about you. ( 贴在黑板上)

choose some ss to read this sentence

t: what would you like, s1?

s1:i’d like … , please.

t: ok. here you are.

s1: thank you.

t: you’re welcome.

  how about you, s2?

s2: i’d like … , please.

t: ok. here you are.

s2: thank you.

t: you’re welcome.

  something to drink? (字条)

  milk or juice?

s2: juice, please.

t: ok. here you are.


  something to drink?

  let ss to read after me.

t: very good .ok. now boys and girls.

  let’s listen to the tape. then read after the tape.


t: now, who can read these sentences?12

  choose three ss to read.

t: ok. very good. now let’s read the dialogue together. one two start.

ss: …

t: wonderful. ok. boys and girls, close your book please.

   let’s go back to my party. now i’ll give you three minutes to prepare a dialogue like this, then act in the front.

t: oh, we have no time. at last of this party, let’s sing a song , ok?

  if you are happy. 


1.          today is my birthday.

welcome to my birthday party.

2.    i prepared many foods.

let’s look at what’s in it.

3.   what are these?

sandwiches. (let ss read one by one)

4.     pies

5.     hamburgers

6.     chocolate

7.     what are these?

oh, it’s a new word.

now, listen carefully.

sweets, sweets, sweet. (图片)

(choose some ss to read)

who can spell this word?

 (全班一起拼写)。 (不要忘记贴图到黑板)


9.  biscuits

10. noodles

11. at last, what’s this?

   milk and juice

 (show pictures, let some ss read)

12. ok. let’s read these words again.

  (10 个单词按顺序读一遍)

13.wow, so many food. what would you like, s1?


14.how about you?


15.something to drink?





18.找三个人读一下。(who can read these sentences?)

19.          全班读

20.          三分钟时间准备对话,然后表演、

21.          homework.

22.          it’s at the last of this party.

let’s sing a song. (if you are happy.)



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