【unit3】Unit3 Asking the way

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-23 网络整理 晴天


unit3 asking the way戚墅堰东方小学   蒋荷芬一  教学内容  牛津小学英语 6b第三单元第二教时二  教学目标1、 能听懂、会说、会读单词:away ,stop 2、 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型:how far is it from here? it’s about … kilometer(s) away . you can take bus no.5 . that’s a long walk . there’s a bus every 5 minutes .3、          能根据图片提供的情景进行描述。三   教学重点1、 能听懂、会说、会读单词:away ,stop 2、 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型:how far is it from here? it’s about … kilometer(s) away . you can take bus no.5 . that’s a long walk . there’s a bus every 5 minutes .3、          能根据图片提供的情景进行描述。四   教学难点1、  能熟练运用本课所学的单词和句型进行问路的情景对话。五   课前准备1、  教具准备:多媒体课件, 以及导游证。2、          学生准备: 事先布置学生预习本单元的课文,并且复习、巩固上节课所学的单词及句子。并且画一张自己家到学校的地图。3、          板书准备:预先写好课题 unit 3  asking the way六   教学过程a  free talk  t: hello, boys and girls , do you remember me ? what’s my name ? where am i from ?  yes , i’m from dongfang primary school . do you know where it is ? (出示东方小学到潞城小学的地图)  引导学生用上节课所学的内容说出地点:it’s on dongfang road . can you tell me the way to my school ? 引导学生说 go along … then turn left\right at the … crossing . the school is on your left\right .b  go over   play a game : guess the right place .出示f部分的图片,教师事先做师范,用进行时态来描述自己的的行经路线i’m at …,i’m going along … road, then turn …at the … crossing , the place is on my left\right. where am i now ?请学生猜.然后说明游戏的规则,在全班进行。c   presentation1、 教授句子 how far is it from here? it’s about … kilometer(s) away .  请学生出示自己的地图t: i’d like to visit you this sunday? can you tell me the way to your home ?s: you can go along …t: oh, i see. i can’t miss it . how far is it from here ? 引导学生说 it’s about … kilometer(s )\metre(s) away . 出示 one kilometer = 1000 metre带领学生读。并且引出 it’s a long /short walk 。  要求学生模仿编对话2、 教授句子 you can take bus no. 5   出示常州到戚墅堰的地图t: how far is it from changzhou ? s: it’s about 15 kilometres away . t: oh, it’s a long walk. how can i get there faster ? can i take a bus ? 引导学生说出 you can take bus no.37. there’s a stop in front our school. there’s a bus every 5 minutes . 带领学生读。   出示课件,常州各个景点的位置、距离及公交车路线,让学生当导游,介绍如何到达各个景点:welcome to changzhou .i’m your guide .my name is … tianning temple is on yanlin road . it’s about 12 kilometres away . to get there faster, you can take bus no.7… d   listen,read and say1、  听录音,回答问题:     a  how far is the history museum from here ?     b  which bus can mr. smith take ?     c  where is the bus stop ?2、  跟读课文4、          分角色朗读5、          分组完成本课对话后的填空练习,教师给予反馈及评价。f    homework1、  听录音,用正确的语音语调朗读本课对话。2、  用英语介绍自己所熟悉的任何城市的景点,描述其具体方位和乘车路线。


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