【oxford】Oxford English 3B Module 2 Unit 3

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-27 网络整理 晴天


teaching plan
school: nanqiao primary school
teacher: wei yuyi
book: oxford english 3b module 2 unit 3
topic: read and act a story ‘little lucy’
time: 35 minutes
1. language focus
words: wolf
using adjectives to describe things.  e.g your eyes are big.
asking ‘wh-‘ questions to find out a person’s identity. who’s this?
using imperatives to give instructions  e.g.  take this to grandma.
2. language skills:
reading:  the abilities to read by themselves and guess the meaning from the context.
listening:  the ability to identify main ideas.
speaking:  the abilities to use modelled phrases and sentences to communicate with others and intimate the others’ voice.
3. emotional education:
to respect and care for the old.
to be cautious when strangers talk to you.
teaching aids: multimedia, cassette.
procedure    contents    methods    purpose       
i.pre-task preparation    1.chant
2.question    students read together
have you good friends?    轻松的儿歌使学生很快投入到学习英语的氛围中,同时,朗读儿歌也是为本课中让学生用英语介绍他人作单词上的复习准备。       
    3.introducing practice    ask some students to introduce their friends without names. the rest listen and guess.    训练学生用英语介绍人的能力。其余同学学会听,并能根据提供的信息猜测名字。       
    4.writing practice    1) ask students to say something about their teacher with the sentences of ‘you…’ or “your…’
2) exercise 1 ask students to write down their desk-mate with the sentences of “you are…’ or ‘ your …’    训练学生用you are…或your ….的句子来描述对方的长相,为下面的写句训练做准备,同时解决课文中重点句型的语法结构上的教学。
    5. listening practice    1)show the picture.
little kitty, little alice and little lucy and play the tape
2)students listen and match.
3)check the key    训练学生的听力,能根据听到的有关人物的特征信息进行简单的人与名字的配对。同时提供给学生更多课外介绍人物的语言素材,使部分能力强的学生在无意识中学到新知识。        12
    6. speaking practice    say ‘hello’ to little lucy or ask questions    培养学生能养成主动用英语向对方问候,打招呼的习惯,并能用英语简单询问对方的一些情况(如身体特征,会做什么,喜欢什么等),即培养学生英语话题意识。       
ii.while-task procedure    1.little lucy’s families    who’s this? this is…
1)    mother
t: what’s mother like?
big and strong
a. fine-ok-all right
b. she’s ill. she’s in bed.
c. ask students to say like grandma
d. question:
what can we do?
        e. listen to the tape.
take this to grandma
take… to grandma.    进行民族文化教育:尊重、关心老人       
    2.wolf    1)show the picture
2)say something about the wolf
3)group work
say like the wolf
4)help!  go away!    
    3.picture 1-8    1) listen to the tape and read after or together with the tape.
2)read the part in groups.
    4.picture 9-12    1) students read by themselves and underline the new words and phrases.
2)    match
go away.
here she is.
go to bed.
3)    read after the tape    培养学生在阅读中自我理解生词的能力。
iii.post-task procedure    1.story ‘ little red cap’    1)listen and watch
2)be cautious when strangers talk to you.
3)ask the students to act out.    


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