[牛津小学英语3A]牛津小学英语3A Unit 5 How are you?第一课时案例分析

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-23 网络整理 晴天


1. 教学内容与目标
(1) 能在情境中正确运用日常交际用语how are you?及其相应的回答:fine, thank you.
/not so good.
(2) 能听懂、会说、会读文具类单词  a pen, a pencil ,a ball pen.
(3) 通过活动,游戏激发学生的学习兴趣,逐步培养学生的口语交际能力,树立学习英语的信心。
2. 教学重难点:
teaching procedures:
课前板书课题 unit 5 how are you?
二、 教学案例
step1. warm up
1. t—s: greeting
t (事先把果树贴在墙壁上,介绍比赛规则): there’re four trees,if you do very well, you can put the fruit on the trees for your group. let’s see which group is the best. ok?
s: ok.
2. sing some songs:
   t: there are three songs. which one do you want to choose first?
 red? blue or green?
step2. revision
everyday english: hello, i’m miss wu. what’s your name?
 nice to meet you,(too).
 this is ….
step 3: presentation
1. how are you? fine, thank you.
t:(由学生自由对话引入)i think you will be good friends.
 miss wu has some good friends, too. look, they’re coming. (课件出示)
this is kitty (teddy).
s: nice to meet you, kitty (teddy).
kitty (teddy): nice to meet you, too.
t: how are you?
kitty (teddy): fine, thank you.
   出示 “how are you?”教师示范领读。,注意“you”的发音。
(设计思路:用小朋友喜爱的卡通人物跟学生对话,操练所学过的日常用语,引出新的问候语,以旧带新,促使他们对英语更感兴趣。在对话中为新句型“how are you?”创设语境,同时渗透答语“fine, thank you.”为下一环节的教授作铺垫。)
  b. boys ask teddy together and girls ask kitty together, listen to the answers carefully.
  c. teach “fine, thank you.” with body language. (拿出笑脸)
  d. play a game:the chain game: t asks a question to the students of the first row “how are you?” he or she may say: “fine, thank you.” then he or she passes the question to the students in the second row. then the students in the second row answer: “fine, thank you.” just do it one by one. the last one comes to the front and asks mickey: “how are you?” let’s see which group is the quickest.123
2. how are you?not so good.(放入竞赛之中)
t gives the best group praise, and ask mickey one by one.
   s: how are you, mickey?
   mickey: not so good.
    teach “not so good.” with body language.(拿出哭脸)
(设计思路:小学生对于抽象的回答较难接受,笑脸和哭脸极大的调动了学生的学习热情,让学生模仿说出“not so good.”的语调,在对话中体会到对他人的关心。)
 3. play a game: ask and answer one by one, if t takes smiling face, the answer is “fine, thank you.” if t takes crying face, the answer is “not so good.” in twenty seconds, to see which group makes the most dialogues.
   4. sing, sing, sing 《 hello, how are you?
2. new words:a pen, a pencil ,a ball pen
  a. t:you’ve done a good job. i have something to praise you. look at my bag, is it nice?
s: yes.
t: can you guess “what’s in my bag?”if you guess correctly, i will give it to you.
(apple, orange, banana, pear …)
  b. draw and guess: t draws some simple pictures on the blackboard, such as: apple, pear, orange, pen, pencil…, then ask with“what can you see? ”, ss answers with “i can see a/an…”
  c. listen and do
t: show me your pen/pencil/ ball pen.
s: pen,pen, pen./ pencil, pencil, pencil. /
ball pen, ball pen, ball pen.
  d. play a game: warm and cold
  e. say a rhyme
pen↑, pen↓, this is a pen.
pen↑, pen↓, i can see a pen.
pencil↑, pencil↓, this is a pencil.
pencil↑, pencil↓, i can see a pencil.
ball pen↑, ball pen↓, this is a ball pen.
ball pen↑, ball pen↓, i can see a ball pen.
step 4: consolidation
1. watch a flash about “how are you?”
2. 你是懂礼貌的好孩子吗?
3. 和老师们用所学的知识问好:
hello/hi/good morning/nice to meet you/how are you?
  4.count the fruit of each group, praise the best one.
step 5: homework
1.say the rhyme and sing the song.
2.after school, say “hello” to your father ang mother.
三、 教学反思:
本节课,根据教学内容我恰当地选择了教学方法,如通过做动作表情让学生体会到“how are you?”及其回答;用guessing game 引入新的单词。在区委操练中,我让学生“走近”“走远”中体会带记忆单词的乐趣,同时又以朗朗上口的rhyme刺激学生的记忆。
 因为本节课的我问候语是对前几单元的延续,学生虽然有了一定的感性认识,但是有的回答还比较抽象,学生不易理解,我以和 的出现,加深学生对 的理解。学生在真实的语境中学习和运用语言,促使了他们综合语言运用能力的形成。
在课堂上,我坚持从小处看事,关注每个细节,例如我做的bag 以及let me open the bag.为今后的学习作铺垫,同时在课始就引入竞争机制,学习饶有兴味,以“趣”贯穿课的始终,以细节体悟出人文关怀,增强了交流的真实性。123


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