[pep3自闭症评估量表]PEP3 UNIT6 MEET MY FAMILY

小学四年级英语教案 2021-05-18 网络整理 晴天


一、 单元教学目标 
1. 能力目标
(1) 能够简单介绍自己的家庭,如:这是我的叔父.
(2) 能够简单描述家庭成员,如:他是棒球运动员. 他看起来强壮.
(3) 能够听懂一些指令,如:画且介绍你的家庭…并能做出相应的动作。
(4) 会唱歌曲 "父亲和母亲" 。
2. 知识目标
( 1)掌握单词父亲,母亲,兄弟,姊妹,医生,护士,驾驶者,农民,能熟练听,说,读,写。
(2)认读、理解a、b部分let’s learn, let’s talk中的单词喝句子以及let’s chant部分的句型。
(3)了解story time, good to know等部分的内容。
3. 情感、策略、文化等有关目标
(1) 情感态度:培养学生热爱家庭,热爱生活的美好情感。
(2) 学习策略:积极运用所学英语进行表达、交流。
(3) 文化目标:了解英语国家中家庭成员之间的称呼习俗。
二、 单元内容分析
1.本单元重点句型how many people are there in your family? is this your …?what’s your father? he looks(young). b 部分的let’s talk由多个句型结构组成,其中渗透了几个新句型的铺垫教学,因此这段对话就成为本单元的教学重点。教材在b部分let’s chant 的单词教学中已对部分新句型做了铺垫,教师应予以重视,并在意整个单元教学中分散难点,合理出来教材。
2.本册学生用书第三单元my family中涉及对人物的描述喝介绍,教师应充分利用改单元内容为知识教学服务,从而降低学习难度,并使知识得以循环巩固。
第一课时:a let’s learn   group work       c good to know
第二课时:a let’s talk    let’s practise
第三课时:a read and write    write and say
第四课时:b let’s learn    let’s do         c task time  let’s sing
第五课时:b let’s talk     let’s chant
第六课时:b read and write    write and say  c story time
                     let’s check  let’s find out

一、 教学目标与要求
1.能够听、说、认读单词:family, parent, uncle, aunt, baby brother。
二、 教学重、难点
三、 课前准备
2.课前教师在黑板上画一棵family tree,并标上号码。

四、 教学步骤与建议
1. warm-up
2. preview
(1) do the act of part listen and do:教师给出指令:act like a father/mother…学生做动作。
(2) game: what’s missing?:教师使用词卡:father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, 让学生认读,然后教师抽出其中的一张,让再说再次认读后说出少了哪一张。1234567
(3) 教师在黑板上画father和mother的简笔画,并介绍说:this is my father/mother. 引导学生一起描述人物特征,如:he is strong. she has big eyes. 等。
3. presentation
(1) 学生学说单词family,parents,uncle,aunt。
教师利用简笔画,展示自己的家庭成员。t: what can you see? s: a picture. t: right. this is a picture of my family. i have a happy family. how many people can you see? s: six. t: yes. my family has six members. what about your family? 教师鼓励学生说:my family has…members. t: look! who is she/he? she/he is my mother/father. they are my parents. 可用学过的句子描述所介绍的人物。在呈现uncle,aunt时,可向学生解释your uncle is your mother or father’s brother. your aunt is your mother or father’s sister.
(2) listen and paste.
(3) sing a song. 教师播放学生用书三年级下册第15页“father and mother”的伴奏音乐,让学生把第一句给唱成:i love my parents/family。
(4) 教师引导学生说唱学生用书三年级下册第34页的歌谣,注意逐渐加快速度。
(5) 做listen and do活动,教师给出指令:uncle,baby brother…让学生作出相应动作,并在听到stop的指令后在原地静止不动。
(6) listen to the tape.
4. consolidation and extension
(1) group work
draw your family:让学生在像框里出自己的家庭成员。
introduce your family:让学生做小组活动,互相介绍自己的家庭。如:this is my family. he is good at sports.
(2) 教师介绍c部分的内容,学生跟说mom,mommy,mama和dad,daddy,papa。
    (3) do the practices of unit a let" s learn.
(1) 用于导入的游戏what would you like for dinner? i’d like some…与本课联系不打,可以用自己的照片来导出家庭成员。
(2) 教师应该和学生一起拍手吟唱,融入导学生中去。
(3) parents的发音和意思需要强调。
(4) survey的效果不好,得不到很好的反馈。

2.能听、说、认读本课时的句型how many people are they in your family? 并在let’s practice活动中做替换练习。
二、 教学重、难点
本课教学重点是使学生熟悉掌握how many…are there? 句型的用法, 其他句型(my family has 7 members. who are they? but that’s only 6.)是第一次出现,一次是本课时的教学难点。
三、 课前准备
四、 教学步骤与建议
1)let’s chant of unit 2 part a.
2)do the act of part listen and do:教师播放本册学生用书第二单元a部分let’s do的伴奏音乐,并给出指令:put your pencil in your bag. put your book on your head…学生做相应的动作。
ask and answer.
1)teacher ask students:where is your book…?让学生根据做完listen and do活动后物品的摆放位置回答。1234567
2)teacher take out many books and ask students:how many books?
   教师把书放在不同的位置问学生:where are they?
3)teacher the picture of family and ask students:how many people? who are they?
(1) try to say“who are they? they are…”
 1)做“慢动作”活动:教师同时从口袋中慢慢抽出几张人物卡片,看谁最早识别出卡片上的人物。让学生用father, mother, uncle, aunt回答。
 2)教师出示自己的家庭照片并介绍:this is a picture of my family. look! who are they? they are my father, my mother and me.
    教师手指一学生家庭照片问:who are they? 引导学生回答。
    学生跟说who are they? they are…。
 3)做“猜一猜”活动:让一名学生走到教室前面来,教师让学生面对黑板。然后,教师让其他学生同时出示几张人物照片。教师让站在教室前面的学生转过身,让其他学生做动作提示并提问:who are they? 让该学生用“they are…”回答。
(2) try to say “how many…are there…?”
  1)教师手指自己的家庭照片说there are 3/…people in my family. 1, 2, 3/…问学生:how many people are there in your family?
     3)a survey:让学生之间互相采访,问“how many people are there in your family?”并把被采访者的姓名和家庭人数记录下来。
(3) try to say “my family has 7 members.”
1) 教师在黑板上画一张表格,让学生把不同家庭的人数说出来,教师强数字填进表格的第一行。
2) 教师介绍说:my family has 7 members.并在数字7后面打勾。
然后问学生:how about you?
       3)try to say:my family has … members.并让学生做连锁回答。教师在相应数字下打勾。
(4) try to say “that’s only 3.”
1) 教师指对勾最少的数字说:look, that’s only 3.
让学生跟说“that’s only 3/…”句型。
2) 教师出示家庭简笔画,故意多说一个成员:my family has 4 members. 引导学生说“that’s only 3/…”教师出示小狗图并介绍说:they are my parents and me, and my little puppy.
(5) listen to the tape,解释“gee”的意思,让学生跟说。
(6) let’s practice:
让学生看图提问:how many…are there…?
4.consolidation and extension
(1)做“找不同”游戏:教师仿照let’s practice插图内容在黑板上画好一些物品。
让是闭上眼睛,教师再添画一种物品,问:how many…are there…?学生快速抢答。让学生在黑板上添画并提问。
 (2)do the practices of unit a let" s take.
(1) 注意区分are there和are they发音上的差别。
(2) but that’s only 6 这一句型学生掌握不好,教师应对此加强训练。
(3) puppy的发音和意思要强调。
(4) let’s practice中学生易混淆how many people are there on/under the tree?

一、 教学目标与要求1234567
二、 教学重、难点
三、 课前准备
四、 教学步骤与建议
1. warm-up
(1) do the act of “listen and do”:教师给出指令:strong, thin, tall…,   让学生做动作。
教师可参照第三单元 my friends内容。
(2) 教师播放学生用书三年级下册第18页let’s chant录音,让学生跟读录音说唱。
2. preview
(1) oral practice:teacher ask:how many…are there…?who are they?  students answer.
 (2)做“冷暖”活动:教师在黑板上写好一行数字,请一名学生上来在数字边走动,其他学生根据老师所暗示的数字问:how many people are there in your family? 当猜的学生走近该数字时,其他学生朗读声音放大,走远时,朗读声音变小。         
3. presentation
(1) teacher shows the picture of sarah’s family. do the act of “listen and do”.
(2) teacher writes the word father on the blackboard, and asks the students to read and write.
(3) the same ways of mother, brother and sister.
(4) look at the picture of page 72. teacher introduces: this is sarah’s family. they like sports. they are skiing. this is sarah’s brother. he’s is good at skiing. this is sarah’s sister. she is cute. they are sarah’s parents.
(5) read and write.
(6) write and say.
  4.  consolidation and extension
1. 教师让学生拿出自己的家庭照片,然后四人一组介绍自己的家庭。
2. 介绍西方国家的流行运动棒球。
3. listen to the song:father and mother.
(1) sister的拼写容易出错,经常拼成sisther, 教师需要特别指出
(2) 没有设置好“冷暖”回答,有待完善。

一、 教学目标与要求
1.能够听、说、认读单词:doctor, nurse, driver, farmer, baseball play,并能介绍人物的职业。
2.能听懂、会说句型:what’s your father? my mother is a doctor. 并能做替换练习。
3.会唱歌曲“father and mother”。
4.了解family tree等文化知识。
二、 教学重、难点
本课重点是五个生词和人物职业的表达法。句型“what’s your father? my mother is a doctor.”的教学,可降低下一课时对话教学的难度。
三、 课前准备
四、 教学步骤与建议
1. warm-up
sing the song“my father is a doctor.”
let’s do of unit 3.
2. preview
(1) teacher show a picture of a boy and ask students to describe.
and let the students spell the word of student。1234567
(2) teacher show the pictures of father, mother, brother and sister, and let students spell.
3. presentation
(1) teacher show a picture of doctor and introduce:this is chen jie’s father. he’s doctor.
(2) teacher show a picture of nurse, driver, farmer, baseball play,让学生跟说,做动作模仿,凭想象描述人物特征。
(3) 做“冷暖”活动:教师把doctor词卡放在一位学生的课桌里,让全班学生通过朗读声音的大学帮助猜的学生找到词卡。猜的学生走近词卡时,其他学生朗读声音增强,远离该词卡时,声音减弱。教师可让学生用不同的词卡做游戏。
(4) listen to the tape of part b let’s learn..
(5) say and do of part b let’s do.
(6) guessing game.
(7) ask and answer: what’s your father/mother? he’s/she’s …
(8) task time.
a: this is my uncle.
b: what’s he?
a: he’s a teacher.
(9) teacher introduces the family tree.
   4.consolidation and extension
a) let’s chant.
b) do activity of part let’s learn.
  学生基本能听懂、会说句型:what’s your father/mother? my father/mother is a doctor/nurse/driver/farmer/baseball play. 降低了下一课时对话教学的难度。baseball play的发音需要强调。act的发音常发成acts,需要纠正。

一、 教学目标与要求
2.能听、说、认读本课句型is this your father? what’s your mother? he looks strong.
3.理解、会说let’s chant部分的内容。
二、 教学重、难点
本课教学重点是使学生掌握is this your…?what’s your…?he looks…句型,they look young. are they farmers?这些句型教学是本课难点,教师应注意在前一课重点what’s your father?句型,以减轻本课的教学任务。
1.word cards of strong, thin and quiet and so on.
2. word cards of aunt, uncle and farmer and so on.
3.family photos.
1. warm-up
teacher show many picture cards like strong, quiet, friendly, thin, long hair, young, old, beautiful…,让学生听音判断,当听到的内容与图意相符时说right,反之,则拍手。
2. preview
做“听一听,指一指”活动:教师课前将人物职业词卡和一张parents词卡贴在教室四周的墙上。教师给出指令:point to the doctor /…!让学生用手指出该图。
3. presentation
(1) 教师出示预先准备好的人物画,或在黑板上画上几笔简笔画,引导学生说:he looks young. she looks thin. they look strong.
(2) teacher point out the picture of parents and say:this is my mother. she is pretty. 让学生跟说pretty。
教师手指一名学生家庭照片上的mother问:is this your mother? is she pretty? 引导学生用“yes, she is”回答。
教师手指学生带来的照片,引导学生用“is this your mom/dad?”问。引导学生用“yes, she/he is.”回答。让学生跟说句型“is this your…?”1234567
(3) guessing game:教师课前收集学生父母的照片,分别出示给全班学生看,让他们来猜照片上是谁的父母。
(4) teacher ask students“what’s your father/mother? is he a doctor?”
and let students say“what’s your mother?”
listen to the tape of let’s chant and ask the students say and do.
(5) 教师出示一些补充图画:如几个农民的照片,介绍说:they are farmers/…they look…
teacher point out a picture and ask:are they farmers? then let students answer.
students say“are they farmers?”
guessing game:教师请一名学生上来,在其背后出示一图画,全班学生用 they look …来帮助该学生猜图上人物的职业:are they…?
(6) teacher show a photo of grandpa and grandma and say:these are my grandfather and grandmother. they look young. then point ou the picture of parents and say:those are my parents. they look young.
then let students say “these” and“these are my grandfather and grandmother. they look young.”
(7) part b let’s talk.
  4.consolidation and extension
(1) sing the song“father and mother”.
(2) do activity book of part b let’s talk.
(1) 基本会说本课对话,但学生经常会把she和he弄错。
(2) 强调he looks strong与they look young的读法。

一、 教学目标与要求
二、 教学重、难点
三、 课前准备
1. word cards of aunt, uncle and farmer and so on.
2.headwares of zoom and zip,some toys.
3.students prepare for the letter cards.

四、 教学步骤与建议
1. warm-up
let’s chant, students say and sing.
2. preview
(1)做“听一听,做一做”活动:教师给出指令act like a doctor! father!…     让学生做动作,并在教师说stop时立即静止不动。
(2)game:what’s missing? 教师出示称呼以及职业卡片,让学生跟读。然后教师抽出一张,再让学生认读词卡,看少了哪一张。
3. presentation
(1) 教师将职业卡片贴在黑板上。
(2) teacher show the picture of doctor and ask students to spell the word.
(3) 用同样的方法教学其他单词:nurse,farmer,driver。
(4) spelling game:教师给出指令:spell the word…让学生用字母卡片排列出该单词,看哪个小组排得又对又快。
(5) game:教师让学生分成四组同时听音乐传递小玩具。当音乐停止时,拿到玩具的学生必须立即拼出教师指定的单词。四个小组之间进行比赛。
(6) listen to the tape, and ask students listen and spell.1234567
(7) write and say: 把横线上的单词补充完整。
(8) 学生四人或六人一组介绍自己的家庭。
(9) story time.
(10) let’s check:
1) is this your grandpa? yes, he is.
2) how many people are there in your family? ----there arefive.
3) my aunt is a teacher. she is pretty.
4) show me the word“brother”,b-r-o-t-h-e-r.
  4.consolidation and extension
(1)sing the song“father and mother”.
(2)do activity book of part b read and write.
(1) 基本会说i am going to be a …这一句型。
(2) driver的拼写易出错拼成dirver,需及时纠正。
(3) let’s find out部分找不全字母中所包含的单词,反应不够迅速。



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