[how]How are you牛津小学英语3A Unit 5教案

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-24 网络整理 晴天


1. 复习 good morning. good afternoon. hi.
2. 新授 how are you? fine, thank you. / not bad, thank you.
not so good. i’m sorry.
能掌握句型:how are you? fine, thank you. / not bad, thank you.   not so good. i’m sorry.
★教学重点:句型: how are you? fine. / not bad, thank you. not so good. i’m sorry.
★教学用具:电脑课件, 手工卡片(笑脸、哭脸), 调查表
step 1 warm up
1. listen and sing a song: how are you?
2.free talk:
●t: hi! / good morning. what’s your name?     s: i’m xxx.
t: ( take out a toy pig) hello! / good morning. i’m miss pig.
s: hello! / good morning, miss pig. i’m xxx.
●please introduce your classmate to miss pig.
s1: hello, miss pig. this is xxx.     t: nice to meet you.
s2: nice to meet you, too.
设计意图:听一首慢节奏的歌曲,其中包含上一单元所教的家庭成员单词,又有本课新授内容,起到复习单词和引出新知的作用。再相互问好,复习 good morning. good afternoon. hi.等句型,引出新朋友miss pig,引发学生想和新朋友打招呼的兴趣。
step 2 presentation
1. look at the picture. who’s this? this is miss pig’s friend, mr bear.
let’s say ‘good morning!’ to mr bear.
ss: good morning!
mr bear: good morning! how are you?(电脑中出现声音)
2.让学生先听how are you?的读音,让学生模仿,同时注意语音语调,老师检查反馈,并及时调整教学步骤。
设计意图:通过新朋友miss pig,引导学生和新朋友打招呼。先听再模仿,校正学生读音。
step 3  story
let’s watch a cartoon about ‘how are you?’. do you like to watch it?
if you want to be a polite student, please say ‘hello! how are you? ’to others.
设计意图:通过观看flash动画,让学生了解如何使用how are you?,并教育学生应当做一名有礼貌的孩子。
step 4 presentation and practice
1. please say ‘how are you?’ to mr bear.
( 课件:mr bear说:“ fine , thank you.” 然后欢快地跑出画面,然后出现一张笑脸,并配有声音: fine , thank you.)
2.老师示范 :“fine , thank you.” 的读音,让学生模仿,同时注意语音语调,老师检查反馈,并及时调整教学步骤。
3. practice in halves.
4.look at the picture. what are they talking about? just listen.
mr bear: how are you?     miss pig: fine, thank you. and you?
mr bear. i’m fine, too.
5. 老师示范 “and you? / i’m fine, too. ” 的读音,让学生模仿,同时注意语音,老师检查反馈,并及时调整教学步骤。
6. practice in rows.
t: how are you?    s: fine, thank you. and you?   t: i’m fine, too.123
设计意图:教师在导入句型的过程中,运用可爱的小动物来吸引学生的注意力,主动模仿“how are you? i’m fine, thank you.\ i’m ok, thank you.”,并进行有效的人机对话,培养学生获取信息,处理信息及运用信息的能力,学生学得兴趣盎然。
step 5 sing a song
hello! how are you?(老师带着学生边唱边做动作)
step 6 presentation and practice
1. look at the picture. what’s mr bear doing? he’s flying with a ball.
let’s say ‘how are you?’ to mr bear.
ss: how are you? mr bear: not bad, thank you.
2. 老师示范 “not bad” 的读音,让学生模仿,同时注意语音,老师检查反馈,并及时调整教学步骤。
3. practice. (boys ask and girls answer)
设计意图:通过生生合作,学生学会how are you?和另一种回答not bad, thank you.的应答模式,充分理解fine, thank you.和not bad, thank you.的意思。
step 7 sing a song
hello! how are you?(把i’m fine, thank you.替换成not bad, thank you.)
step 8 presentation and practice
1. look at mr bear. how lovely! let me say ‘how are you?’ to him.
t: how are you?  mr bear: not so good. t: i’m sorry.
2. 老师示范 “not so good./ i’m sorry.” 的读音,让学生模仿,同时注意语音,老师检查反馈,并及时调整教学步骤。
3. practice in pairs.师生、生生间操练,同时出示哭脸表示not so good.和耸耸肩、摊摊手表示i’m sorry.。
设计意图:让学生在图、文、声、像等信息的刺激下充分感知,从而激发他们运用语言的兴趣,也更能大胆地对话交际,有效地提高运用语言的能力。通过师生合作,学生学会身体不好时的应答模式,通过苦脸或者脸部表情和肢体语言,表达not so good.和i’m sorry.的意思。
step 9 learn to say
1. watch the vcd.
2. open the books at p30. listen and read after the teacher.
3. read together.
step 10 do a survey(if time permitted)
(被调查的人在表格上写上自己的名字,在回答“ fine, thank you.” “ not so good.”  的同时画上笑脸或哭脸表示 


fine, thank you.

not bad, thank you.

not so good.

















step 11 homework:
1. listen and read.
2. say ‘how are you?’ to dad and mum at home.
how are you牛津小学英语3a unit 5教案 来自。 123


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