【unit】Unit 7 It’s nice

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-18 网络整理 晴天


unit 7 it’s nice
一teaching aim
1words:look,look at .,her,.his,a shirt, new ,a blouse, a jacket, a sweater, a t-shirt..a dress, a skirt, a coat ,.smart.pretty, nice.
2 sentences
look at …..
it is smart/pretty./nice.
how nice.
this /that is her/his …
二difficult and important points
1能听懂,会说look at …及其应答it is smart/pretty/nice/. how nice.
能用this is …和that is …介绍物品.
2 a dress ,a skirt ,a t-shirt ,a jacket.a sweater,a coat ,a shirt.a blouse,和物主代词 his,her 以及形容词new.
三 teaching aids
四 教学过程
step 1 :free talk
t:hi. boys and girls.                      s hi, miss…
t good morning ,class.                    s good morning
t hello, how are you?                      s fine,thank you .
t i am fine,too.    
t hello, how are you ?                    s:not so good.
t i am sorry.
t hello, i am …,what is your name?         s i am ……
t nice to meet you.                       s nice to meet you ,too.
教师拿出doll,this is ketty.                 s nice to meet you .
拿出衣服this is a shirt (重复几遍) 把单词图卡片贴在黑板上,teach  “shirt”学生跟读,同法学习jacket ,blouse, sweater.
中间穿插一个游戏1教师说英语,学生拿衣服,2 学生说英语,教师拿衣服.或衣服图片
step 3 sentences
t look,l this is my blouse.(讲两遍)
1 teach “look,”train practise
3在学生介绍时,教师引出”it is nice” teach “it is nice.”
4 把look ,this is my… “ it is nice.”进行表演
step 4
1将刚才在近处的东西放到远处, 呈现that  is
比如 look ,that is my shirt
学生猜测到(that is my shirt )的意思
2 teach “that is train practise
3 make sentences (students)用i t is nice. how nice回答
step 5
this is her blouse.
this is her pencil box
this is he r doll1234
her jacket? no,no,no
her shirt ?no,no,no
her book?no,no,no 
先说出her的意思,teach her ,用her  组词
师:look,this is her …              学生  it is nice
look, this is her                      
look.this is her ……..
step 6学生看找老师的动作说句型”this is ….that is …”
step 7 listen to the tape

step 1 .free talk
t: hello, what is your name?        s :my name is …
t: look, this is my sweater.         s :oh, it is nice.     t :thank you.
t :look, that is my blouse.          s: it is nice.        t: thank you.
t :(教师示意,交换)    
t :it is nice .                     s : look,. this is my new book.
t :it is nice .                     s :look,that is my shirt .
step 2:
教师指着一女生,让学生说       s: this is her blouse.
指另一个女生                   s :this is her t-shirt.
教师指着另一个男生,边指边说: t: this is his shirt.( 重读)
t :this is his pencil-box.(多说几遍)
teach “his’train practise
t :this is his …
that is his                       让学生练习这两句
step 3
1review the words that we have learned
2 study the new word
拿出一件长裙what is this ?
教师呈现:dress, teach “dress” practise
同法学习“skirt,coat ,t-shirt”
3,play a game
step 4
t:look,this is my blouse.
look at my blouse(twice)
teach “look at “ train practise
教师教授歌谣“look,look,look,look at my …”
在练习的过程中,呈现出look at his/her..
如指一男生说:look,look,look,look at my pen
 教师改成     look,.look,look,look at his pen.
让学生举一反三,引出look at her…
step 5
在上一环节教师可渗透it is smart .then teach “it is smart”
(动作呈现)师:look at his …          生: it is smart.1234
look at her …              it is smart
生生对话:check it
listen to the tape
t :look at her blouse.              s :it is smart.
t ;yes, we also can say “it is pretty”
teach “it is pretty”               同法根据“it is smart”
t:look at my blouse.                  s :it is smart/pretty.
t:thank you.(拿一件新衣服()
look at my new …                    s:it is smart/pretty.
重读:new 且提醒新旧东西
左边:新文具盒, 右边:旧文具盒;(new?)no,
teach “new”
new book.my new book.     new pencil .my new pencil,
t:look at my new skirt.
s :it is pretty.(twice)
exchange and pair work
t :listen to the tape and read after it

step 1 review
1、 教师呈现图片,让学生说出这些衣物的名称。
2、 快速呈现图片,让学生快速反应。
t: what’s this?    s: a shirt/ t-shirt/ sweater.
step 2: fun house 1
1、 认识图片
2、 整体听录音
3、 边听边做
4、 听、检查
step 3 free talk
t: hello, i’m xx. what’s your name?  s: i’m xx.
t: nice to meet you.                s: nice to meet you, too.
t: look at my new blouse.           s: it’s pretty.
t: look at his new shirt.             s: it’s smart.
t: look at her dress.                s: it’s nice.
step 4 look and say
1、 shoe the pictures to students.
2、 教师对第一幅图进行示范。
t: look at his jacket.
s: it’s nice.
t: look at his pencil-box.
s: it’s nice.
3、 学生在教师的指引下将另外三幅图讨论,表演。
4、 检查
step 5 区分 “look, this is…” 和 “look, that’s…”
1、教师先说“look, this is…”。再利用身边的东西说“look, that’s…”
3、 全班分成四组,四人一组讨论,进行表演,可让学生适当增加一些内容,如:“hello,…”
step 6 listen a song
step 7 exercise book
listen and judge
1、 学生自己看图片,若干学生说说每幅图大概讲些什么?
2、 教师检查
3、 listen to the tape and do it1234
4、 check the answer
step 8 sing a song “goodbye”

step 1 free talk
t: hello, boys and girls.     ss: hello, miss/ mr….
t: how are you?           s: not bad, thank you.
t: look at my shirt.        s: it’s smart.
t: look at her blouse.       s: it’s pretty.
t: look at his …           s: oh, it’s nice.
step 2 listen or sing a song.
step 3: 复习巩固表示颜色的词
1、 教师准备两套卡片,第一套为颜色卡片,第二套为衣服卡片,衣服卡片上的衣物部分被减掉,变成中空。
2、 先把衣服卡片给学生看一遍,将其中的一张放在背后,让学生猜。如:a dress? no. a skirt? yes.
3、 教师再拿出颜色卡片,问学生“what colour is it?” 学生回答:“blue.”等。teach “what colour?”  practice.
4、 在所有颜色问过以后,把颜色卡片放在衣服卡片后,让衣服卡片的中空部分显示出背后颜色卡片的颜色。
5、 教师问“what colour?” 学生答:“blue/ yellow….”
6、 请学生上台把颜色卡片和衣服卡片加以随意组合,藏于背后,让其他学生猜。
step 4 finish the exercise book
a  1、look at the picture.
   2、listen to the tape
3、listen and circle
b  1、look at the picture
   2、listen and write the colour
   3、colour the things



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